Well-Known Member
so despite the massive hype about south india, blah blah blah, the best weed over here just doesn't compare anywhere near the weed i've smoked on trips back home to california, or weed friends and i have brought into the country unconventionally. and i have a strong opinion that the major problem is not so much in the seed quality itself, because i have come across the occasional relatively crazy weed (still nothing like mid-highs from cali) which a seasoned toker can tell has potential to be better, was poorly grown, harvested early, not fed, etc. the reason that weed is never anything worth comparing to internationally is threefold:
-there is no set price for weed here. it all depends on distance from the center of the city. we can get complete shit for $3-4 for about ten grams. you can smoke a joint to yourself and experience a very mild buzz, the taste will be un-weed like, and, more often than not, noob smokers or tourists wind up with a popular 20 gram packet of very very brown weed, with more stems seeds and leaves than buds, laced with one or several of rat poison, caramelized sugar (increases the mass and adds a shimmering golden coat when done properly, also rapes throat violently when smoked), battery acid, and many more, leading to a dirty dirty high, not weed like at all, and there are several people who don't know better, live here, and will proudly smoke that stuff because it's the only stuff they've ever smoked. so the market thrives on ignorance.
-be serious, in a country like india where people can't afford food more often than not, you think they can pay for electricity? all growing is done outdoor here, wherever it can be hidden from police. those under the poverty line (who are the people who grow and sell weed, and form 70% of the population) are not so influential with the authorities, and have to grow in places police will not find, or harvest early in case the likelihood of getting caught hits a maximum threshold. why people like you and me don't grow and sell weed is a long story about india's society and class divides for another time. the essence of the story is this - as a result, weed is ridiculously cheap, with relatively good quality (not laced, green buds, only a few seeds, very finely and sparsely crystal coated, smells invariably of raw mangoes when crushed - when simply smelt without crushing, just a leafy smell) coming in at 1000-1200 rupees (20-24 USD) for fifty grams (+/- 10) if you know your scores and languages. the flipside is that bad quality weed is invariably the same price. and there are also slightly smarter people selling weed at 500 rupees (10 usd) for 10-15 grams.
-people who grow rarely purchase or use quality soil or compost or any organic additive or chemical additive. if the plant is deficient, it's deficient, end of story. the soil we have naturally here is very very red - filled with clay and i'm guessing iron which lends the red color. not a good grow medium at all imo.
The Grow:
(yes, pics included)
so i've decided to grow from some relatively good quality weed seeds. we get around 11.5-12.5 hrs sunlight through the year. summers are hot and semi-humid, when i say hot, i mean about 40 degrees celsius this summer. i purchased quality potting soil, bone meal, sand, nutes, neem oil sprays, and ceramic/plastic pots at prices ridiculously cheap compared internationally. i'm growing outdoor, because i'm so close to the equator, and security is just not an issue in this country as far as growing goes. people will see it, perhaps point, possibly not know what it is, probably think it's something else, and definitely keep walking.
so without knowing anything about the genetics or gender, germinated some seeds, turned out to be mainly sativa, here are some pics it's been about a month now growing outdoors. i've been tying em down.
recently got some bricks and made a little enclosure which i'm gonna fill with my soil mix in a few days and transplant. it's been about a month. i'll keep you guys posted.
ALSO, got a friend to bring me down critical jack seeds from dinafem in a week, will see how those grow comparitively.
this is my first grow ever
have attached pictures:
1 - (april 14th) one month since the seeds were sown
2,3 - 2.5 weeks since germination, started lst on this one real early, topping as well
4,5 - same plants from (1) diff angle, topped a couple of them at different times and lst'd
i broke off a good 2cm of stem off of one of the plants in the first picture...now i figured out that when growth is almost horizontal, it doesn't matter, it's like topping, i think the auxins shoot to the rest of the plant and make it go into a crazy grow mode.
well that's that for now, will keep you updated
so despite the massive hype about south india, blah blah blah, the best weed over here just doesn't compare anywhere near the weed i've smoked on trips back home to california, or weed friends and i have brought into the country unconventionally. and i have a strong opinion that the major problem is not so much in the seed quality itself, because i have come across the occasional relatively crazy weed (still nothing like mid-highs from cali) which a seasoned toker can tell has potential to be better, was poorly grown, harvested early, not fed, etc. the reason that weed is never anything worth comparing to internationally is threefold:
-there is no set price for weed here. it all depends on distance from the center of the city. we can get complete shit for $3-4 for about ten grams. you can smoke a joint to yourself and experience a very mild buzz, the taste will be un-weed like, and, more often than not, noob smokers or tourists wind up with a popular 20 gram packet of very very brown weed, with more stems seeds and leaves than buds, laced with one or several of rat poison, caramelized sugar (increases the mass and adds a shimmering golden coat when done properly, also rapes throat violently when smoked), battery acid, and many more, leading to a dirty dirty high, not weed like at all, and there are several people who don't know better, live here, and will proudly smoke that stuff because it's the only stuff they've ever smoked. so the market thrives on ignorance.
-be serious, in a country like india where people can't afford food more often than not, you think they can pay for electricity? all growing is done outdoor here, wherever it can be hidden from police. those under the poverty line (who are the people who grow and sell weed, and form 70% of the population) are not so influential with the authorities, and have to grow in places police will not find, or harvest early in case the likelihood of getting caught hits a maximum threshold. why people like you and me don't grow and sell weed is a long story about india's society and class divides for another time. the essence of the story is this - as a result, weed is ridiculously cheap, with relatively good quality (not laced, green buds, only a few seeds, very finely and sparsely crystal coated, smells invariably of raw mangoes when crushed - when simply smelt without crushing, just a leafy smell) coming in at 1000-1200 rupees (20-24 USD) for fifty grams (+/- 10) if you know your scores and languages. the flipside is that bad quality weed is invariably the same price. and there are also slightly smarter people selling weed at 500 rupees (10 usd) for 10-15 grams.
-people who grow rarely purchase or use quality soil or compost or any organic additive or chemical additive. if the plant is deficient, it's deficient, end of story. the soil we have naturally here is very very red - filled with clay and i'm guessing iron which lends the red color. not a good grow medium at all imo.
The Grow:
(yes, pics included)
so i've decided to grow from some relatively good quality weed seeds. we get around 11.5-12.5 hrs sunlight through the year. summers are hot and semi-humid, when i say hot, i mean about 40 degrees celsius this summer. i purchased quality potting soil, bone meal, sand, nutes, neem oil sprays, and ceramic/plastic pots at prices ridiculously cheap compared internationally. i'm growing outdoor, because i'm so close to the equator, and security is just not an issue in this country as far as growing goes. people will see it, perhaps point, possibly not know what it is, probably think it's something else, and definitely keep walking.
so without knowing anything about the genetics or gender, germinated some seeds, turned out to be mainly sativa, here are some pics it's been about a month now growing outdoors. i've been tying em down.
recently got some bricks and made a little enclosure which i'm gonna fill with my soil mix in a few days and transplant. it's been about a month. i'll keep you guys posted.
ALSO, got a friend to bring me down critical jack seeds from dinafem in a week, will see how those grow comparitively.
this is my first grow ever
have attached pictures:
1 - (april 14th) one month since the seeds were sown
2,3 - 2.5 weeks since germination, started lst on this one real early, topping as well
4,5 - same plants from (1) diff angle, topped a couple of them at different times and lst'd
i broke off a good 2cm of stem off of one of the plants in the first picture...now i figured out that when growth is almost horizontal, it doesn't matter, it's like topping, i think the auxins shoot to the rest of the plant and make it go into a crazy grow mode.
well that's that for now, will keep you updated