My pot movie

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yeah lot of place have dipshits who do it all should be killed as they are wastes of space on earth.No state is it legal to have animal fights. Soime countries allow and support animal fights like cock fighting and alot of asian countries butcher dogs to eat.Vick is no different then any other animal abuser hes a piece of shit like the rest. reason he got all the camera time is he took a job that he was given millions of dollars to promote himself as a good public image that the nfl deems as wholesome. He took that moeny and lied to everyone.He pretended he was living the life of a human when he was doing just the opposite when it is implied you are now in the public eye and will be a role model to teach kids what sports and hard work can earn you then acts like that dumb drop out hood cat fighting dogs for $5 grand....he risked everything for 5 grand bets..millions to play a game and be worshiped by kids and he was willing to kill innocent animals for fun and 5 grand...yeah he has to be mildly retarded or brain damaged and if he was killed we d be better off..might as well kill portis too " I dont know why people are making a big deal out of this? Its not like he killed people its just a stupid animal"...yes he is in my sights too
I eat free range meats. I dont approve of slaughter house techniques at most places.They abuse the cattle saying " Well we're gonna kill them anyways" yeah fast and humane not pushing around with forklifts and breaking thier legas or using a sledge hammer or bleeding them from cut throats..I have a distatse for most humans....on the episodes not gonna argue the number of episodes just thought you wanted a new eppsidoe but kept asking for the old episode
yeah lot of place have dipshits who do it all should be killed as they are wastes of space on earth.No state is it legal to have animal fights. Soime countries allow and support animal fights like cock fighting and alot of asian countries butcher dogs to eat.Vick is no different then any other animal abuser hes a piece of shit like the rest. reason he got all the camera time is he took a job that he was given millions of dollars to promote himself as a good public image that the nfl deems as wholesome. He took that moeny and lied to everyone.He pretended he was living the life of a human when he was doing just the opposite when it is implied you are now in the public eye and will be a role model to teach kids what sports and hard work can earn you then acts like that dumb drop out hood cat fighting dogs for $5 grand....he risked everything for 5 grand bets..millions to play a game and be worshiped by kids and he was willing to kill innocent animals for fun and 5 grand...yeah he has to be mildly retarded or brain damaged and if he was killed we d be better off..might as well kill portis too " I dont know why people are making a big deal out of this? Its not like he killed people its just a stupid animal"...yes he is in my sights too
we all are animals.:hump:
well, ladies..

looks like our queen never showed up tonight...

good night

BDW - wherever you are... I hope your underwear are clean

Im watchin this news story a littl dog on an elctronic fence collar system. Ran through the elctric barrier 6 miles away to his owners funeral as he died earlier that week and was at home witrh the wife.The dog shoed up at the garveside as they were lowering the casket...dedication to its fullest
Perhaps he's waiting for the "incredible outpouring of support" to erupt.

DO you have a neighbor.. or kow the guy who has 3-6 dogs... they are all kept behind a chain link fence... annoying fooks... every time you walk by the fence, the dogs bark like crazy... they start jumping and snarling and going crazy....

They kinda wanna kill yo and they kinda wanna love you to death.. you sense their frustration in just wanting a piece of you... you have compassion for the,.. they just what to taste you.. just wee little bite...

BUT the compassion goes away because of their snarling and annoying bark... and then... out of nowhere, a couple of the dogs start fighting... they got themselves so freaking hyped up to attack YOU. that they started fighting and biting each other..

You never see the owner.. he's to busy snorting lines in the back yard andg grinding down the sereal numbers on the 1200 bicycles he has stolen this past month...

after you get home.. you feel a soft spot for those dogs... you even consider getting a few 99 cent cheeseburgers and throwing them over the fence...

then you sit lotus in front of your garden and slip into a place of complete stillness.. and merge with your heart beat, the pants and the entire cosmos...

every have this happen to you?

well, that's what this thread is about...

This thread is like the prison yard...

Some poon and sunlight could really freshen things up
BDW is probably in prison.The only thing i dont like about this is that i asked BDW to answer a small ? i had pertaining to fertilizer,the only answer he gives is that its not fair to people buying the video to answer my ?,but he can come on to THIS site and promote his video,thats BS.....This forum is here to help fellow growers with their problems.BDW is not doing that,he's using this forum to promote,thats it,and to create a lot of contraversy.That pisses me off.U cant even answer a tiny little ? for me or others...thats just wrong man.You say you have a passion for growing,then instead of plugging your dvd and telling stories,help some brothers out along the way.FUCK MAN!!!!ALL you are doing is keeping people on a string and sitting at your computer chair(if your not in the clink)laughing that demented deep laugh,mocking your mineons.Well im not 1 of them.
whoa whoa buddy dont get u panties in a bunch BDW is a busy man hes prolly gittin his next 4 feilds ready u seen the vids. takes time to make them and hes the shit.....

