100% Authentic A$$Hole
I kind of agree. I mean is he going to give RIU a %age of profits? His very blatant self promotion / profit seeking thread has 58,000 views. And on top of that, he acts like he's really doing us all a favor by posting here. Acts like a diva and refuses to answer any questions. He's not doing anyone any fucking favors, he's not doing anything that most of us haven't done in the past or some of us aren't doing right now. The only difference is he video tapes his and puts it on youtube...wow, my fucking hero.
EDIT: The police chopper part was truly BADASS. I will not take that away from him. But in reality, that's the only thing that makes his video stand out from anyone elses grow journal. That shit had my asshole puckered ;o
I agree with you as I am under the impression that when the climax of this story hits the fan shit is gonna be off the hook(according to BDW) I dont see anything spectacular about any of this imho

1.Put his vid out on 4/20 just for the general purpose so he can say I was saving for a special day
and also the only way I can see of any climax or anything off the wall is if the simple fact this was something he was filming 5-6 years ago and did get busted for it but they never confiscated his video equipment....yadayada He gets locked up for years and gets out and now is starting to put together his footage of his filming....SO in other words I see nothing out of the unusual as to what everybody else does all the time...He does nothing more than anyone else imo, except shatre it with us and even that seems to be to hard for him