I'm getting some Master Kush tonight, I don't think I've ever had any of that before, usually the weed we buy is just nameless crap.
" I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I'd like it...."
Many happy returns from your plants as well Londoner.
Sorry Miss i forgot to ask, how was the master kush?? Mr West has a master K fem growin and im sure he'd like to hear a lil smoke report.... lol
Hey London,
Just worked off my hangover by reading through your journal (with appropriate vaporous breakfast, of course). Looks downright lovely. Once they get to the bud-setting stage - as yours appear to be - they generally don't get much taller, so you should have a nice (if somewhat tall) sea o' buds soon. You've definitely pushed it to the limit though! Good luck to you, and may your new year be filled with stinky buds!
Hey Seymour, thanx man, yea as i say its my first SOG attempt so it hasnt quite gone according to plan, but hopefully youl seymour buds soon

Hello, my friends from across the big pond. What's happening with you guys? (if it's blow job related, I don't need to know

Hello Miss lol oh ya know same old same old over here, lots change in this country, but only for the worse these days.
word to ya london! happy BIRFDAY and new year! hope your having fun shmoking mountains of haze, drinking too much beer and stuffing cake into you!
ps as per usual nice frickin plants man
Lmfao thanx Don happy new year to you to mate, there has been much cake stuffing my man, my dad bought me down this cake
only for my mum to turn up two hours later with the same cake lol so that ontop of xmas cake, xmas pudding, xmas and boxing day dinners = many extra inches on the old waistline lol
happy birthday and happy new year! cheeeers!

Thanks Cheetz happy new year to you mate, whens the next grow coming man?
Ok some pics taken yesterday.