my kid dumped out all my nutes


Well-Known Member
yeah i just bought the tri pack of fox farm nutes and now its in the carpet, i took a towl and soaked as much as i could up and then put the towl in a bucket of water to try to save as much as possible.. i left the trio in the hallway by mistake and hes 2 so yeah, he did the same thing last week with a full bottle of laundry detergent. cant get mad at the little guy! just cant let him out of sight for 5 mins


Well-Known Member
Shitty, good thing he didn't drink it. My daughter did the same thing to my full bottle of molasses last year and it was a pain in the ass to clean up.:-|


Well-Known Member
yea he wouldnt drink it he just likes to pour stuff out, thank god though. he knew he did wrong, but hey those are some colorful bottles and to a kid i can see why he would wanna play with them


Active Member
i wouldnt leave anything laying around at waist level or lower if u got little kids running around. Exspecially some chemicals...


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt leave anything laying around at waist level or lower if u got little kids running around. Exspecially some chemicals...
right, lets not confuse this with me being negligent guys, it was a mistake for me to leave it in my hallway but thats cuz the growroom is locked n i dont have a key, my grow room is locked up and of course im legal, he does this type of this all the time, he goes in the fridge and takes out pop bottles and pours them out too, in a bath he pours out the soap lol hes 2 anyone with a two year old has dealt with this too


Well-Known Member
Kudos for being a man and admitting that this was your fault as a parent and not the little one. Thanks for not going off on your son because YOU left something out for him to get into.


Well-Known Member
Kudos for being a man and admitting that this was your fault as a parent and not the little one. Thanks for not going off on your son because YOU left something out for him to get into.
of course man, hey were all human n make mistakes, he didnt drink it and thats whats important, and if he had i sure wouldnt be posting threads on


Well-Known Member
He did you a favor.
I assume that is a knock against FF. If not, please accept my apologies for assuming. If it is, please explain your comment. I'm sure there are better nutes you can use on your plants, but what's wrong with FF? I have been using their entire schedule for going on 2 years now with great results.


Active Member
Uhh, never would I leave chemicals where my kid could get them and I don't even have one yet.

I don't care what you want to be called and not be called that's negligent. You even said that he got into DETERGENT the other day, come on.


Well-Known Member
Uhh, never would I leave chemicals where my kid could get them and I don't even have one yet.

I don't care what you want to be called and not be called that's negligent. You even said that he got into DETERGENT the other day, come on.
REALLY DUDE? look, i can see where ur coming from but ask any parent even ur own! kids will get into shit period.. u dont know me and yeah i can see it looks bad but it happens. everyones fine and ill make sure it wont happen again. dont act like u never made a mistake. its not like i left a loaded gun laying around man! just some nutes


Active Member
REALLY DUDE? look, i can see where ur coming from but ask any parent even ur own! kids will get into shit period.. u dont know me and yeah i can see it looks bad but it happens. everyones fine and ill make sure it wont happen again. dont act like u never made a mistake. its not like i left a loaded gun laying around man! just some nutes
I've made too many mistakes to count, but I've learned from them. I know that the FIRST time would be the LAST time that my kid got into chemicals because they were at a low level and not properly shelved, which is all it takes to keep them away from your kids.

Am I calling you a neglectful parent in general? No, I'm not in any way saying that, but at least learn from your mistakes and invest in some shelves if that's what's keeping you from putting your things on shelves. I never said that I KNEW you, or your parenting methods, but as a forum post goes, it doesn't leave much to see other than the black and white that's put in front of you.


Well-Known Member
damn i should have known before i posted this thread that someone was gonna blow it out of proportion and make me feel bad about it, believe me my kids are safe and again it was a mistake i take responsibility for, it just cost me $50 as well if that makes u feel better kizzurt


Well-Known Member
I've made too many mistakes to count, but I've learned from them. I know that the FIRST time would be the LAST time that my kid got into chemicals because they were at a low level and not properly shelved, which is all it takes to keep them away from your kids.

Am I calling you a neglectful parent in general? No, I'm not in any way saying that, but at least learn from your mistakes and invest in some shelves if that's what's keeping you from putting your things on shelves. I never said that I KNEW you, or your parenting methods, but as a forum post goes, it doesn't leave much to see other than the black and white that's put in front of you.
as said the growroom that has a lock on it ( where i normally keep those things) as said is locked n i couldnt get in it so i put them in the hallway on a ledge but he somehow got them down, anyway ur right im wrong. wont happen again, thanks for the advice! anyone wanna tell me how to use this bucket of now dilluted nutes in my grow?


Active Member
damn i should have known before i posted this thread that someone was gonna blow it out of proportion and make me feel bad about it, believe me my kids are safe and again it was a mistake i take responsibility for, it just cost me $50 as well if that makes u feel better kizzurt

Or your kids life?

I think you need to stop smoking or smoke more, you're not seeing things very clearly if you think losing $50 is just a penalty for this mistake. Want to know the reason your kid isn't drinking it? Probably because he isn't strong enough to pick up a big bottle of liquid over his head to get the liquid out into his mouth. It's fine for now, I'm just trying to warn you before you end up on the news man.


Active Member
as said the growroom that has a lock on it ( where i normally keep those things) as said is locked n i couldnt get in it so i put them in the hallway on a ledge but he somehow got them down, anyway ur right im wrong. wont happen again, thanks for the advice! anyone wanna tell me how to use this bucket of now dilluted nutes in my grow?
Well, onto your new task at hand, scrounging up what's left of the nutes.

There's no way to test the strength of the actual nutrients left, in my opinion. I guess you could put some into your water and test the PPM? Try to get it right, I'm not a big PPM tester, I just go by the back of the bottle instructions but there's plenty of info on that on RIU.


Well-Known Member
Given the label directions for the liquid nutes, I would not worry too much about the Big Bloom, it seems fairly tame, but I think Tiger and especially the Grow Big you need to be careful of. Any sense of the proportions in your diluted mix? I assume it is a mix..


Well-Known Member

Or your kids life?

I think you need to stop smoking or smoke more, you're not seeing things very clearly if you think losing $50 is just a penalty for this mistake. Want to know the reason your kid isn't drinking it? Probably because he isn't strong enough to pick up a big bottle of liquid over his head to get the liquid out into his mouth. It's fine for now, I'm just trying to warn you before you end up on the news man.
1. i dont smoke bud bro, 2. look man, i can see if i was complaining if he drank it about the money but thats not the case. also i highly doubt (although i could be wrong) that my kid could down a quart of tigerbloom or even a sip for that matter, of course ur right i shouldnt of left it there thats forsure,he is safe, he didnt drink it, he spilled it out and thats that.


Well-Known Member
Given the label directions for the liquid nutes, I would not worry too much about the Big Bloom, it seems fairly tame, but I think Tiger and especially the Grow Big you need to be careful of. Any sense of the proportions in your diluted mix? I assume it is a mix..
i just soaked up as much as possible and then filled up a 5 gallon bucket and put the saturated towls in the bucket and rang them out


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was his way of tellin you"don't use fox farm"?I dunno

Good to hear nothin bad happened.'ll have a little more understanding.....when YOU have kids.YOU will do things also that could lead to a problem.Kinda sounds like someone who never drank tryin to tell an alcoholic how to quit drinkin,kinda hard thing to do when you don't have the experience yanno.


Well-Known Member
C'mon you guys cut him some slack. I'm sure if the kid had a propensity to drink any and everything, spence would have dropped whatever it was and locked the shit up immediately. But no, the kid has a propensity to dump shit out. Spence thought it would be safe on a shelf for a bit, it wasn't. And some people just have a propensity to flame people.