my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)


Active Member
Mid May till right now, it has been raining almost all day/night long. Unlike Bangalore, or Hyderabad(where i was prior to bangalore) the no-rain time is not really no rain at all. I mean, the rain is like heavy drops shot from the sky(thats the real heavy rain I'm talking about) crumbles disposable glasses where I had kept the seeds to sprout on the terrace top. The no-rain time is actually 'drizzle'. So, you can take it like 24/7 rain from May end till August end.

My 'stock' got over, and the buddies with whom munnar/idukki trip used to be done stopped as they felt smoking is making them lazy and depressed :| I don't plan going there all alone anyways, hence the grow thoughts.
This happened during this current on-going monsoon season, so outdoor grow isn't really something I can approach now. Maybe by the end of August, when the rains have ceased, I could go with the outdoor grow alongside my tomatoes, brinjals/eggplants, and several other veggie grows I'm having :D

Could you describe how the seeds where packed when you got them? The website says there won't be anything on it apart from 'gift' and the brand name. But, if you press it from out, can you feel those tiny seeds? :| Living with family, so no guarantee that it would be me who would receive it. Traditional old house, so no letterbox concept. The postman rings the doorbell, and whoever comes out gets the post unless its a registered post on my name.

15K on ebay is not something I would do. I earn in dollars and the conversion rate currently is over 50. But while in India, think like an indian :D

I have three fertilizers available.
1) 19-19-19 ( general purpose )
2) 25-10-15 ( orchid grow )
3) 10-10-25 ( orchid flowering )

The 19-19-19 blue powder being 100% water soluble is what I use while I mist the veggie plants, and they all grow quite quick with healthy bright green leaves. Hope the same effect would be shown on the cannabis plants too. Your plants have pointed and long leaves, but maybe because of mine being from munnar/idukki, they look totally diff :| They were broader leaves and not that long.


Well-Known Member
Mid May till right now, it has been raining almost all day/night long. Unlike Bangalore, or Hyderabad(where i was prior to bangalore) the no-rain time is not really no rain at all. I mean, the rain is like heavy drops shot from the sky(thats the real heavy rain I'm talking about) crumbles disposable glasses where I had kept the seeds to sprout on the terrace top. The no-rain time is actually 'drizzle'. So, you can take it like 24/7 rain from May end till August end.

My 'stock' got over, and the buddies with whom munnar/idukki trip used to be done stopped as they felt smoking is making them lazy and depressed :| I don't plan going there all alone anyways, hence the grow thoughts.
This happened during this current on-going monsoon season, so outdoor grow isn't really something I can approach now. Maybe by the end of August, when the rains have ceased, I could go with the outdoor grow alongside my tomatoes, brinjals/eggplants, and several other veggie grows I'm having :D

Could you describe how the seeds where packed when you got them? The website says there won't be anything on it apart from 'gift' and the brand name. But, if you press it from out, can you feel those tiny seeds? :| Living with family, so no guarantee that it would be me who would receive it. Traditional old house, so no letterbox concept. The postman rings the doorbell, and whoever comes out gets the post unless its a registered post on my name.

15K on ebay is not something I would do. I earn in dollars and the conversion rate currently is over 50. But while in India, think like an indian :D

I have three fertilizers available.
1) 19-19-19 ( general purpose )
2) 28 - 10 - 15 ( orchid grow )
3) 10 - 16 - 28 ( orchid flowering )

The 2 and 3 are approx., I forgot the right ratio :| The 19-19-19 blue powder being 100% water soluble is what I use while I mist the veggie plants, and they all grow quite quick with healthy bright green leaves. Hope the same effect would be shown on the cannabis plants too. Your plants have pointed and long leaves, but maybe because of mine being from munnar/idukki, they look totally diff :| They were broader leaves and not that long.
living in india, that doesn't affect you. you can discard the normal grow patterns for ganj that you see online and grow anytime in the year you don't have rain. we don't get frosts, and we don't get less than 11 hours of sunlight ever in bangalore, that number will be slightly higher where you are i'm guessing, probably by a matter of minutes. you can plant your seeds whenever the rains stop and expect a harvest, or you can also plant the seeds a good one or two months before the rains come and they will be able to handle it. strains with fatter leaves from further up north are not used to growing in heavy rains (by further north i mean places like northeast india and punjab and above, and it's not uncommon for those seeds to make their way down here) and hence are not able to handle them. seeds will rarely germinate in heavy rains, even if they do, seedlings will rarely survive it. you have to plant either one or two months before the rains (preferable) or one or two weeks after the rain stops (only reason it's less preferable is that you have to water the plants yourself, rains with a well irrigated pot and good loose soil mix solve that issue, and there's no water like rainwater for the plants in my experience, only thing that comes close is mineral water).

