my perpetual attempt

recently came across a little cash, ordering the stuff to set up the second tray, 2 smaller 160gph pumps, more hydroton, more fittings, more pots, and another rez.
im having an issue, i need to run on a 12 week cycle. weeks
Measure AmountBloom/Flower Week 1-2Bloom/Flower Week 3-4Bloom/Flower Week 5-Harvest
so thats a lot aof trays... i wasnt thinking about the 5- harvest being an additional 7 weekis so 3 trats for that alone, for 5 trays total or am i off?
got in last night and took some cuttings, lost one of my seoprenes, so just sthrew a random item to cover the open hole on the cloner. i was gonna use the root riot things, but i lost my clone dome, probably got repurposed for who knows what.
got 19 cutts in tho.

and so it begins.........


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ok.... change of plans yet again... well a pause really.
i have spine surgery in two days, they're ripping out a spine bone ( which I'm keeping cause it's MINE) and putting in a prosthetic
I'm not gonna be able to walk for a week or two, my wife isnt gonna be able to take clones and transplant and do all the things ima need to do.
so i have 2 trays built and ready to rock. 403402151_1774836896317487_952248053548034254_n.jpg368779581_1815629778856436_2953872240898492987_n.jpgthat holds 24 clones, so im gonna run the two trays together while i heal and slowly work on building the other AS i heal. this way once im able to move again i can jump in and continue with the perpetual attempt.
I've got an old ph meter i am gonna try to find (90% sure i know its location) in a box in other garden behind hash washer. dont forget.
picking it up tomorrow cleaning it setting it up. i measured out the 30 gal mark on the inside of the reservoir cause i don't want to fill it to 40.

now at this point the wife just has to hook a different hose up to the feed pup so it pumps water out, shop vac last few gallons it won't pump out.
mix 150 grams of mega crop in the mason jar i use for mixing. Turn it on let it whip while she fills the rez using a watering hose hooked up to the washing machine line, add the mixed nutrient concentrate to the rez.
reconnect the hose to the feeders,
shit i need a splitter so i am just using one pump instead of 2 pumps.... fml i don't have time for that before surgery... ill figure it out.
snap the lid back down and zip the tent back up.
if i heal to the point of being able to walk I'm hoping i can do the work myself by the second week. this would make her only have to do it once... o shit i forgot also shes gotta transplant the first 14 clones..... fml that means i won't have enough clones by the time i need them... i need to build a larger cloner.403604158_6729493787106399_2721160992972635448_n.jpg371173695_371972288562457_2995254244828529120_n.jpg.. fucking love this shit


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Fingers crossed for you and your plants. Good luck! Don't forget the ph pen behind the mason jar full of hash water. Don't forget to soak it before you use it too.

Try not to overdo it after surgery too quick. I had a heart surgery, and did too much too quick. The muscle split just below my sternum, now I have a hernia the size of a softball in the middle of my chest. Nothing another surgery won't fix.

Definitely make a necklace charm out of the neck bone. I asked for my old heart, but they said they needed it for research. Fair trade
ok.... change of plans yet again... well a pause really.
i have spine surgery in two days, they're ripping out a spine bone ( which I'm keeping cause it's MINE) and putting in a prosthetic
I'm not gonna be able to walk for a week or two, my wife isnt gonna be able to take clones and transplant and do all the things ima need to do.
so i have 2 trays built and ready to rock. View attachment 5346895View attachment 5346896that holds 24 clones, so im gonna run the two trays together while i heal and slowly work on building the other AS i heal. this way once im able to move again i can jump in and continue with the perpetual attempt.
I've got an old ph meter i am gonna try to find (90% sure i know its location) in a box in other garden behind hash washer. dont forget.
picking it up tomorrow cleaning it setting it up. i measured out the 30 gal mark on the inside of the reservoir cause i don't want to fill it to 40.

