My Song of the Day

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Yea, that's right, the time is coming very soon for Trump & the GOP, & that time is fucking now.
He/they should fear the Reaper, because it is coming & it's off with their Heads time :)

Oh, these guys will need to fear the reaper alright, especially Donald. It looks like a landslide from where I'm standing and voter suppression of mail in ballots will put the cap on it. It looks like a hat trick to me, more in the house and up to 10 senate seats out of 23, the southern red states death ride with Donald has just begun. Florida is gone and by the time nov 3rd rolls around Texas should have been devastated by covid, there are many red states in the same boat and a lot of them have GOP senators up for reelection, none are prepared for the onslaught.
Oh, these guys will need to fear the reaper alright, especially Donald. It looks like a landslide from where I'm standing and voter suppression of mail in ballots will put the cap on it. It looks like a hat trick to me, more in the house and up to 10 senate seats out of 23, the southern red states death ride with Donald has just begun. Florida is gone and by the time nov 3rd rolls around Texas should have been devastated by covid, there are many red states in the same boat and a lot of them have GOP senators up for reelection, none are prepared for the onslaught.
This is the music they should playing during the RNC's convention this year, not the Rolling Stones, because they, the GOP & Trump are dead, with the Republican party likely never too be held again with any great regard in the American political arena for a generation.
They obviously sold they're souls to the Devil & Trump, & now they must pay penance, which hopefully will be obscurity

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This is the music they should playing during the RNC's convention this year, not the Rolling Stones, because they, the GOP & Trump are dead, with the Republican party likely never too be held again with any great regard in the American political arena for a generation.
They obviously sold they're souls to the Devil & Trump, & now they must pay penance, which hopefully will be obscurity

I like this tune, kinda reto sound, nice sky dance too.
You know what really, really, really fucking sucks?
It is that in this age of the Virus, that the age of the live show, the dancing in the aisles, the Mosh pits are officially over until a vaccine is developed, which will be a year, at least.
Even then, live shows will never be the same I think.
I don't know about you guy's but I loved going to concerts, hanging out with strangers & sharing drugs :).
All fucking gone for the foreseeable future & somehow I think they'll never, ever be the same.
Fuck COVID-19 & Trump

I'm very tired now after a long day of battling the urge to be sober, which the demon on my left shoulder finally won, God bless him :)
Anyway, so now I'm high & this song makes me smile & I hope it has the same affect on you :)
Peace out & stay safe :)

Just a good song
RIP David :)

without damping the mood, fun fact, stevie ray played guitar on the album version of that, and felt kind of betrayed when bowie put himself on the music video as playing it... his words were, "'That motherfucker shouldn’t be pretending to be playing shit he wasn’t playing!"
I just posted this in the 60's thread, but what the hell, I think it fits here too... I usually don't care for lyrics in the video, but I think it actually helps in this case... still seems relevant... maybe a different kind of war, but still strikes a chord... at least in my view...
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