My SOG mission. Various strains. Ongoing journal.


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between the winks people o UK?
Like does that mean sleepin more or what i dunno
I had some happy winkin =) west knows lol


New Member
no I get tired in here because this is the room I grow in. All those lights make it nice and toasty and next thing you know zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'd like to see new pics of your grow though. They sure are lovely looking plants.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i picked some crop netting yesterday for the one-off mini scrog il be doing with the BBC in the mum room and i also picked up some canna akTRIvator (trichoderma harzianum) friendly fungi, and all plants got treated with it yesterday in their water, and il foliar spray the mothers with it tomorrow at lights out and should prevent further fungal infections.

This is the BBC il be doing the SCRoG with in my current mother room once all the nl5 haze clones are taken, shes been topped and all but the six top branches removed, il start training the branches to grow outwards soon ready for when i put the screen over her

The eldest nl5 haze mother.

The slightly younger nl5 haze mother, slightly more sativa pheno, both these nl haze mothers were also topped because they go skywards so quickly and i was running out of vertical room fast lol plenty of clones on em both tho.

And a shot of the mother room, which will soon be the scrog room.

Right so onto the flower room.

Il start with the biggest of both the nl hazes, shes got branches tied up everywhere to keep em in the light, and the nugs are now getting huge lol :weed: yet she still has quite a while to go, not a single brown hair on her as yet, so shel swell loads in her las couple of weeks, yum yum :weed:

Yes this is all one plant lol, couldnt get a pic of the whole plant in one shot lmao. she looks hungry as always, shes a greedy bitch, on max strength BB bloom at the mo lol

The topped nl5 haze mist, again with her branches all tied out to keep em in the light, again loads to go yet, not a single brown hair, always hungry, takin her time like a good haze should lol


Ok so im down to two cheese in the flower room because i harvested one a little early, this is the fungal infected one, lost all her fan leaves now, but the fungus hasnt touched the buds or bud leaves and shes swelling up fine, shame tho, shed have alot more bud if she still had her fans :sad:

And the other topped cheese in the background, with the big haze towering beside her lol