My liberty haze and others under the Fero AF600


Well-Known Member
hey Campo looking good!! can`t wait to see them blooming!! how far from the canopy do you have the AF-600 atm!? How does it feel to have created some seeds that are being grown across the globe from you!? hehe swing by my journal if you want to see how my 2 little Petite Blanche are coming along!! I am gonna have to do some reading and get the veg part of their growth dialed in because they are flowering pretty nicely!!

Cool man happy growing!!! :bigjoint:

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Hey Mr E whats up.... and tx for popping by
I am keeping the AF 600 about 25" from the canopy in veg and she is doing good about there
I am seeing no stretching as of yet.... slowly slowly I find is the best way less is often more...... lol I sound like my old gran bless her moth eaten socks ;)
stay tuned and lets see the GPW we get from this one fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Yes you are right I truly think that it is easy to get tricked into thinking that the light should be closer because there isnt much heat to them, but I think I am seeing the best growth when its further than closer ... One thing I like though is once in a while I have a plant that goes wild and gets really close, so far my newer lights have not been bleaching any of my plants. I am still trying to figure out the optimal height for flowering, so far I have seen good results far from the light and fairly close to it as well... but farther gives you more coverage and healthier plants... it`s a fine line!! Keep us posted on the distance of your light from canopy and I will do the same... together we can find the sweet spot faster! Cheers Campo

EDIT BTW, do you have your containers in containers to collect the runoff? if so, are you not worry that the roots dont get enough oxygen?

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Hi Mr E ok yeah for sure it would be great to work out the sweet spot between us... I found on some of the older trials that like you say because of the lack of heat its easy to bring them in right close, but I found that the plants actually stopped resin production (almost dried up) and showed signs of stress with multiple heads (on one occasion showing as if I had nipped them) what I did notice that the plants show no signs of stretching at 20 -25 inches so why change something that works
I have hit the 1 gramm per watt a few times with led's now and I'm happy to stand on the side of caution, but as always there is room for improving my techniques
I think to really test the sweet spot I would have to try it with a smaller system in a small area using the same diodes and watts per foot as when I am looking at a pound weight return per 4 ft tent I'm to much of a pussy to risk holding them up at all :)
yes my pots are in pots because i'm using a very aerated medium co-co/per-lite and hydro pebbles I haven't had any problems
when I water I flood and drain every time so I am dragging fresh O2 through to the roots every water
At the moment I only have to water about every 4 days so I rely on a lot of foliar feeding at this stage
once they start banging into flower production I end up watering once every 1-2 days which is perfect, as the wet dry cycle is in hyper drive and I can really mainline those nutes and keep good ph levels when I test the drain off I saw on my last test grow with the Fero adjustable using the same drain to waste system
I just try and keep things gentle and make changes slowly and write down everything I do so I remember what I have done when I start to see the effects 4-6 days later :)
going back to light from canopy distances ......the way I look at it is this
Ok if I push the light height to the max I might improve my yield by maybe 5% but If I get it wrong I could lose 25% so.....;) I cant help it ...risk for gain the math dont work :)
Happy tokin'
edit sorry just read the post again the second sealed container drains of through a 16mm pipe to a shower tray so the plant never stands in water however this system is seriously flawed if you only have a 2M head room when using 30L pots hence the scrog net being so close
and the reason I am tying down all the time
so I think its going to be very close and I would be lying if I wasn't worried about light distances a bit

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
I took all the growth from underneath the scrog line today on the tent I am about to flower the tent That is already flowering I will wait to about day ten before I do the same thing to be honest Its a bit scary when you have done it things look a bit bare but I know she will soon fill out (fingers crossed)
I've noticed that the food is a little on the hot side for the stage they are at i'm noticing some very slight clawing so I reduced the feed this time to just under half the recommended strength for both the old timers growth and the root stimulant however I kept the cal mag at the same levels the new readings are pH 5.8 and EEC of 0.9 rather than the 1.1 I had it at before I will also weaken the foliage spraying as well
my reading of the run of was 6.5 ph and 1.5 EEC still within acceptable levels I think if not perfect
I may double up the light in the second tent as of now I am running 340 watts in the 1.4 sqM and although the growth is good I would be happier if my wet dry cycle was a little more rapid as It was 6 days between watering in the 30L pots this time so I will have 2x 340 watt adjustables in the tent
with the af600 I will just increase the power to its full 590 watts now...... I love this light.....

