:( My soil has no nitrogen. What should i do, i just spent the last of my money.

Gerr that soil. It has no nitrogen at all. My plant food has 19-6-12 but I am not sure if i should add it. Is there any thing i can add to it before i plant my seedlings in the soil. It also has between 5-7. Ph is that good?? I hate myself for not checking earlier.:?
I'm not a soil grower but I'd say add that nute if it has N in it, you should strive for 6.5ph. I'm sure some soil growers will chime in and help with better advise,...good luck.
Yeah dude, I would be jumping off a fucking bridge right about now if I were you.

Just kidding. Seedlings are fine for a couple weeks in soil with virtually no nutrients; they have food stored in the seed.
Its Just basic soil with Perlite, Composted green material, redwood shavings, and washed sand. It also has no chemicals, fertilizer, or any manure of any kind. lol it just seemed easier to buy that then one with a whole butch of chemicals.
That's a broad ph range, you think the makers could have been more specific. If it was me I would put some ph 7 water through it and check the run off ph. If it comes out between 6 and 7 I would feel fairly confident. I would then put a VERY low dose of the nutrients through it. Plant your seedlings, and monitor. Up that feed very gradually.

And don't EVER hate yourself! Seriously, don't even say it. The words we use construct the reality we experience.
I've gone a whole year without fertilizer with Sativa strains. You just need lots of soil. As the organic matter brakes down it releases NPK in almost equal amounts.How much soil are you working with and is it fresh or has it been used? it's a myth that cannabis is a heavy feeder. it's a moderate feeder. Corn is a heavy feeder
Add some bone meal it's fast acting with soluble nitrogen that's readily available to the plant. It's cheap and organic too. If your in soil the organic nutes will be better.