now at this point the wife just has to hook a different hose up to the feed pup so it pumps water out, shop vac last few gallons it won't pump out.
mix 150 grams of mega crop in the mason jar i use for mixing. Turn it on let it whip while she fills the rez using a watering hose hooked up to the washing machine line, add the mixed nutrient concentrate to the rez.
reconnect the hose to the feeders,
shit i need a splitter so i am just using one pump instead of 2 pumps.... fml i don't have time for that before surgery... ill figure it out.
snap the lid back down and zip the tent back up.
if i heal to the point of being able to walk I'm hoping i can do the work myself by the second week. this would make her only have to do it once... o shit i forgot also shes gotta transplant the first 14 clones..... fml that means i won't have enough clones by the time i need them... i need to build a larger cloner.View attachment 5346898View attachment 5346899.. fucking love this shit
Best of luck with your surgery. If you have a friend and any 'keepers' pass them some of your clones.
found the meter. yay!403370973_878443793668411_5664383995624844507_n.jpg
forgot to store it properly.. classic
Milwaukee MA911B/2 Lab Grade Double Junction pH Electrode with Extended Cable (
under 50 bucks but fml i am cutting every corner i can but i really feel like this is worth it so im getting ithopefully next week trying to have it installed before the clones are rooted have around 9 more days probably on them.
i think im going to be able to function at an acceptable level during my recovery with a few exceptions, just have to make sure all my movements are necessary and slow, while making sure to not lift r bend at the waist.....turns out ya boi remembers how to drop it like its hot so i can squat to do some things and control my movements for others, this surgery shouldnt slpow mke down too much. DETERMINATION
hey hey. i am almost 100% recovered from the surgery, walking and going back to work in the garden. monies hella tight. im poor af. i work for my money and havent been able to work for months. shits so behind.
am not going to be able to fit all the totes i had originally planned on. ony able to fit 4. so im gonna have a pause in the cycle every 4 weeks. i still think i can do it. only need 3 more resevoirs, and 3 more pumps and we are in business momma slurricane 415787498_1437262996869372_1316731008260808383_n.jpgis doing great, cold weather slows thingsa down for me greatly, clones take a little longer, i have a heater in the garden to regulate. its just slower typically for me. taking clones tonight, nervous about it cause last timke i took cuttings before i had everythihg i just ended up killing 20 clones, good times.
i was trying to have them in a line but i dont have enopugh track for the light mover, and the light wasnt oriented the direction i wanted 415974448_1420102705601183_5569917894730762097_n.jpg
so i put the tables side by side in a square the edges will need some attention but i think it will work415970956_228067143717986_9166813250486868325_n.jpg
i am still unabkle to fit the rez\s under the tables. ( workin with what i have) so im going to number the rezevoirs and have them to the sides with drqainand feed lines going a little distance to the siode rather than directly underneath.


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also would ya just look at that light rail mover, @Hobbes mailed this bad boy to me. that was the nicest thing anyones ever done for me. not lying. like yeah some of my friends will help me if i ask, but they always do it reluctantly or out of obligation. hobbes sent me a useful tool i needed and asked for nothing in return.. it took me a little to get my head around that... so this is what its like to have someone just be nice for the sake of it???? holy shit was a really new sensation.
then to make it worse.... he woint let me pay him. i finally talked him into accepting some candy as a thank you. now im getting a huge thank you box together for him. just had to sahout out how appreciative i am of you @Hobbes . much appreciation and if you ever need a bro i got you.


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took 18 cuttings last night. messed up when ordering the clone trays and didn't look at dome height... classic. looks like im taking small cuttings.
i know there are a million and 3 ways to clone. my consistent method is just azos and water. it works fantastic for me. i soak the root plugs in azos for 15-20 stoner minutes to soak up the bacteria. i sterilized the razor with fire,
i mix 1/1 ratio of water, and... you guessed it azos. so 2 tablespoons azos to 2 tablespoons water. i take my cut at a 45ish, throw it on a cutting board trim off the additional leaves, then hit a better cut at the node which i then scruff up with the blade. i soak the cut for awhile? The first ones set for longer, once ive gotten em all cut and a few extras in case accidents happen, i start loading the plugs. once they are all seated i pour the leftover mix onto the plug to overkill the microbes and ensure they get all the nitrogen and other stuff that's waaaaay above my paygrade.
its been a few years since I've used root plugs. i typically clone using a little hydro jobber. but i keep getting consistently longer and longer rooting times with it. i clean and sterilize the fuck out of it, i even send it thru a restaurant dish machine. Once I'm back to work in going to build a little sprayer to fit in my cloner,
they perked right up today, lots of condensation on the dome,

please ignore the dead plants underneath. their getting removed today lol lazy ass mofo
so got some stuff n things and had to go buy a hose, but now we are in business. woot!!!!! well sort of..
i have a few leaks, no worries i still have time to fully dry the 2 tubs that have leaks and silicone those bad boys up.
problem 2 my trays dont drain all the way. a solid inch of standing water an hour after i unplugged the pumps for the test run. this has me worried.
problem 3 i did not think about how much food im going to be going thru.... well i did but i put that off. stll doing that.. putting it off
having the veg tent in the same room is also presenting a slight issue but ima fix that with some black plastic taped up. my gorilla tent is a few maybe bout 3 years old and is starting to show its age, just on the cornes tho so im just going to tape some plastic up. easy peasy.
got a new bulb in for the 1k hps. other one is probly fine, but i always replace em after each cycle, and it wont hurt so i got it.
lol i have grammerly on this pc. and this text is so full of red lines lolol fuq gramerly. i type in slang the way it goes in my head.

i did figure out how to get the rez's directly under the trays, gave me more walking room this way also. so thats cool.
i have all 4 pumps hooked up to a power strip which is pluged into a timer set for 1 min flood 10 mins after lights on, then another 1 min flood 1 hour before lights off? is this right? it fills to the overflow in 1 minute. but then theres the drain issue. 423455022_402997022266848_8421019472559269571_n.jpg423599841_1055759442369835_3987373574770956810_n.jpg423472234_772445504279417_3662073815605408086_n.jpg
Looking good.

As far as the amount of nutes you will use. With 4 reservoirs it will be a bit more, but you’ve only got 14 plants per reservoir so I don’t think they will be depleting them super fast. I personally prefer to feed at lower levels with higher frequency. I try to get the plants drinking and feeding at the same rate. Then I can just top of the res every few days.