seeds are packaged very stealthily you can't feel or see shit, whether it's attitude or pick'n'mix...order from one of those websites, preferably attitude for freebies...

and if you're earning in dollars, then that makes it even better for you, you can spend around $60 and get some of the best seeds around, shipping inclusive...or you can spend a bit less and get seeds that are almost as good, and really it won't make that big a difference. if you want a fast yield i'd advise going with a strong sativa leaning autoflower. if you're willing to wait a little bit, go for a '100%' sativa (that's how they list them but they're not really 100%). if you're really willing to wait a while and want to see what indian weed is like, plant those and grow them, but they will probably take well over 18-20 weeks of flowering, that's my guess...the sativa strains you get on the market start flowering 'late' by northern latitude standards...for our equatorial location, most of the strains you get online will start flowering almost as soon as they can because of the photoperiod...i still recommend sativas over indicas because they grow a lot more after starting to flower...

if you're looking at mandala's seeds, i strongly recommend the safari mix (20 pounds for 20 regular seeds - i prefer regular seeds because while i've heard of feminized seeds going hermie under perfectly standard conditions, not one such story from regular seeds). i also strongly recommend mr.nice's walkabout mix (similar price for 18 seeds). both are very good quality, mandala's all germed under their germination instructions, and all of mr.nice's seeds germed under my standard method of soaking in water and sowing after taproot emerges. i was talking to the owners of several seedbanks and from what i've gathered, their advised strains for our climate and weather (high humidity, consistent sunlight, little annual temperature fluctuation) are:

-ASH (Mr.Nice)
-Kali Mist (Serious Seeds)
-Kalichakra (Mandala)
-Dr.Grinspoon (Barney's Farm) <-again, i'm not an advocate of feminized seeds...
-Critical Jack (Dinafem) <- same issue

in my opinion, none of your fertilizers will do the job (they're all too strong) but many others would say otherwise
i'm a fan of organics so i just load the soil up with enough shit before hand so i only have to add water and maybe
a few trace elements if necessary. thought i had a nute problem once but i don't think the nutes were an issue after
the first rain the plant was fine...i use bone meal worm compost soil coco peat and a few organic additives we
get here in blr...


Well-Known Member
you said end of august, so now is a good time to start getting ready...budget a maximum of 2 weeks for seeds to arrive, ask around, find a nursery and get your soil sorted out, do some research and see what you wanna do, whether you wanna grow in containers or directly in the ground, etc. plan shit out and get it started when the rains get over. you can grow indoors if you want, nothing like outdoor for plants though...


Well-Known Member
if you want to start before the rain stops, you can always put four sticks around wherever your seedling cups are, and cover it with a transparent plastic sheet leaving a little room on the bottom for air and keeping the cups on a small brick or something so they don't soak up all the water that's there on the ground...


Active Member

Thanks a lot for all the explanations, and the strain suggestions along with the seedbanks you liked and would recommend :)

I have decided to play with the seeds I have saved(Complan/Horlicks Jar full of them) indirectly. Indirectly as in I did not want my maid lady to sweep them and drop it at the usual place where it could have grown in the rainy season. I'm messy in a way, and grapes, lemons, and such grows once in a while at that 'garbage drop spot' :|

Playing and trial & error with quality seeds bought online is not to be attempted, so would keep a close monitor at your topic, along with other outdoor or CFL based grows here.
No HPS/MH grows ever going to happen as that kinda hike in electricity would definitely be questioned by my family.

Hydroponics is something I wanted to try just out of curiosity and right from schooldays, I used to do those DIY thingies like door-bell, emergency lamp, music amplifier, and such.

My streets here have an orange light used as street lights, and asking the Electricity Board people, found out they are Sodium Vapour lamps. Ever heard about its usage in indoor grows, or seedling go-mature-enough stage?
Another light that made my eyes squint is something used at temples here, and they are called Mercury Vapor lamps, which are white light emissions.

If I'm successful in getting my seeds germinate, teenage them indoors, and then take them out till they show gender, I would like to order online. If I can reach till that level with my trashy seed, then I believe I would be confident to try with real quality seeds that come in just a small number(5 seeds pack, 10 seeds pack).


