Whatever helps you sleep at night, that is not cultivation faciltiy material, no matter what you say or believe, and neither are hempy buckets..Looks good... Not for a master as you claim to be, you plants are just living not thriving.
Your photos suggest you obviously have no concept about maximizing you plant potential during specific times throughout it's life cycle.
Wait, is that technique even possible? LOL
I hope that bud shot you posted is not close to harvest because that is a wispy bitch.
Poor patients...
Nice bubba colas, I wonder what the plant count will be to make that harvest worthwhile.
Maybe try cutting expenses by shutting off the AC.?.?
If you can control the temp, I doubt you would be running at 85 even when enriched.
i hope your "employer" sees what you write on RIU.
Craigslist and unproven cuts from people who claim to be growing with no dry product, that is what I'm taking away from you. Blinded by the light
FYI that bubba is a slut cut, everyone is getting their turn.
A master like you should strive for exclusivity.
Watch the Jiro movie and learn some humility, since real life has no effect on you.