Well-Known Member
i wanted to ask about superthrive, it is very well known and is an additive that gives hormones and stuff for plants, not NPK and NOT trace elements. on the bottle it doent say the exact ingredients, just says hormones. do you think it's any good? i have read that hormones can do improvements, and i only add N-P-K-Ca-Mg and trace elements, what do you think?
Contains vitamin b-1 and 1-naphthylacetic acid
Possible benefits of vitamin b-1:1-Naphthaleneacetic acid, commonly abbreviated NAA, is an organic compound with the formula C10H7CH2CO2H. This colourless solid is soluble in organic solvents. It features a carboxylmethyl group (CH2CO2H) linked to the "1-position" of naphthalene. NAA is a plant hormone in the auxin family and is an ingredient in many commercial plant rooting horticultural products; it is a rooting agent and used for the vegetative propagation of plants from stem and leaf cutting. It is also used for plant tissue culture.
With that being said, I sometimes use 1ml per gallon when I'm waiting for clones to root. That's the only time I use it and it's benefits are marginal at best. DynaGro makes a product called KLN which contains those ingredients plus a few others and I'd like to test it when I'm out of superthrive.
http://www.dyna-gro.com/Website pdf Files/DG KLN - Root-Gel Sht 2006.pdf