Well-Known Member

Thanks a lot for all the explanations, and the strain suggestions along with the seedbanks you liked and would recommend :)

I have decided to play with the seeds I have saved(Complan/Horlicks Jar full of them) indirectly. Indirectly as in I did not want my maid lady to sweep them and drop it at the usual place where it could have grown in the rainy season. I'm messy in a way, and grapes, lemons, and such grows once in a while at that 'garbage drop spot' :|

Playing and trial & error with quality seeds bought online is not to be attempted, so would keep a close monitor at your topic, along with other outdoor or CFL based grows here.
No HPS/MH grows ever going to happen as that kinda hike in electricity would definitely be questioned by my family.

Hydroponics is something I wanted to try just out of curiosity and right from schooldays, I used to do those DIY thingies like door-bell, emergency lamp, music amplifier, and such.

My streets here have an orange light used as street lights, and asking the Electricity Board people, found out they are Sodium Vapour lamps. Ever heard about its usage in indoor grows, or seedling go-mature-enough stage?
Another light that made my eyes squint is something used at temples here, and they are called Mercury Vapor lamps, which are white light emissions.

If I'm successful in getting my seeds germinate, teenage them indoors, and then take them out till they show gender, I would like to order online. If I can reach till that level with my trashy seed, then I believe I would be confident to try with real quality seeds that come in just a small number(5 seeds pack, 10 seeds pack).
sodium vapour = pressurized sodium. there are two types of sodium vapour lamps, low pressure sodium (used in street lamps, very efficient) and high pressure sodium (hps). lps has a very narrow color spectrum compared to hps, but a better CRI. no point really in using lps indoors...
mercury vapour is similar to an MH light, similar in power usage as well if i'm not mistaken...
and there's this idea that MH uses more power than another light where did that idea come from?

if you have a 100w cfl and a 100w MH/HPS it's going to use the same amount of power, but the HPS/MH will give out
better quality light for plant growth and more lumens/watt as well. although you will often need something like
a ballast as well to go with it, apart from the initial money of getting the ballast, running it is not really any more
expensive than anything else which has the same power rating...

what i did was practice just the germination process for about 50 seeds, just to make sure i can get them to pop the
soil and by the time i'd done fifty i had quite a few viable seedlings as well so i planted them and after two weeks
of no problem growing, i ordered some seeds. seeds really arent that big a deal or too can
get seeds from picknmix/attitude for as little as 18-20 GBP for a pack of 10 regular seeds...if you practice germinating
landrace seeds, whatever germination rate you get with your method over there, imagine
a 20-30% increase in success rate...i got around 5-6/10 proper seedlings out of landrace seeds, and like 16/18
with mr.nice walkabout and 16/20 with mandala...just go ahead and order'd be surprised how
much better the quality is most of the time...apart from the two landrace plants i have, none of the indian seeds
grew as fast as the walkabout/mandala seeds i got. my advice would be to practice germinating and plan
your stuff and pick a strain and order it and get going after the beginning of can get
at least three rounds of germination in by then, do 20 seeds a week and you'll get an idea how the germination
and shit works...and it's tempting to look under the soil to see how the seeds are doing but don' just decreases
the likelihood that the seed you 'checked on' will come out successful...


Active Member
Oh! So sodium vapor lamp is same as HPS! That was real dumbness from my side, and thank you for the lesson learnt :D

The reason why I concluded that MH/HPS light setup uses a lot of electricity is because almost always I've seen western growers using it. If it was something same as the power used with a CFL setup, I was confused as to why people from any country like ours with an economy like ours wouldn't go for it. Is it for explaining to me, or is it really possible to get a small 100W sodium/mercury/MH light here?

Ballast is choke, right?
Is setting it up complicated, and not like the way we would do while setting up a choke outside, on the rear part of an aquarium, with wires to the tubelight setup inside the canopy, just to keep the light inside, and the choke away from water drops/bubbles?

As I was speaking about aquarium, I felt like asking one more thing. My aquarium filter has a chamber where activated carbon pellets are used, and the aquarium doesn't smell like a fish market. I hope it is this same activated carbon thats used for a DIY odor control in a grow room. My doubt was can this be used on a larger scale in my real room(not grow room, room where i sit) on the cylindrical outlet of the exhaust fan to remove the smell of smoking weed? My dad had fixed an exhaust fan so smoke from my cig goes off almost immediately as it comes out of my mouth. That helped in removing the cannabis smoke too. But people who stand outside the house, where the exhaust is pointed towards, can really smell it! I always use agarbatti/incense-stick to reduce the smell.

