My Protector


Well-Known Member
I guess we can all agree cats are attracted to pot plants. Just as Mogie said my cat bolts to the door as soon as it opens she has gotten beat twice for smelling the leaves now the closest she will get is laying in front of them watching them. Anyways heres my crop security ..



Well-Known Member
she loves the hash. she comes and sits if front of me and meows. when i blow in her face she leans forward, squints her eyes and licks her lips. if i hide in the bathroom she scratches the door and meows when she hears me cough. she catchees birds but never hurts them. just brings them to me then lets them go.



Well-Known Member
thank you. this is her brother. mom was feral. we found them under the rose bush in the backyard and kittynapped them at 2 days old. we bottle fed. my wife potty trained them with a warm moist cloth(i know TMI). love 'em.



Well-Known Member
Yeah i agree cats are attracted to cannabis. My roommate has 2 cats and everytime i enter or exit my grow room the cats try to sneak in. I also have a pug dog he could careless what i do in that room.. he does seem to come around whenever i blaze tho LMAO.. LoL i have a stoner dog he loves beer too.



Well-Known Member

This thread is making me sad. My Minature Snauzer that is 13 years old and I've had since I was a teenager is having serious health issues and may have to be put down soon.

He has been a very good buddie and it sucks hes getting worse. They are a very inteligent breed and he is laid back, but extremly protective; even though hes to small to do any real damage.



Well-Known Member
oh man, you had to go there. lost 2 cats last year. stangest thing though the kittens spent a year with them before hand. we made graves in the backyard. kitties saw it all. the kitttens sit by the graves now and talk to the other 2.

love the pugs. they're so cute.


New Member
My cat is a little girl that I got from the pound. She was a feral cat who trusted no one. Once I got her home, Mr. Vacuum Cleaner was her worst enemy! *lol* Before long, she figured out that I was the food source and she warmed up to me. Like most feral cats, she's very small, very protective and VERY vicious when the time comes to display it. I was sitting on my front porch with here in my lap around dusk one day. A raccoon cam around the front of the house and at cat lept off my lap, emmitted a huge growl and chased the raccoon out of the neighborhood. I couldn't believe my eyes. That raccoon could have torn the cat to pieces if he wasn't so intimidated by the her. I learned by that experience to never get on the wrong side of my cat. *lol* Oh ... she likes to get stoned too. Sometimes I'll grind up a little bit of a canna-cookie and put in into her food. Talk about a loving cat! *lol*
