My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Got 2 more males outta the way today! Those bastards :) And we got our veg/clone/mother box built so now we are set up for our next grow. We should be pumping out some every few weeks after this one. And they will be good strains that we actually know the names of, haha. Check back for more updates, i should be getting more pics tomorrow as these things are changing every day. And i love getting rid of the males here and there. It really opens things up and reconfirms my thoughts on what im doing :)


Well-Known Member
Also whats everyone's thoughts on the whole thing about giving them less water towards the end to increase thc and giving them like 3 days of dark before you harvest? Is this true or something worth trying? If im not mistaken Natmoon, isnt that what you do? Give them less water and a few days of dark? If you did then im going to try it for sure cause your plants are simply amazing!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have done just that before, and I noticed that my buds actually loosened up abit. They seemed to try and search for light by stretching..So I am not a big fan, but, I sure it could be strain dependent also. My two cents...


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics...i dont know if they will work or not. They are day 51 and 52 i believe. Day 17 and 18 of flower. They are forming really nicely. We were left with 18 healthy, tenacious females. They are really something to behold huh? (not my plants, but cannabis in general)



Active Member
Heres some new pics. These are of days 51 and 52 i believe which is flower day 17 and 18. We got rid of all the males successfully and we are left with 18 beautiful, healthy, thriving females. The buds are forming very nicely now. The calyx are very plump and the pistils are firm. The snow is already falling :) What does everyone think?



Active Member
And a few more. I think these are all Flower Day 17. Oh, keep in mind these and the ones above them are right after we watered them and they had been sitting outside in the cool air for about 20min. The leaves do look a little droopy there. Monday ill get some better shots.



Well-Known Member
whered ya go FatalShot,,it's been ten days since an update,,you get tangled in the root mass,,lost in the bushy thriving jungle,,maybe yur stuck in there,,from all that resin when they were new seedlings,,,did more than 1 in a pot,,come back and bite ya,,did you get busted,,hello,,,,,hello,,,,maybe you went for coffee,,,in Beirut,,bring me a black with sugar,,and an update

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
whered ya go FatalShot,,it's been ten days since an update,,you get tangled in the root mass,,lost in the bushy thriving jungle,,maybe yur stuck in there,,from all that resin when they were new seedlings,,,did more than 1 in a pot,,come back and bite ya,,did you get busted,,hello,,,,,hello,,,,maybe you went for coffee,,,in Beirut,,bring me a black with sugar,,and an update

Keep on Growin

He's having trouble with getting on the site. It's way slow for him for some reason. His stuff looks very good though. I saw them on photobucket. He'll be back. Cheers. :peace:

Well-Known Member
Natmoon, Im pretty sure you kidding with me. But just in case, read the whole thing, youll see im not leaving them all in there, it will be 1 per maybe 2 per pot. Please read before you comment on pics. Also, since i know you dont respect my advice and opinion, maybe youll respect fdd2blk's who seems to agree with me (go back and read this thread from beginning, youll see. You can do it, its only 3 pages and theres pretty pics too. Also, Natmoon, i didnt put the seeds in the 5 gal buckets. They were grown in plugs in a seed tray under a dome until the plug was almost covered in roots. An if you look at the pictures, my plants are not stretching much at all. They are very compact and thick stalks (Thank you for noticing fdd2blk!) And i kinda think you got that little wrong. We DO want the seedlings to make new and better roots. Yes we want leave growth too, but what good is leaf growth if you dont have the roots to take up nutes and support the weight of the plant? I think you got it just a little wrong, but not too much. You're doing pretty good.

Edit: Oh Nat, i check out your grow. Awesome job dude. Those buds are huge, and i love that color. Good job bro, i hope i can do that. This is just a bag seed experiment grow until my Silver Pearl and Jock Horror arrive, but i still think i can get close to 2oz per plant and im going to have between 10-15 females. Surely ill get that many out of 42 plants :) And i can fit 15 buckets in that room easy.
get off fdds dick


Well-Known Member
WTF?????I've jst spent like an hour reading this whole thread and he ups stix and fux off?????? what happened????where'e the harvest man????
i mean FFS dude!!!!! JEEEEESUS
nice grow tho lmao.


what a f***ING retard, once you're finished licking fdd's testicles clean maybe you could show us the rest of the grow!!!! what a helmet