My plants are droopy 4 weeks old (HELP)


Well-Known Member

My plants are drooping also I have a flood & drain kit, hydro. There 4 weeks old looks good but droops at the end of the day. But when the light comes on and I check them they salute me, Lights 18/6 turns on at 3am-9pm when it starts to be at the end of their day they droop. I water 4x's a day for 15min @ 7am 11am 3pm 7pm then they droop like around 5pm. Im a ambitious noob so I did something also that I think made them droop today. (stupid) I put Orange peels in the room thinking it would make them more potent cuz I get garbage weed from my guy and I put Orange peels in the bag then it comes out a real good high in a couple days. So maybe that did it. Well I think it did. Then yesterday I think I overwater them cuz I was doing some test, and I didnt think I was overwater them until I seen them drooping then I started to think why and that was why. But the day before I didnt do anything and then one was dropping. Temps 72-78 humid 37-42% I always check ph @ 6.3. Fan is going. IDK please give me some help, pointers + rep to good advice thanks riu friends.


Drooping leaves are a sign of over watering. You should water only once every 2 or 3 days or so, soak the pot until it almost starts leaking out the bottom and dont water again until the soil is pretty much completely dry.


Well-Known Member
Drooping leaves are a sign of over watering. You should water only once every 2 or 3 days or so, soak the pot until it almost starts leaking out the bottom and dont water again until the soil is pretty much completely dry.
My plants are drooping also I have a flood & drain kit, hydro. There 4 weeks old looks good but droops at the end of the day. But when the light comes on and I check them they salute me, Lights 18/6 turns on at 3am-9pm when it starts to be at the end of their day they droop. I water 4x's a day for 15min @ 7am 11am 3pm 7pm then they droop like around 5pm.


Well-Known Member
No one ever had this problem? Well I talk to a friend and he said I needed too water more. I did every 2 hrs and the came out HUGE at the end of the day! I have to check on them 2morrow see if they still like that. What you guys think?
No one ever had this problem? Well I talk to a friend and he said I needed too water more. I did every 2 hrs and the came out HUGE at the end of the day! I have to check on them 2morrow see if they still like that. What you guys think?
if youre growing hydroponics then you need to lower your ph to about 5.6ish. what kind of medium are you using for the plants? you should do just fine 3 times a day. it really doesnt matter as long as you have a well aerated medium that drains well.


Well-Known Member
I'm using hydroton pellets thats why I have to water so frequently. Well today at the end of the day my one plant I call droopy went droopy again. But they all still going great. What to do about that? (Droopy) Whats wrong?
I'm using hydroton pellets thats why I have to water so frequently. Well today at the end of the day my one plant I call droopy went droopy again. But they all still going great. What to do about that? (Droopy) Whats wrong?
droopin = too much water. relax on the water.


Well-Known Member
droopin = too much water. relax on the water.
I was watering every 4 hrs starting at 7am - 7pm Then I water like every 2hrs and they came out alot better and grew alot I was wondering why mine look so small compare to others then I water more and they got huge within a couple days . IDK but my droopy one today didnt droop as much b4 lights out just a lil bit they seem like there getting better, I'll try that for a sec then cut down if any problems or I will def let you guys know whats up. Thanks alot guys +rep


Active Member
Just a left field observation. I know what you are talking about. The plants seem good, maybe a touch of dry tips or yellowing but over all fine, then at the end of the day they sort of wilt. Like they are tired or something. I grow soil and I can tell you that I finally figured out that The plants were basicly using up the easily available nutes early in the day or burning up what it had managed to store up, same thing sort of. Increased nutes helps for soil. The only way I can think this might apply to an ebb and flow is if you are using the same solution all day. Not sure how much that helps but there you are.


Active Member
Drooping leaves are a sign of over watering. You should water only once every 2 or 3 days or so, soak the pot until it almost starts leaking out the bottom and dont water again until the soil is pretty much completely dry.
NEVER wait until they are even close to drying out...less water more often is the rule until you get sizable plants then you will want to stick your finger about 2-3 " if its dry that far then water...usually every 2 days feed...water water thats a weeks schedule!