For the germination lessons, I took 7 seeds that looked dark, with those crazy zig-zag stripe patterns, and bigger 'craters' on the non-pointy side and dropped it in a glass of water. Within two hours three went down, and within next few hours the remainder too sunk down. Its the first time I saw all the seeds i put go down in few hours! Anyway, instead of keeping it in a moist paper or cloth towel, I put it under almost one centimeter down in disposable glasses filled with just neo-peat with twelve holes under and around(just bottom part of the glass) for drainage. Cocopeat drains very well, so poured water till i see water coming down through the holes. Waiting for either the seeds to sprout in few days, or for that real bad stink of the seeds rotting.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
so correct me if im wrong, but cant u grow outdoors all year round seems how ur on the 12 latitude? does india even have such thing as a winter?


Active Member
India has a different climate in every state :| But, I think thats how it would be anywhere?

Where I'm from, there is a winter we speak about during october-november. Its true that the climate feels cooler compared to other months, and when we wake up in the morning, we can see a very slight amount of fog. Apart from that none of that pretty sights you see in maybe Switzerland, Germany, Japan. No trees look haunted/leaf-less.

No autumn/fall season as well. The only time leaves fall is when the plant/tree is in the death process!

We have just two seasons --> Sunny season (summer) & Rainy season(s)
There are two rainy seasons. One when there is rain throughout the day and night with no lightening or thunder. The other is when the day seems sunny till noon, and towards afternoon/evening the sky darkens up with heavy lightning and thunder, and by late evening strong and heavy windy rain that breaks tree branches.

Both these above mentioned rainy seasons spread across three months each. And each rainy season is separated by three months of heavy sun. This is why 'sunny' and 'rainy', instead of summer monsoon. There can't be two summers, right? :|


Active Member
Is cloudy time included in the 12 hours of light or only sunlight with a clear sky is valid?

Even when its cloudy, there really is light, though it would be diffused light. No man made light can have that brightness even when the sky is cloudy :-S


Well-Known Member
as for germinating, i'd advise you to use mineral water when soaking, really makes a difference vs aquaguard quality water...dunno why guessing it's the salts in small quantities that obviously stimulate some faster reaction as far as the seeds are concerned...and seeds like moist media. unlike what i've heard about clones, seeds do not like excessive humidity - covering it is not advisable. also when considering how moist you want your medium to be, i guess a good example is a pussy. haha think how wet a pussy is when you're just getting started. at max that's how moist the soil should be lol
and our seasons are completely different owing to our location near the equator. most of the southern states (the lower half of the country) have a long season of little to no rain with little fluctuation in photoperiod (maximum of 13.5 hours sunlight) and with a temperature change of about 10-15 degrees celsius depending on the location, elevation, altitude, etc. some of the towns situated on mountains or hilly high altitude area obviously experience a little more fluctuation in photoperiod and temperature, for example. this long season lasts anywhere from 8-10 months, depending on el nino and location.the hottest months fall under this season, generally occuring between march and july. the rainy season lasts for the remaining twelve months, which generally translates to daily showers, regular heavy, heavy downpours, regular storms (region specific), and cloudy weather (with powerful sunlight though, we're in the equator zone ;) )
however, this only applies to southwest and southern india. due to our location india consists of several local microclimates around the continent. even in areas 100-150km apart, weather differences can be surprising. we're also the target of relatively unpredictable storms and tropical hurricanes. it's a common occurence here, and like how the sun in the tropics is stronger than at higher latitudes, the rain, winds and climatic fluctuations are more intense as well.


Well-Known Member
so correct me if im wrong, but cant u grow outdoors all year round seems how ur on the 12 latitude? does india even have such thing as a winter?
we can grow landraces indigenous to this area. other varieties start flowering when abnormally small and left outdoors to grow, they result in tiny ones, especially indica dominant plants. even strongly sativa dominant hybrids will not spend very long in vegetative growth. most indicas are triggered by as little as 14/10 or even 15/9. south india's longest day is about 13 hours - more than enough to induce flowering in most plants - and this is in the time we slowly inch to 12/12 in july/august, almost EVERY variety available online would be at least 2-3 weeks into flowering, regardless of when they were planted. things change very little by dec 21 when we're at maybe 11/13, give or take a few minutes, and growth in plants happily continues outdoors. but for any strain that is not a 100% landrace sativa, i think india's photoperiod does not encourage much vegetative growth. and the sativas that do grow here take a fucklong time to flower...i'll let you know how long when i can, mine are just starting to begin pistil production...and slow as hell...but i'm sure the smoke will be nice and racy


Active Member
My climate -->

I will do the mineral water method with my next batch of seeds, as the current one's soaking already got over yesterday, and they are all currently in the glasses with coco-peat :|
How long should we wait before confirming the seed is not going to sprout? What was the longest number of days with your bagseed experiment? The branded ones, I've heard germinates quite quick.

