My new journal...


Well-Known Member
Looking fukn good man!
Too bad bout your laby bug luck! I still got them Everyware!
My lighting is all sealed, so never had them getting fried!
Havn't had any probs with them and pumps ether, you got filters on them?

Looking good man, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Looking fukn good man!
Too bad bout your laby bug luck! I still got them Everyware!
My lighting is all sealed, so never had them getting fried!
Havn't had any probs with them and pumps ether, you got filters on them?

Looking good man, keep it up!

hey bud
ya the lights arent sealed yet, so i prob dug about 400 roasted ladybugs outta the tubes... haha. and maybe there is an internal filter in the pumps, not sure, but i havent added anything to them. they're still workin fine tho. now u cant even tell there ever were lady bugs. except for a few dead ones on the floor.
and ive never smelled anything quite like those plants. strong lemon pledge smell. i luv it!!!!
howd that chemo turn out?


Well-Known Member
How do Keeger,

the Chemo turned out awsome, only managed to pull 14oz's outa the batch....
But that wuz some Nice smoke!

The next 2 batch's will prove or disprove the Co2 making Exofizz or what ever it is...

Those SH i got off ya are doing great, just gotta transplant them into bigger potz, Tankz for those!

I gonna be harvesting AK47 in the next few days, and Gremlin in bout 3 weeks!
and i got a 2 week old Romulan x SSH going and just took a fresh batch of Chemo clones yesterday to replace the ak....

AK47 x SSH week 8...

Gremlin week 5....

...................... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
here's those pics epix... (1)gremlin and (2)chemo. and i attached the ealier chemo (3) i grew. u can see how much better they were than the last...

Nice, i'll dig out some pics of the chemo and go take some of the gremlin for ya! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
well heres my 16 hydro babies (and 1 dirty ex-mum) at 6 weeks into flower. ive started flushing them. cleaned out the res and the purged the system a few times. the ppm would read 400 before a fill and 700 when it got back!! the tips of the leaves are turning yellow, i'm guessing it was too many nuits. hardly noticable tho. mum was too high and is kinda burnt, but i dont give a dam bout her! my trimeter has been fukin up lately too. My electrition figures the HID's send off a pulse that fuks with the meter, so it never works right while they're on



Well-Known Member
58 days flower, theyre gettin close. the tips of all the leaves burnt and turned yellow. probably a combination of things, but overall i think it was salt buildup; too many nuits for too long with no inbetween flush. not a big deal tho, still looks awesome!!!

