My SOG mission. Various strains. Ongoing journal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Don mate, yep the weekends going good so far, yourself?

aye kanny though im definately getting man flu my throat feels like ive been gargling with gravel...

lookin at the pic id say it wasnt mite damage n more to do with the plants genetics,( it having the mutant, yet very disirable trait of growing bud out of the leaves:mrgreen: ) in my humble novice opinion the damage to the veins is to uniformed surely mites wouldnt be that piccy?! i just had visions of mites coming out in the dark hours like them blokes who did the crop circles, just chewing the veins to fuck with your head :lol: but you wouldnt have used just any old soil so its unlikely... mystery i guess if its not harming the buds then its not that big a deal. weird though only on one plant?! is it the same story on the other cheese?
Yep, that man flu's a bugger eh :lol: not long got over it myself, had chest infection too!

Yea iv been doing a bit of research and have spoken to a few expert colleagues :lol:
and the only thing we can come up with is that its some kind of LSF (leaf spot fungus) thats targeting the veins, the plant in question could be in some way a phenotype with weak resistance to it, thats allowing it to take hold, thats why its only on one plant, but yea the plants budding and frosting up fine and its not spread to the others in any way so im not overly concerned about it, LSF is rife in the uk at the moment apparently, and theres hundreds of different sub-species of it, so it would be near impossible to identify it accurately (unless theres a microbiologist in the house?? :lol:) there are a few products available to slow it down and some products can totally irradicate certain species of it, but, as its getting quite late into flower now and the buds are getting dense, i dont really wanna be spraying with anything.

Im just waiting for a diagnosis from a couple of other people before i do anything.


Well-Known Member
Wassup Lond?Your grows coming along nice,Im with you on the fungus a little late to bomb the place.Is the SOG gonna be the BBC are NLhaze?


Well-Known Member
Wassup Lond?Your grows coming along nice,Im with you on the fungus a little late to bomb the place.Is the SOG gonna be the BBC are NLhaze?
Thanx Beech, yea im gonna see how it progresses and if it gets too bad i think il just strip the plant of all the affected leaves because the hazes will be in there a bit longer than the cheese will so i dont want them getting it.

This first SOG grow will probably be both strains mate, nl haze and cheese.

damn, subscrizibed
Wahey! MrNiceGuy has joined in, welcome aboard bud.


Well-Known Member
get some ladybirds they love to eat spider mites
how goes it uk? Theres no bugs mate, im 101% sure, if i could confirm spidermites id use predatory persimilis mites to get rid of em, its fungal mate im sure of it, so are others.

lady birds?
you mean lady bugs?
or am i retarded on the whole cultural translation thingy?
:lol: yea we call em ladybirds here mate, same thing tho. Theyre very good for getting rid of aphids and blackfly etc.


Well-Known Member
The eldest of the NL5 haze mist soon to be mums, and a couple of better shots of her first female pre-flowers in veg, with the aid of a magnifying glass.


Well-Known Member
The slightly younger still NL5 haze mist, lookin a little droopy, she'l want watering tomorrow.

This is one thing iv noticed with this strain, they like to be wet all the time, my kinda ladies :lol: :hump:

They always want watering long before the cheese, and uptake more water than probably any strain iv ever grown.



Well-Known Member
And a shot of them all in the new mother room.

The little squat BB cheese is normally sitting on a couple of old videos to put her up closer to the light equal to the hazes but i took her down for the pic coz you couldnt see the plants behind.



Well-Known Member
im here :lol:

i noticed your plant sittin up on evil dead video. thats one wierd film!

plants all looking good mate, as usual :eyesmoke:

that smelly finger thing is faf.


Well-Known Member
im here :lol:

i noticed your plant sittin up on evil dead video. thats one wierd film!

plants all looking good mate, as usual :eyesmoke:

that smelly finger thing is faf.
Thanx Fyfe matey, yea i havnt watched the evil dead for donkeys years now, probably wont work now tho, its had water/bio-bizz solution run off dripping down it for a couple of years now :lol:

Hows your LR's coming along mate? Got ya new lamp yet?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I love all the evil dead films lol ash is a star lol. So what strains have u grown Londoner? Ive not been growing a year and went a bit over the top on the amount of diffrent strains ive grown lol