I'm someone interested in the art of bonsai, and due to that, have researched quite a lot about plants, shrubs, and trees. I came to a realization that most of the botanical names that has got the 'indica' word in it, would be native to India or surrounding areas. Can this mean sativas aren't native indian plants? The sativas here are 'brought' by tourists, or the farmers themselves?

I read that indicas create a lazy sleepy feel, while sativas create cerebral buzz. Till now, all the high I've got with the munnar cannabis are something like:-
1) Circular movement inside my head.
2) This circle is parallel to a line drawn from forehead to nose to mouth to chin to neck to back of the head, and this continues to make 'circular'.
3) Only 5+ secret agents at a time could make me feel sleepy. If its just one or two joints, then the feeling is always to do some 'task'. Maybe complete one of my running freelance projects :D Maybe go take shower. Anything that could be called as a 'task'.
4) The circle could either be forward, or backward. It could start as forward, and then become backward, and vice versa.

What could it be? Indica or Sativa high?
Is its over looked and all crap there you need to start a army imo and you would be rich. Just once people see what you have it will be like having gold or diamonds there...everyone will want in, rich and poor so I hope you have protection...could make some serious dough...


Well-Known Member
Is its over looked and all crap there you need to start a army imo and you would be rich. Just once people see what you have it will be like having gold or diamonds there...everyone will want in, rich and poor so I hope you have protection...could make some serious dough...
buddy you have no idea the kind of protection and power i have over here...contacts is everything in india, and i have the right ones...nobody can touch me this country things work very differently...
i could make some serious dough but to be honest i'm a bit more interested in getting some serious weed...if by the middle of next march, everything i have is done, i'm not going to have to score for at least a year with more than 2 kilos of chronic weed with me...


Well-Known Member
My climate -->

I will do the mineral water method with my next batch of seeds, as the current one's soaking already got over yesterday, and they are all currently in the glasses with coco-peat :|
How long should we wait before confirming the seed is not going to sprout? What was the longest number of days with your bagseed experiment? The branded ones, I've heard germinates quite quick.

I'm someone interested in the art of bonsai, and due to that, have researched quite a lot about plants, shrubs, and trees. I came to a realization that most of the botanical names that has got the 'indica' word in it, would be native to India or surrounding areas. Can this mean sativas aren't native indian plants? The sativas here are 'brought' by tourists, or the farmers themselves?

I read that indicas create a lazy sleepy feel, while sativas create cerebral buzz. Till now, all the high I've got with the munnar cannabis are something like:-
1) Circular movement inside my head.
2) This circle is parallel to a line drawn from forehead to nose to mouth to chin to neck to back of the head, and this continues to make 'circular'.
3) Only 5+ secret agents at a time could make me feel sleepy. If its just one or two joints, then the feeling is always to do some 'task'. Maybe complete one of my running freelance projects :D Maybe go take shower. Anything that could be called as a 'task'.
4) The circle could either be forward, or backward. It could start as forward, and then become backward, and vice versa.

What could it be? Indica or Sativa high?
first of all
if you have a horlicks bottle full of seeds, why bother waiting? soak ten at a time, take the first four or five and chuck the rest. it never took more than 3-4 days to see a taproot for me, landraces or otherwise, if you're really kunjus about the seeds...

sativas are native to india and other tropical countries. while my knowledge of taxonomy is pretty damn far from top notch, i know for a fact that sativas are from equatorial, humid climates; that's why the buds are less dense, more airy...less chances of mould or harmful fungi forming...the leaves are thin and long and many in number, to take advantage of the sunlight and allow sunlight to reach the bottom leaves (also the reason for larger internodal space)...the plant is taller as the sunlight is more intense and it has to compete with several other tall plants to get the most sunlight, this also explains the post vegetative stretch sativas experience. indicas are the way they are for exactly the opposite reason. it is also interesting to note that north indian weather results in more indica leaning strains, by north i mean Himachal and you go further up towards the himalayas you begin to see much more indica dominant or purely indica strains due to the growing conditions. it's all evolution...

