My Song of the Day

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I just posted this in the 60's thread, but what the hell, I think it fits here too... I usually don't care for lyrics in the video, but I think it actually helps in this case... still seems relevant... maybe a different kind of war, but still strikes a chord... at least in my view...
Somethings seemingly never fucking change, at least the anger against the wrongs perpetuated on the youth of the World by they're elders.

I'm very tired now after a long day of battling the urge to be sober, which the demon on my left shoulder finally won, God bless him :)
Anyway, so now I'm high & this song makes me smile & I hope it has the same affect on you :)
Peace out & stay safe :)

I knew you had some funk in ya Jim!

James, I think you'll really enjoy Anders. He is one of the less known greats imo. As an addict his songs mostly describe his life's struggles with raw to the bone, rock and blues. He's the real deal, can't say enough, he's easily one of the most talented artists I've seen on stage. Happy Fridays
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