plus im sure 20,000 poeple on this site could anser ur nute ?s so just start a thread and shoot.
BDW is probably in prison.The only thing i dont like about this is that i asked BDW to answer a small ? i had pertaining to fertilizer,the only answer he gives is that its not fair to people buying the video to answer my ?,but he can come on to THIS site and promote his video,thats BS.....This forum is here to help fellow growers with their problems.BDW is not doing that,he's using this forum to promote,thats it,and to create a lot of contraversy.That pisses me off.U cant even answer a tiny little ? for me or others...thats just wrong man.You say you have a passion for growing,then instead of plugging your dvd and telling stories,help some brothers out along the way.FUCK MAN!!!!ALL you are doing is keeping people on a string and sitting at your computer chair(if your not in the clink)laughing that demented deep laugh,mocking your mineons.Well im not 1 of them.

maybe he doesn't know?
BDW is probably in prison.The only thing i dont like about this is that i asked BDW to answer a small ? i had pertaining to fertilizer,the only answer he gives is that its not fair to people buying the video to answer my ?,but he can come on to THIS site and promote his video,thats BS.....This forum is here to help fellow growers with their problems.BDW is not doing that,he's using this forum to promote,thats it,and to create a lot of contraversy.That pisses me off.U cant even answer a tiny little ? for me or others...thats just wrong man.You say you have a passion for growing,then instead of plugging your dvd and telling stories,help some brothers out along the way.FUCK MAN!!!!ALL you are doing is keeping people on a string and sitting at your computer chair(if your not in the clink)laughing that demented deep laugh,mocking your mineons.Well im not 1 of them.

All that to keep from spending $20 :-?.
BDW is probably in prison.The only thing i dont like about this is that i asked BDW to answer a small ? i had pertaining to fertilizer,the only answer he gives is that its not fair to people buying the video to answer my ?,but he can come on to THIS site and promote his video,thats BS.....This forum is here to help fellow growers with their problems.BDW is not doing that,he's using this forum to promote,thats it,and to create a lot of contraversy.That pisses me off.U cant even answer a tiny little ? for me or others...thats just wrong man.You say you have a passion for growing,then instead of plugging your dvd and telling stories,help some brothers out along the way.FUCK MAN!!!!ALL you are doing is keeping people on a string and sitting at your computer chair(if your not in the clink)laughing that demented deep laugh,mocking your mineons.Well im not 1 of them.

I kind of agree. I mean is he going to give RIU a %age of profits? His very blatant self promotion / profit seeking thread has 58,000 views. And on top of that, he acts like he's really doing us all a favor by posting here. Acts like a diva and refuses to answer any questions. He's not doing anyone any fucking favors, he's not doing anything that most of us haven't done in the past or some of us aren't doing right now. The only difference is he video tapes his and puts it on, my fucking hero.

EDIT: The police chopper part was truly BADASS. I will not take that away from him. But in reality, that's the only thing that makes his video stand out from anyone elses grow journal. That shit had my asshole puckered ;o
I kind of agree. I mean is he going to give RIU a %age of profits? His very blatant self promotion / profit seeking thread has 58,000 views. And on top of that, he acts like he's really doing us all a favor by posting here. Acts like a diva and refuses to answer any questions. He's not doing anyone any fucking favors, he's not doing anything that most of us haven't done in the past or some of us aren't doing right now. The only difference is he video tapes his and puts it on, my fucking hero.

EDIT: The police chopper part was truly BADASS. I will not take that away from him. But in reality, that's the only thing that makes his video stand out from anyone elses grow journal. That shit had my asshole puckered ;o

the intro song was pretty cool. nice choice of music. cool build up to the walk in of the ripening patch. the chopper scene was waaaaaaaay played out though. :blsmoke::peace:
I"m sure quite a few ppl come to him and asked him all kinds of growing questions. prolly allota the same questions asked over and over again. people, why overwhelm him with all these useless questions when all you need to do is search or use the FAQ? seems like everyone's feelings are hurt because BDW didn't respond to a few thousand PM's.

and so what if he's here to promote his video, looks like a lot of ppl here are against this whole self promotion dealie but funny enough, these are also the ppl who are waiting at the edge of their seats for the next episode to come out already. this thread is all about his 'pot movie' not a grow questionnaire. got a grow question, start your own thread or SEARCH!!! BDW is not the be all end all grow guru here as so many ppl see him. he's good, but there are others here just as good or better if you guys got off your asses and looked. so quit complaining and just enjoy the movies for what they are, not what they represent or what you think they represent.
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