My Little Auto's


Well-Known Member
i was looking for some amazing fotos on google and came across that! on the site i put back there
doesn't have bud, the leafs really don't look like weed ones, the crystal really look alot like ice flakes kinda like when you pull some ice cream that as been in a freezer for some time you open the lid and the top is full of ice!!!!
ya looks like freezer frost build up to me, doesnt look like thc at all lol


Well-Known Member
looks like frost to me it looks like wires in the background . they would have had to taken the pic really quick as to noe see it melt. was there other pics with it?

David Fonseca

Active Member
of that just that one but there were plenty of other's
but it would have been cool to see something like that be for real lol

David Fonseca

Active Member
I made an addition to my setup 2 24w bulbs on the corners to spread a bit more light now that i took my reflector of and hanged my 200w vertically! hope they like it:)
my male is slow moving hope is got some pollen for me fast!!!!!

biggest and smelliest of them all

Don't know if you can spot it but theres some pistils coming out of the top :) and this one is the smallest
a weird leaf

The one thats in the bigger pot and is the medium sized one

i toke some little clones of one of them just to prove it can be done with auto flower but its not viable cause they will be the same age as the mother and when they finally grow some roots it will almost be at the end of her life so they wont produce almost nothing

and this is some bag seeds that i am growing on 12\12 and will do some scrog of the ones that come out fems


Well-Known Member
im sure theyll like the extra lite good job too bad about the auto clones i always figure a learnin is usually expensive so u got out cheap on this 1 lol

David Fonseca

Active Member
dont be man the clones are from lowest part of the plant they would give me nothing cause they dont get any light down there its just a test to prove that it can be done but its not viable atleast not with this strain that as the shortest life time of the autos

David Fonseca

Active Member
Sure does doesn't it :) i hope they start filing up quickly cause they gotta allot to grow still!!!
thanks for coming by!


Active Member
I was just bothering my lil girl here and I notice I have an odd set of leaves as well.........ill post the pic in my thread a lil later......

David Fonseca

Active Member
Hey there :)
thats normal?? i never saw that!!! ill post it there in bit cheers lince:)
here goes some pics sorry for the bad quality but thay were taken in a hurry!
the last one is moving allot slower she as hardly any hair's in comparison to the other two she seems to be growing more to the sides, her branches are starting to grow past the main stem!!


Well-Known Member
Hey there :)
thats normal?? i never saw that!!! ill post it there in bit cheers lince:)
here goes some pics sorry for the bad quality but thay were taken in a hurry!
the last one is moving allot slower she as hardly any hair's in comparison to the other two she seems to be growing more to the sides, her branches are starting to grow past the main stem!!

Yes, I'd say that mutations on the small fingers of the leaves are one of the common mutations :)

Plants are looking real good mate. It looks like you've got some different plant with big branches hehe, I've got a similar one but is one of the males, the branches are not bigger than the main cola but they were much longer than the branches in the other plants.

Looking forward to see her develop :)