My pot movie

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I kind of agree. I mean is he going to give RIU a %age of profits? His very blatant self promotion / profit seeking thread has 58,000 views. And on top of that, he acts like he's really doing us all a favor by posting here. Acts like a diva and refuses to answer any questions. He's not doing anyone any fucking favors, he's not doing anything that most of us haven't done in the past or some of us aren't doing right now. The only difference is he video tapes his and puts it on, my fucking hero.

EDIT: The police chopper part was truly BADASS. I will not take that away from him. But in reality, that's the only thing that makes his video stand out from anyone elses grow journal. That shit had my asshole puckered ;o

I agree with you as I am under the impression that when the climax of this story hits the fan shit is gonna be off the hook(according to BDW) I dont see anything spectacular about any of this imho:hump: The best thing for BDW to do right now would be

1.Put his vid out on 4/20 just for the general purpose so he can say I was saving for a special day

and also the only way I can see of any climax or anything off the wall is if the simple fact this was something he was filming 5-6 years ago and did get busted for it but they never confiscated his video equipment....yadayada He gets locked up for years and gets out and now is starting to put together his footage of his filming....SO in other words I see nothing out of the unusual as to what everybody else does all the time...He does nothing more than anyone else imo, except shatre it with us and even that seems to be to hard for him:peace:
I"m sure quite a few ppl come to him and asked him all kinds of growing questions. prolly allota the same questions asked over and over again. people, why overwhelm him with all these useless questions when all you need to do is search or use the FAQ? seems like everyone's feelings are hurt because BDW didn't respond to a few thousand PM's.

and so what if he's here to promote his video, looks like a lot of ppl here are against this whole self promotion dealie but funny enough, these are also the ppl who are waiting at the edge of their seats for the next episode to come out already. this thread is all about his 'pot movie' not a grow questionnaire. got a grow question, start your own thread or SEARCH!!! BDW is not the be all end all grow guru here as so many ppl see him. he's good, but there are others here just as good or better if you guys got off your asses and looked. so quit complaining and just enjoy the movies for what they are, not what they represent or what you think they represent.
uhhh yeah they do.. ive heard questions like how did you set up your watering system..or another "Did you dig holes for your plants or use bags?" so yeah if i had 1000 of stupid questions like that i would get over it too. he already said most of the info would be in the dvd and if you dont like that well then tough shit. we all know that people have been doing the same thing more or less and he isnt anything out of the ordinary but he is different in the sense that he took action and turned his work into filmography. yeah so he's not the only one who's done it so what.. its entertainment, its free, its w/e the fuck want it to be..of course he has to promote how the fuck are going to successfully release a dvd without promotion.. the new movies that come out every year play on the commercials probably like 150 times a does that make them assholes??? they also have delayed there release dates just like many bands have done the same thing on new albums so does that make them assholes too??? i guess the people that think video/audio production is simplest thing in the world have never done it or have done a very shitty job of it. If i had all this crap wind blowing at me i would cease and desist my videos too... now i wonder if any densely ego'd minds will follow.:blsmoke:
you can't wait, but you're gonna have to. :mrgreen::peace:

Well hopefully not that long of a wait...I also can't wait to make a spoof video blog of my backyard grow- I will be out there watering and then a chopper will fly over and you can watch me scramble back into my house.
Well hopefully not that long of a wait...I also can't wait to make a spoof video blog of my backyard grow- I will be out there watering and then a chopper will fly over and you can watch me scramble back into my house.

i can make that my next contest. best spoof vid. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
animation accepted.
Well hopefully not that long of a wait...I also can't wait to make a spoof video blog of my backyard grow- I will be out there watering and then a chopper will fly over and you can watch me scramble back into my house.
lol dont forget to trip on a watering can to add some humor to it..:blsmoke:
I agree, i also ask BDW a question and i got no response i think its bullshit that he wouldnt help out fellow growers, thats what this site is all about isn't it???
Same thing happened to me... i sent him a PM asking :
"I asked in "The" thread as it were but received no answer:cry:. Who is it that does you filming for you, or do you do it yourself? Because i would imagine that it take 5 times as long....E.g. setting up tripod, filming back of truck as you drive off.

Thanks for your time"

And this was his reply
"in my DVD I talk about how the film was made"

Not even capitilization or punctuation. He doesnt give a shit, all he wants is us to buy his dvd, here's a screen shot for his fans...
Same thing happened to me... i sent him a PM asking :
"I asked in "The" thread as it were but received no answer:cry:. Who is it that does you filming for you, or do you do it yourself? Because i would imagine that it take 5 times as long....E.g. setting up tripod, filming back of truck as you drive off.

Thanks for your time"

And this was his reply
"in my DVD I talk about how the film was made"

Not even capitilization or punctuation. He doesnt give a shit, all he wants is us to buy his dvd, here's a screen shot for his fans...

he capitalized "DVD". lol. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
it like......."here's what i do. it will cost you for me to tell you how."

i can make money doing this? damnit!!! 20,000 posts later.
it like......."here's what i do. it will cost you for me to tell you how."

i can make money doing this? damnit!!! 20,000 posts later.
well then he mine as well just give the dvd away for free???? because according to you guys he is just pocketing money... and selling information... gee sounds like some other members on here??? dam ...dvd's that you have to buy to get information on something.. who in the fuck would of thought of that.???:blsmoke: if he is selling information then how come you can watch his videos and learn things for free???
well then he mine as well just give the dvd away for free???? because according to you guys he is just pocketing money... and selling information... gee sounds like some other members on here??? dam ...dvd's that you have to buy to get information on something.. who in the fuck would of thought of that.???:blsmoke: if he is selling information then how come you can watch his videos and learn things for free???
hes capitalizing as much as he can havent u seen the vids he needs money badly bill collecters callin all the time his wife left hes try to make bank and git his life back on track

ps BDW is the shit
Same thing happened to me... i sent him a PM asking :
"I asked in "The" thread as it were but received no answer:cry:. Who is it that does you filming for you, or do you do it yourself? Because i would imagine that it take 5 times as long....E.g. setting up tripod, filming back of truck as you drive off.

Thanks for your time"

And this was his reply
"in my DVD I talk about how the film was made"

Not even capitilization or punctuation. He doesnt give a shit, all he wants is us to buy his dvd, here's a screen shot for his fans...

all you haters should get a 'browndirt was mean to us' thread going, so you can cry on each others shoulders over there, over hear, can you please stop whining?!
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