My journey


Well-Known Member
yes i would like too see some updates verymuch, i cannot believe the transformation they have gone through to be honest i thought they were some of the shittiest plants in the world


Well-Known Member
Sorry to read the cook's were not killer's just eat more! Next time cut the butter back, by half... That is what picks the thc up! And carries it for us... Well the fat in it. Db.~tlb! :)

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Sorry to read the cook's were not killer's just eat more! Next time cut the butter back, by half... That is what picks the thc up! And carries it for us... Well the fat in it. Db.~tlb! :)
Its all little cookie snacks so no loss!!!
I think me pulling the males so quick had some to do to. . . . .good thing i did though b/c sweetness is all of 43" tall and taking up the entire grow cab! I had to slightly lst her top as she was getting to close to the bulb and i'm out of vertical space!
Gotta do some remodeling after shes done. . . . .and I got five BB seeds to start tap roots!! They're super thick and healthy looking so i put them in cups and starting again!!! Gotta get the veg op figured out though. . . .
sorry i've been slackin, been busy...i'll try and catch up this weekend!!



Well-Known Member
Its all little cookie snacks so no loss!!!
I think me pulling the males so quick had some to do to. . . . .good thing i did though b/c sweetness is all of 43" tall and taking up the entire grow cab! I had to slightly lst her top as she was getting to close to the bulb and i'm out of vertical space!
Gotta do some remodeling after shes done. . . . .and I got five BB seeds to start tap roots!! They're super thick and healthy looking so i put them in cups and starting again!!! Gotta get the veg op figured out though. . . .
sorry i've been slackin, been busy...i'll try and catch up this weekend!!

Nice 43"ers. Two of mine stoped at 43" the other at 49.75"

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Nice 43"ers. Two of mine stoped at 43" the other at 49.75"
Thanks bud!:mrgreen:
I can't afford for her to get that tall!!!!!!! I got her lst'ing a little at the top....i'm actually thinking about doing it in a few other places too.....not sure yet.:blsmoke:

hey everyone i got a journal setup please visit if you would like

Ohh and by the way blazin i stole you suggestion and made it the title
FUCK YEAH!!!!:joint::joint::joint:
Love the Title!!:hump:
On my way!!:blsmoke:


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls. . . . . . I hope you like them barely legal b/c this girl just turned sexy!!

Mostly shots of the side stalks. . . .i have something like 16 that are looking just as good as the main one!!!:twisted:

Enjoy! :joint::joint::joint:

Picture 176.jpg

Picture 177.jpg

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Picture 179.jpg

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Picture 181.jpg

Picture 182.jpg

Picture 184.jpg

Picture 185.jpg

Picture 187.jpg

Picture 188.jpg

Picture 189.jpg


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from my 400w bagseed grow!

I'm about three and half weeks in!

These are all from side stalks too! I can't wait until they all fill in!!!


This way is so much sexier!!

Hey DB here in about a week ya think i can drive????? HUH HUH? I think i can I think i can. . .. . . . I'll practice all the time until then!!!!



blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
holy shit man they are beautiful great close ups what kind of camera do you have

Its a Sanyo VPC-E870

8 megapixel and i zoomed and croped when i uploaded them!!!! I just can't wait!!
The camera didnt really pick it up but some of the hairs are actually purplish!! Looks so sweet, def. a purple pheno. . . . . i've only had to drop it to 68 at night to get the purp to come out in her!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Double posted some how so i erased it! LOL

So i think i'm going to insert my images from now on!! They look so fuckin cool! I can't believe that its my baby!!



Well-Known Member
I wonder if the busmaster speeds up the flowering process becuse im not even 3 weeks but my buds look more advanced than your sexy girl. maby big bud grows fast. looks very healthy BW

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I wonder if the busmaster speeds up the flowering process becuse im not even 3 weeks but my buds look more advanced than your sexy girl. maby big bud grows fast. looks very healthy BW
Than you thank you. . . . . it would make sense that it would be you got good genetics! and two, once vertical growth stops it goes to the buds right?

how tall are yours again?

I wish i'd had some of that awhile ago maybe keep this monster from growing up any more!!



Well-Known Member
Not very tall at all 3 are like 22 inches 1 is about 14 inches and the bigest is about 35
Does this mean my buds wont get any taller and I wont have to move my lights anymore?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Not very tall at all 3 are like 22 inches 1 is about 14 inches and the bigest is about 35
Does this mean my buds wont get any taller and I wont have to move my lights anymore?
If you're not noticing any vertical growth then they should be growing out not up. . . . . . And that has to be the reason B/C Sweetness is 44" tall, i think i'm going to top the BB and start flowering around 8"-10" b/c shorty was right where i would have liked. . . . .about 20 inches when i pulled him. . . . .but i got the 5 BB seeds in cups. . . .they all had nice ass tap roots!
