How's it going around here? I got some christmas joy, the plant I put on 12/12 showed me lovely christmas pistals. Couldn't have asked for a better gift !!!
Now if we could ring in the new year, take the decorations down and wait for spring to get here.
You're plants are looking quite tasty Londoner, you have a garden to be proud of and for us to be envious of.
greetings mate!
hope all is well with you and your life.
been off for acouple weeks, seemed like everyone was quiet busy!
take care lond, talk to you soon man.
hey londoner, all looking good as usual with you. hope ur xmas was good and hope u have a good new year too, speak soon.
Thanx guys, xmas was good, if a little hectic as usual, all goin good, the clones are on day 28, 4wks of 12/12 today.
Great news on your girl showing you pistils for xmas Miss! Are you gonna clone from her then??
CG, good to see ya bud, i never ended up drinking the sourthern comfort mate, its still chillin in the fridge lol, oh well new year is coming maybe i can drink it then..........
LTW, thank you yea xmas was good and lookin forward to new year, got no plans for new years eve, just chillin at home with ganj lol
Pictures taken yesterday, temps a little hard to manage at the moment, flower room is max'ing out at 23-24 lights on and 15-17 lights off, a bit low for my liking and i think they are getting some N and Mg def because of it, i may go and pick up a growroom heater today or tomorrow.
Humidity is a little on the low side too, i like it around 45-55% in flower, but, better to be low than high in a flower room