My Protector


New Member
Nice to see another cat lover on the site. Just in case you haven't had the experience, keep your kitty away from the seedlings and cuttings. They go for it like its catnip or something. I love cats ... they are like little athletes in a ball of fur.



Active Member
Agreed. I love my cats, I have four, but I keep the door on my growing room[aka closet door, lol] closed to avoid them messing up the plants, but I do hold them up to the plants so they can see them or sniff them. Kitties are great, but be careful they don't get into them!


Well-Known Member
Hey Newport I agree. I love cats (I have 7) but my door is kept closed too. You have to keep your grow area clean and your plants safe. Cats are like little athletes. Everytime mine see that door open they make a dash for the room. I usually catch they in time but every now and then one makes it inside. So in a way I guess I have protectors too. :)


Active Member
cats yuck!! you want a protector get a dog. a dog that shits outside not in your house and drags litter all over your house. I did some work for some friends with 2 cats in the house. a very nice and cleanly kept house but when i pulled up the basement carpet there was actually cat litter under the carpet. I can't stand cats. My mother lives on a farm and has about 20-30 wild ass cats you can't even get close to. they have completely taken over an entire single garage. you can smell the cat piss just walking by. I also now a lady who has built 2 out buildings just for her cats. crazy cat lady is what i call her. if i could afford to build homes for cats and feed all them i would have a greenhouse the size of a gymnasium. 7 cats mogie in the house you are nuts!


Well-Known Member
Also have 3 dogs. We rescue animals. Take in ones that have "personality problems" and are scheduled for you know what at the pound. We have an attack cat right now. He pretty much has our dogs (and we have big dogs) intiminated. His name says it all - Scrapper.


Active Member
well that's impressive mogie. any suggestions for a good stoner dog. need something as lazy as i am. was thinking an english bulldog but may be leaning towards a mini snauzer.


Well-Known Member
English Bulldogs are very laid back. I had one very are very cool. But also very expensive and they can't handle hot or cold weather. They also cost a lot when it comes to the vet. And by a lot I mean we most likely helped pay for our vets vacation a few years ago.

Right now we have an Austrilian (sp?) sherpard. He is the most laid back dog (except for the bull dog) that I've ever had. I doubt he's purebreed. He was another pound puppy.

I like both cats and dogs. It is man who over bred them and caused the over abundunce of pets that roam the streets and are crowded into our public and private shelters. If you want a pet go there. When you get a friend there you are saving a life.


Active Member
probly barking up the wrong tree here but do you know if you can leave word with the humane society or pound and have them contact you when they get a breed your interested in. oh and can you request a dog that smokes? jk haha


Well-Known Member
If you go and talk to the people that work there they might contact you if the type of dog you are looking for is brought into the shelter.


Well-Known Member
the best pet i have ever had is my yorkie. we have her right now. i have had cats and dogs, not too fond of cats but to each their own. if you get the chance try a yorkshire terrier and it will be your best friend.


Well-Known Member
We have acreage surrounded by a big fence which has big dogs running around. When growing outside that seemed to keep the bad guys away. In order of size (biggest to smallest): Akita, Austrailian Shepard & Border Collie.


Active Member
I like the yorky's but i'm not to fond of the little nipper type dogs. I actually grew up with a yorky named Baby i don't think she ever got over about 4-5 pounds. very cute and very protective of her master. ever been around a mini schnauzer? kinda worried it will be to high strung


Well-Known Member
We got a cat and the dog, but we raised the cat to act like a dog :he goes outside, he fetches, comes when he is called and goes on hikes with the family, seriously he hyked like 6 miles on friday,the dog I'm really not happy with too hyper and no personality.Should have gotten another Am.Staf.terier.


Well-Known Member
my cat seems to enjoy my garden as much as me. we fight for the chair. when she first discovered then i explained to her don't hurt the babies, and help keep a eye on them. she got it . i came across some catnip seeds. threw a pot full in my veg room. kitty loves me. her brother rubs against it she can't handle the potency. just brushing against it, stick to you for hours. i rub it all over my hands then pet the kitties.


Active Member
English Bulldogs are very laid back. I had one very are very cool. But also very expensive and they can't handle hot or cold weather. They also cost a lot when it comes to the vet. And by a lot I mean we most likely helped pay for our vets vacation a few years ago.

Right now we have an Austrilian (sp?) sherpard. He is the most laid back dog (except for the bull dog) that I've ever had. I doubt he's purebreed. He was another pound puppy.

I like both cats and dogs. It is man who over bred them and caused the over abundunce of pets that roam the streets and are crowded into our public and private shelters. If you want a pet go there. When you get a friend there you are saving a life.
That very wonderful of you. I constantly suggest people rescue pets. A month ago I rescued a blind cat, she's a sweetheart except she gets scared around the other cats and strikes them & growls, but she never extends her claws out when she strikes, I guess it's just a scare tactic =P And she does somersaults if you tap her side with a brush or something, it's quite funny. =P She also loves to sniff my plants. She'll really love the smell once they start to flower =]



Well-Known Member
i got my kitty from the local animal shelter too. she is freaking crazy. had to put a 25lb curling weight on my seedling box so she wouldn't open it up and make a muck. she now seems content to sit on the somewhat warm growing box i just built. she also loves to play fetch..