My Nutrient Set-up

eactly trial and error!! wot works for one plant or strain will not work for another some need to be pushed to the limit some need gently play unless your a fucking professor or sceintist that has been in the game for over a number of years who are we to say these nutes dont work
no one said they dont work, just that theres no justification for the silly price
no one said they dont work, just that theres no justification for the silly price

they are silly prices to some that cant afford to pay them yes but in my view you get back wot you put in to them meaning time money care all these things become a factor at the end of your grows some are lazy growers some like to do things manually but who are we to say wot works best for one strain is nt gonna be best for another . my honest opinion is that is if you have all elements dialled in and can spend as much time,money,care,for wot ever you wish to grow in which ever inviroment then you will reep the rewards at the end no you dont need to spend mega bucks on the newest most expensive nutes on the shelves but dont knock them untill you ve tried them!!
on average i spend £300 £400 max on 1 grow but earn £10,000 to £12,000 back in 3 months i think this is a tidy little profit for wot i do but others might not be so happy with all the time i spend caring for my plants!!
some need to be pushed to the limit some need gently play unless your a fucking professor or sceintist that has been in the game for over a number of years who are we to say these nutes dont work
Pushing plants will not get you your best results. Plants already know how to grow and as long as we provide them with what they need, they will pull up those minerals and do what they've done since the beginning of time.

i spend £300 £400 max on 1 grow but earn £10,000 to £12,000 back in 3 months i think this is a tidy little profit for wot i do but others might not be so happy with all the time i spend caring for my plants!!
I think we would all love to see what £300 £400 produces so if you would be so kind, please post some pics of your plants.
Pushing plants will not get you your best results. Plants already know how to grow and as long as we provide them with what they need, they will pull up those minerals and do what they've done since the beginning of time.

I think we would all love to see what £300 £400 produces so if you would be so kind, please post some pics of your plants.
ill post them up as soon as i get your journals with real experiments that are done fairly!! and we all push our plants numty shit we veg flower clone how the fuck do you get your bud if you never switch to flower? yes they might pull up those minerals as you put it but who put them there? we do of course you add extra elements into the food for them this is pushing your plants imo!!
come on i ve been waiting over 24 hour getting bored
£300 to £400 will get you 80 to 100 oz simples you never got that amount or saw it?
I think its so funny when these young in's pay out the fucking nose for shit I pay pennies for. I go into these rip-off hydro shops and all the nute/booster containers have pixtures of fucking bananas, strawberry, pineapples and the like. Fucking incredible! I don't know weather to drink this shit myself or feed it to the plants.

House and Garden is the cheapest line out there…When you compare it to any other advanced nutrient line. Go ahead …get all the advanced schedules from GH, Botanicare, Advanced and any other company pushing the limits….and add it up gallon for gallon….penny for penny. H&G is the cheapest. There is nothing wrong with pushing the limits of technology…that is how we grow and get better as a society. If it were up to stubborn, closed minded people we would still be riding horse drawn carriages, owning slaves, and going on witch hunts for a good time….Or…..maybe you guys still do?
House and Garden is the cheapest line out there…When you compare it to any other advanced nutrient line. Go ahead …get all the advanced schedules from GH, Botanicare, Advanced and any other company pushing the limits….and add it up gallon for gallon….penny for penny. H&G is the cheapest.
Please post the ppm contributions of 1ml of fertilizer into one gallon of water of the brands you mentioned above. Lets see some actual data on this subject unless you're just trolling h-and-g like you do in all your posts.
Cheddar you are not getting it, in the correct view the prices are silly. There are 6 macronutrients and 10 micronutrients that all plants require to grow, and that's it. These expensive products that claim to do all this amazing shit are just different combinations of these 6 macronutrients and 10 micronutrients that are found in the same nutes that cost a fraction of a price. There is no magic 17th nutrient that increases bud weight by 10 and turns your roots solid 24k gold. It just doesn't exist. There are a few hormones on top of the 16 nutrients that effect marijuana and they are used in rooting gels/powders. But these companies are just rearranging the same 16 nutrients that I buy for $40 a gallon and selling it for $120 for 500ml. Your marijuana girls are not like real girls, they don't care how much you spend on them. As long as they get the 16 nutrients in the correct amounts they're happy. Most of these products contain nothing beyond the 16 nutrients, and those that do contain things that have no effect on a marijuana plant.

Masonite420, you want to sell me on H&G Snake Oil? Lets see a side by side one with the snake oil and a control without.
Please post the ppm contributions of 1ml of fertilizer into one gallon of water of the brands you mentioned above. Lets see some actual data on this subject unless you're just trolling h-and-g like you do in all your posts.
O k ....gimme a day or two and I will get back to you with side by side schedules of House and Garden vs.the big brands and the total costs...
Has this guy...

View attachment 1402498

...ever posted something unrelated to H & G.?

Every time I see that avatar I cringe.

Sorry H & G guy, but it's getting old.

Has this guy...

View attachment 1402498

...ever posted something unrelated to H & G.?

Every time I see that avatar I cringe.

Sorry H & G guy, but it's getting old.

As long as you guys continue to bag on a great product that I and many others believe better will see this face........If you just stop thinking that people are out to get your money and start thinking about how they want to help the industry creating products that are inspiring new and old growers to experiment and try new things.....this is how we grow as a community in anything we do....people who refuse change....well...we can't help them...Use your favorite nutes...whatever they are...but when you knock growers for trying to make their product better....and it always can be better....that's when you put limits on yourself and the whole industry at large. You know...there was a time when people could only imagine the quality of herb we grow today...Where would we be if people hadn't tried to make it better? Making a better product....that is the goal. Peace
omg masonite why not one pic?? im confused after reading all u and chedder's comments why not one pic?
thanks to homebrew and mighty for settin things straight.. i wouldn't be suprised if chedder is mason and hes getting paid perlettertyped.
and the only pics on this whole thread from someone using facny nutes, sucked!!!!!!!! hahahhahaha
im going to drink some blood n get stronger
mayb bald people should eat hair?
flushing is only to fix fuck ups!!! how come these fancy companies want you to flush???
so u add stuff to up the ec and than u add stuff so the plants wont absorb the shit and the salt builds up slower on your gear so u buy there poop one more time before u figure out u got SCAMMED. that just seems silly. my rez stays crystal clear like a spring deep in the woods, and my roots white, and my leaves green, and i dont flush or add silly sugars or ferts with pictures designed for teenagers. mayb im lucky, no its not luck.
farmers increase yield through good seeds, and using proper nute levels with proper release rates (that means alittle more in certain spots and alittle less in others) and watering if possible. thats all my friends. nothing fancy. again,,,,, flushing was invented to remove salt buildup from improper nutrition. thats it thats all
time to blow a fatty:) thanks for the laughs girls
Yeah, just read this whole thread and I am with the guys who say its time for MasonH&Gite 420 to talk about something else. You are not going to get your point across when you can't get the balls of the H&G company out of your mouth.
Definitely NOT subbing to this pissing match.