My newbie plant keeps twisting and folding?

alpha don

Active Member
I'm not too sure, this plant is about a week and a half old since germ.
I gave 1/6 nute watering 2-3 days ago until drainage, i dont know why she's acting up today.
Would it be okay to give nutrient-free water today to wake her up?


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell anything without pictures but I would say if u just watered don't water some pics and u should get lots of help


Well-Known Member
For starters we need pics, secondly NEVER feed a seedling, thirdly folding/twisting sounds like overstreching from lack of light. Get us some pictures and dont give anymore nutes


Active Member
Coach Roach is right, also if your plant is only a week and half old I wouldn't be giving any nutrients to it, at least not for another week or two until its at least a little bigger to be able to handle concentrated nutrients.

alpha don

Active Member
sorry, forgot to attach photos


The soil is a bit dry but the pot is still a bit heavy, I don't think it needs a watering either.
Living under 400W MH. 18/6.

alpha don

Active Member
just quick question, when introducing nutrients (In my case, Miracle Gro 3-1-2)
do I feed every other watering or do i feed every watering?


Well-Known Member
No,I would find some better soiL and transplant,weed dont like that barky stuff like that.once you get moved into good soil you wont have to feed them for a few weeks at least.and yes sometimes you do have to feed seedlings like if you sprouted in light warrior theres not much nutes in it and you need to feed or transplant after like 5 days.


Well-Known Member
Ranchos i dont care if you start in light warrior or seed starter mix feeding at 5 days is wrong. Alpha you should try to edit posts instead of doing multiple back to back posts like that, i feed at most every other watering and that's not until they are well over a month old. You should never feed until you start to see deficiency unless you already have grown the strain several times


Well-Known Member
It says right on the bag of light warrior to start feeding after 5 days.Alpha don it dont matter what kinda soil brand it is I see the big ol chunks of lumber you got in there when I look at the pics.Anyways good luck with them plants.

alpha don

Active Member
the soil I got is organic potting soil. carries only micronutrients.
I drained her yesterday and now she is all better. nutes was a bad idea.
I will be cloning a few today aswell, I now know not to introduce nutes.
thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
the soil I got is organic potting soil. carries only micronutrients.
I drained her yesterday and now she is all better. nutes was a bad idea.
I will be cloning a few today aswell, I now know not to introduce nutes.
thanks for the advice.
Glad u have her back on track....good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
the soil I got is organic potting soil. carries only micronutrients.
I drained her yesterday and now she is all better. nutes was a bad idea.
I will be cloning a few today aswell, I now know not to introduce nutes.
thanks for the advice.
no nutes is good nutes for now. you might have to add some lime later. you can do it as a drench also.