My seeds have sprouted....


Active Member
I'm trying to do this the cheapest way possible so I went out and grabbed dirt from outside...I'm in Michigan and its freezing...Should I let the soil warm up before putting the seeds in??


Well-Known Member
The soil will probably be shit your better off going and buying some sterilized soil from a hardware/garden store, The bags of soil don't cost that much and you'll at least know that the soil is clean.


Well-Known Member
well u cud grow with backyard dirt,but recommend some good soil. And also u shud let the dirt warm up to room tempature, and cold water cud cause stress and shock in the seedlings and cud become male if any of them are girlsbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
don't do anything more until you read some basic stuff about growing, round yourself out a little so you have a bit of direction.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to do this the cheapest way possible so I went out and grabbed dirt from outside...I'm in Michigan and its freezing...Should I let the soil warm up before putting the seeds in??
Bad move. That 'dirt' probably has all sorts of disease ridden pests, mites and got knows what else.

If you're going to do that - don't bother growing.


Well-Known Member
I agree, don't use soil from outside, it could end up being just a waste of your time. Save some cash and get some Foxfarm =D. Happy growing!! =D


Well-Known Member
i hear that if you insist on using backyard soil, bake it in the oven on about 180 degrees for 45 minutes or so to kill some of the bacteria. oh and add some drainage medium...


Well-Known Member
Ugh come on. Just put it in a microwave safe container saturate it with water and throw it in the wave for 2 minutes. Only flies and cockroaches survive the microwave and they find cool spots so thats cheating.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to do this the cheapest way possible so I went out and grabbed dirt from outside...I'm in Michigan and its freezing...Should I let the soil warm up before putting the seeds in??
Come on man. Soil and fertilizer will cost you $20 MAX!! I tried doing that as a test and the results were not good. All kind of fungus and other plants will begin to grow with your main plants. Definitely not suggested.


Active Member
Dude i did the same shit...

this time around i just went out to my garden and gulped up some dirt...

IDK if it will grow but it would be tight im only doing one plant at this time tho...

So i hope and good luck with that...:joint:


Well-Known Member
You can get 40lbs of $0.97 soil from Wal-Mart. It's better than yard dirt in that it at least has sand for drainage. You're going to be spending $$ for lights, nutes, ventilation, etc. May as well pick up some decent soil.


Active Member
yeah, i would just go buy fertilizer, and soil from like, a walmart or something. ur in the u.s. there has to be a walmart somwheres close to where you live. ive tried growing in soil that i dug up from outside, it doesnt work, best bet is miracl-gro soil, and some fertilizer.

may there always be a nug in your bowl