the smoke that you and i are used to is a sativa that is harvested too early, that is the case in this country 95% of the time. i've scored from munnar more than 15-20 times, and it's the same there as well. occasionally you do get good stuff that's as mature as it should be, actually not occasionally, RARELY. and if you're able to smoke 5 joints of the weed that you get then it's definitely not as good as the weed i've got from munnar, i've only bothered with idduki stuff once and i didn't go personally but it was mindblowing, because my friend knows a friend whose uncle is into the little known export business there...while i didn't come to the sativa conclusion from your explanation, indica is not something that i've EVER seen cultivated in this part of the country...simply because it isn't designed to grow in this kind of weather, it will be flowering when monsoons come, plants with thick dense buds will not survive the monsoons outdoors without a lot of care and effort...


Active Member
Well, its not because of kanjus-ity :D

My family once caught my smoking habit around 5-6 years back. When I'd visited hometown(kerala) and returned back to bangalore, I'd forgotten to throw away the sticks and seeds. So, they know from my weed days(according to them it ended with that catching), how a cannabis leaf looks like, as that teenage age made me keep the weed-leaf pic/symbol on my t-shirts, pendent, and so on.
I can't have a lot of glasses kept on my windowsill pop out a seedling that has weed-leaf. They will surely suspect it.
So, current setup is random 6 glasses for weed seed, and the remainder glasses are veggies like tomato, eggplant/brinjal and chillies.

I smoke cigarettes. 4-5 packs a day. And the joint I smoke is real light as I cant be real high and blown-out if I've to work ;)
So, the trick is 20-25% weed mixed with 75-80% tobacco. Must be why I can smoke 5 joints at a time(though this is rare).

When I'd visited a place called Solang Valley(i think that was the name), I got a hash stick from my cab driver.
That must be the indica you're speaking about. That had a totally different high, and being slim, I felt I was real heavy.


Well-Known Member
Well, its not because of kanjus-ity :D

My family once caught my smoking habit around 5-6 years back. When I'd visited hometown(kerala) and returned back to bangalore, I'd forgotten to throw away the sticks and seeds. So, they know from my weed days(according to them it ended with that catching), how a cannabis leaf looks like, as that teenage age made me keep the weed-leaf pic/symbol on my t-shirts, pendent, and so on.
I can't have a lot of glasses kept on my windowsill pop out a seedling that has weed-leaf. They will surely suspect it.
So, current setup is random 6 glasses for weed seed, and the remainder glasses are veggies like tomato, eggplant/brinjal and chillies.

I smoke cigarettes. 4-5 packs a day. And the joint I smoke is real light as I cant be real high and blown-out if I've to work ;)
So, the trick is 20-25% weed mixed with 75-80% tobacco. Must be why I can smoke 5 joints at a time(though this is rare).

When I'd visited a place called Solang Valley(i think that was the name), I got a hash stick from my cab driver.
That must be the indica you're speaking about. That had a totally different high, and being slim, I felt I was real heavy.
family caught me as well, i moved out and i'm doing better than i was there. lol and hash is different from weed, the my
experience regardless of the weed, the hash high is generally not a very physically active one but quality hand rubbed hash
the only hash i got experience with, gets you couchlocked but brainracing. it's a brilliant combo for working on music, and i'm
into music production so it works for me, but i'm not a hash kind of guy, im' more into weed.

1/4 weed and 3/4 tobacco is ridiculous man it's a massive waste of weed, you don't get very high when there's that much tobacco...
you'd get hit if you rolled a joint like that here, we put MAXIMUM 50/50, i prefer 65/35 or so in the weed's favour. if you smoke
4-5 packs of ciggies a day that's probably why your parents are so concerned. and seedlings don't get the leaves you see in the
pictures that won't happen for at least 2 weeks after it breaks ground...the first few leaves appear as single leaves not the kind you see on
shirts and shit...
yeah but 4-5 packs of cigs is ridiculous, i won't be surprised if you don't post anymore on this forum after a few months...
smoking these indian cigs is fucked up, there's a lot of sawdust, wood splinters, and other shit that goes into them...not that
commercially grown tobacco isn't bad enough already...

speaking of which i'm considering growing my own tobacco as well, haha


Well-Known Member
does anyone know how far away my cfls should be from the top of my plant from their experience?
i just put in two fans because i felt it was getting pretty damn hot in there i need to put in two
more fans tomorrow and make a large enough space in my desk for them...then i'll have two
for intake and two for exhaust...they're only 80mm fans but they seem to be making my seedlings
quiver in there haha. they're about 6-7 inches away from the top of the plant.