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
hey whats up guys!!!!
so Tent 1 is two weeks into flower under the AF-600 and tent 2 is 5 days into flower under the two adjustables Ive staggered them as I wanted to see the results between the two different veg periods when doing a scrog set up more heads versus bigger heads is the theory we will see when we weigh up at the end
also I am doing another trial with height distances within tent 2 I have one 340 watt adjustable pinned virtually to the ceiling of the tent on one side and the second 340 watt adjustable I keep to around 20 " above the canopy
so far at this stage I can see no differences in node spacing (which is very tight) which I am pleased about being a lazy bastard not having to adjust the height is a bonus the easier the better (so I can spend more time standing around gazing at the plants :bigjoint:)
also as I am using a drain to waste co/perlite/hydropebble mix and the waste is plumbed there is to be honest very little for me to do with the scrog set up
I am a bit concerned about the slow wet / dry cycle Im still only feeding every 4-5 days hopefully when they start banging into flower the transpiration will increase and I will be able to water/feed every couple of days, we will have to wait and see
Tent two under two 340 watt adjustables 4 plant scrog set up day 5 of flower with 2x Liberty Haze(Barneys Farm) 1x Blue Widow (Dinafem) and 1x Northern light Blue (Delicious seeds)

I will post the pics of tent 1 with the AF600 when the lights turn on tonight day 14 of flower


All looking top banana cc! :weed:

I'm very interested in you talking about the sweet spot for leds regarding distance from the plants and had always thought that folks growing with leds on grow forums had a really big distance between the led array and the plants themselves so it's very informative that you've chimed in with a lot of personal experience about this, what with you reporting plants going a bit weird when placed too near the diodes.

I've in the past been very skeptical of claims made for leds and this was based on seeing many online grows with the earlier generations of led lighting and also that a friend bought a small panel which was if memory serves about 40w and was great in veg but didn't have the power to flower properly but since then am seeing more and more evidence that top end pro led lighting ( you get what you pay for! ) really does what it says on the tin and so am getting quite a bit personally intrigued about this new generation of lights whose technology now it seems has properly matured so I'm strapped in for this grow Campo Cultivator as you've got some good led kit in the start of what looks to be a very interesting grow journal?

All the best with it bruv :wink:



Active Member
Awesome grow, I have always wanted to try liberty haze. They have 2 of my fav genetics in there. I am growing vanilla kush right now and can't wait till its done.

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
@Rockster hey my brother from another mother :) whats up good to see you here yes for sure the sweet spot is something That needs working out I think a lot will depend on the type of lens in the led and as I have tried so many different ones I still haven't worked it out yet.... I will talk about it some more in another thread my head hurts to much this morning ;) one thing I have noticed I havent encountered any stretching at the 25 " mark in veg... the node spacing are still incredibly tight so really my view is.... why push it ? after writing the post yesterday I went and had another good look at the adjustable tent and there is some very slight (I wouldnt call it bleaching) but a subtle lighter colour on the tips as I said in a older post my first 3watt led trial I noticed that the buds when in flower seemed to mutate and stop resin production at the tips of the buds which was strange when the light was to close so for me for now as far as I am concerned the sweet spot is well high
@spawned well the liberty haze one of the seedlings I chucked outside to flower when It was young and to be honest I chucked some nutes at it maybe 3 times and pretty much ignored it so I cut her down as the night temps were finishing her off and yesterday I smoked the first doobie with it...oh dear I got in a bit of a mess clutching the side of my desk (basically to strong for my tastes) I dread to imagine what the indoors under leds turn out like :shock: but for sure pull up a chair and lets see what they turn out like (although some one else might have to do the smoke report ;)+

ok here are a couple of pics of tent 1 ( Fero AF600) day 14 of flower with 1 x liberty haze 1x northern lights blue and two blue widow (I think)


Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
I have scrogged for the last time in tent 1 today day 15 of flower I am just going to let the do their thing now
the tent is packed out with many strong heads I am hoping for good things
The plants look healthy and vibarent Its great to be growing so many different photo period strains and I am loving the scrog
I defoliated under the scrog line for the second time today and that will also be the last time

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
hey guys figured it was time to update the grow log
I am still adding the silicone but have left out the root stimulant now and I have stopped bending the plants to the scrog line and just leaving them to it now grow girls
I was wondering if anyone could help ? I have had a number of brief power outages due to storms in the plants light cycle the last couple of weeks anyone have any idea how this might affect the overall yield ???
So here we have it Tent 1 Day 26 of flower



Well-Known Member
I dont think it will affect your yield at all, as long as you dont have another power outtage for a while. Looking :weed: it's gonna be a nice load.

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
lol we will have to wait and c about the power outages I live in the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain in Andalusia Spain I will c how this one goes if it doesn't work out well then I will get back to autos
I quite like a super auto named Chaze which is a nice big plant ideal for scrogging 100 days seed to harvest however its nice growing photo period plants indoors after such a long run with autos
tx for popping by


Well-Known Member
lol we will have to wait and c about the power outages I live in the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain in Andalusia Spain I will c how this one goes if it doesn't work out well then I will get back to autos
I quite like a super auto named Chaze which is a nice big plant ideal for scrogging 100 days seed to harvest however its nice growing photo period plants indoors after such a long run with autos
tx for popping by
dont you find autos to be not potent enough? I like it when the genetic allows me to reach 12-15+% THC... not to mention having to use more power for similar results? After thinking about it some more I cant help but to think that autos are best for quick outdoor crop, or like you say if one was struggling with power outage or for different reasons (like growing buds in a veg cabinet/room) but it seems to me like 12/12 from seed with photoperiod has much more to offer, dont you agree? :eyesmoke:

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
hehehehe lol not sure possibly it will depend on the auto and the circumstances :)
I cant help it I love autos and Ive never had them tested so I dont know the percentage It get me stoned but then im a bit of a lightweight
I will let you know what I think of the 12/12 thing when I have given it a go with these cheese no1
It will be interesting to see how long they take compared to a auto
Ive grown some very nice super auto sativa crosses that yielded me 300 grams plus indoors that I think were very potent but then I am looking at a 100 day plus grows
they are certainaly worth experimenting with bruv

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
I foliar sprayed today with a 3rd strength boost from plant magic I think the plants might like it :) they should start booming now (fingers crossed) so by foliar feeding this will give them the bang they need to start the real bud production I'm a bit worried I may have scrogged them to much especially in tent 2 lol so many heads now I hope they will get big enough if so I will be rubbing my hands together just after xmas :)Dinafem have asked me to test some of there range but I reckon with the cheese no1 Ive just started, i'm probably going to have to wait until Feb, so I guess watch this space for updatesAnd yes Mr E I have just started some other cheeses to try out the 12/12 from seed :) how did the Petite Blanche pan out in the end ?


Well-Known Member
I foliar sprayed today with a 3rd strength boost from plant magic I think the plants might like it :) they should start booming now (fingers crossed) so by foliar feeding this will give them the bang they need to start the real bud production I'm a bit worried I may have scrogged them to much especially in tent 2 lol so many heads now I hope they will get big enough if so I will be rubbing my hands together just after xmas :)Dinafem have asked me to test some of there range but I reckon with the cheese no1 Ive just started, i'm probably going to have to wait until Feb, so I guess watch this space for updatesAnd yes Mr E I have just started some other cheeses to try out the 12/12 from seed :) how did the Petite Blanche pan out in the end ?
I will probably chop the last one tonight, it's got much bigger buds than the first one. She is very stinky it's crazy... she doesnt have a ton of trichromes but she only had the kessil over her for the whole grow until I transfered her into a 12/12 room. Anyway, I smoked a joint of the first one I chopped last night and it was great smoke! :eyesmoke: will post pics of the buds later !


Well-Known Member
Looking stellar campo was wondering when you were going to update your liberty haze led grow. I will be flushing my 7 chemdog phenotypes on thanksgiving for 14 days. Love the lime funk smell. One plant I lst/scrog and the rest vertically grown. All nice multi branched responded well to foliar fulvic spraying. The most yielding will be the lst/scrog one and the next the one that took to the fim after the initial topping. So have you decided yet to make a mother I know you were contemplating on it before if it would be a good candidate.