MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

Not open for further replies. far, i`m sure they will wear out a lot faster than stainless but they`re cheap enough.
The first signs of wear would likely be a splattering of droplet sizes on the flat surfaces instead of a uniform sheet of steam-like condensation.
A water jet cutter can cut through almost any material so its no surprise the nozzle orifice enlarges. The water exiting the orifice on an impingement nozzle is doing at least 135ft/sec..thats 92mph :)
i think when i get it up and running again i should take a water sample and write it down in my journal than i could take samples every now and than and compare them?

you would think you would get more with wear any drop would mean a clog?

how do you think we could test it, with out a lab?

Edit: we should as a group try to write up a good thread, basely condense all this knowledge in to say one or two pages 93 pages on this thread alone!
I could start a mega thread and keep it neat? Than we could just add info, and try to fill the gaps. I could than cut the post and sort it in to the mega-thread like a new page or chapter?
has anyone done any side by side grows, using the same room, possibly different res's, but same lights and strain, etc... using hp (80+psi) and mp 30psi? Im curious to see what the difference is in yeild and growth rates, etc. If no one has, what do you see being the predicted gains now that you all have done both ways it seems.
Its easy to differentiate..a clog will reduce the nozzle flowrate, a worn nozzle will increase the flowrate due to the larger orifice.
The recommended method is to replace the nozzles when the flowrate has increased by could get expensive. Be very careful when measuring nozzle flowrates, entrained air and dissolved gases in the water can affect the results considerably. A telltale sign is the water collected from the nozzle will appear "milky" instead of clear.

Imho, the thread is fine as it is, if they can`t handle reading 90 odd pages they definitely won`t have enough patience for hp aero ;)
im trying to understand where mist gets too fine? Ive read that foggers are useless once a plant grows too large. If thats the case, where is the peak point between too fine and too large of microns?

Perhaps foggers have not been applied correctly? For instance, every time i see foggers used, they are used 24/7. Perhaps the roots need a chance to dry out? Or perhaps nutes need to be more concentraded with fogger use?

Im trying to figure out if there is a way to avoid this hp nozzle expense. I know its been mentioned in this thread or another about the high speed spinning disks, and droplets of water falling on the disk, and geting small micron droplets off of it. The problem of couse is that the spray pattern is simply a small line of thickness. I think the cure to this could be to have a single shaft, with 5 or more disks, above eachother vertically, and small drippers placed in between each disks. The key would be coming up with a container that would make this effective.

I know you guys have probably already been round and round with this stuff, but im still trying to understand why if finer mist is better... why foggers fall short? I know they do, im trying to understand the science behind it.
im trying to understand where mist gets too fine? Ive read that foggers are useless once a plant grows too large. If thats the case, where is the peak point between too fine and too large of microns?

Perhaps foggers have not been applied correctly? For instance, every time i see foggers used, they are used 24/7. Perhaps the roots need a chance to dry out? Or perhaps nutes need to be more concentraded with fogger use?

Im trying to figure out if there is a way to avoid this hp nozzle expense. I know its been mentioned in this thread or another about the high speed spinning disks, and droplets of water falling on the disk, and geting small micron droplets off of it. The problem of couse is that the spray pattern is simply a small line of thickness. I think the cure to this could be to have a single shaft, with 5 or more disks, above eachother vertically, and small drippers placed in between each disks. The key would be coming up with a container that would make this effective.

I know you guys have probably already been round and round with this stuff, but im still trying to understand why if finer mist is better... why foggers fall short? I know they do, im trying to understand the science behind it.
from what i have learned foggers havent performed all that well because the droplet size is to small.
there is probably a thousand ways to create mist and i dont think any one of them is cheap or someone would be using it. Hp aero is more expensive but i dont think trying to invent a new way to create mist will achieve much. you might have a breakthru but it probably would take alot of time and money to develop another way to create the mist.

i dont know of anyone who has done a side by side test to determine the yield difference from HP to LP. im only on the second run and have not even learned how to run my system to its full potential and i dont know anyone else that has even done one run.

there is just a lack of experiences to draw from when it comes to this subject. to be honest It takes time and alot of skill and patience and money to learn to run these systems properly. at least it has for me. maybe someone else it wont. it sure has been fun though.
Water droplet size is crucial for sustaining aeroponic growth. Too large a water droplet means less oxygen is available to the root system. Too fine a water droplet, such as those generated by the ultrasonic mister, produce excessive root hair without developing a lateral root system for sustained growth in an aeroponic system.

Stoner, R.J. and J.M. Clawson (1997-1999 ). A High Performance, Gravity Insensitive, Enclosed Aeroponic System for Food Production in Space. Principal Investigator, NASA SBIR NAS10-98030.

· J.M. Clawson, A.Hoehn, L.S. Stodieck, P.W. Todd, R. Stoner, "Re-examining Aeroponics for Space Flight Plant Growth", 30th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 10-13 July 2000, Toulouse.
· Stoner II, R. , NASA SBIR NAS10-00017 Low-mass, Inflatable Aeroponic System for High Performance Food Production, Phase1 (Phase1 1999-2000)
· Stoner II, R. , NASA SBIR 1998 NAS10-98030 A High Performance, Gravity Insensitive, Enclosed Aeroponic System for Food Production in Space, (Phase1 1997-1999 ).
· Stoner II, R.., Linden, J., Knutson, K., Stoner Sr., R., Kreisher, J. , Patent (2001) "PDS -Tuber Planting System ", United States: #6,193,988 Schorr, S., Stoner, R., (Assigned to Genisis Technology) Patent (1985), "Methods and Apparatus for Aeroponic Growing of Plants.", United States: #4,514,930,
· Stoner, R. J. (1983). "Aeroponics Versus Bed and Hydroponic Propagation." Florists' Review 173 (4477).

AgriHouse, Inc. dba Aeroponics International Aeroponics International is principally owned by Stoner. IE Do not expect too much data to be publicly released in regard to HP and air atomized aeroponics.
so wait, foggers create too much root hair?

if thats the case, this is what im getting at... there has to be a midpoint for max growth and yeild.

If the fogger creates too much root hair, i think the simple solution would be to mix the best of both worlds perhaps?

Think if one ran a 30psi sprayer for a second or 2. Got the roots wet. Then for the next 5, 8, 10 min (time would have to be determined) the sprayers were kept off, and the fogger ran.

Youd get best of both worlds would you not?
i am surprised with as much technical attention to detail you guys have, that no one has deviated from a 12/12 light cycle.

For instance, i remember reading a while back that plants can only absorb so much light until they need to take a break. This break is typically night time, but more often than not ive read that plants are ready to shut down long before night arrives.

What im getting at is 8 hours on... or 6 hours on... and 12 hours off.

This does a couple things. Saves electricity, for the total ratio of lights being on vs being off changes.

It also makes the plant age quicker into maturity supposedly because it thinks more days have happened, and that somehow helps trigger budding.

Anyone toy with these methods yet? far, i`m sure they will wear out a lot faster than stainless but they`re cheap enough.
The first signs of wear would likely be a splattering of droplet sizes on the flat surfaces instead of a uniform sheet of steam-like condensation.
A water jet cutter can cut through almost any material so its no surprise the nozzle orifice enlarges. The water exiting the orifice on an impingement nozzle is doing at least 135ft/sec..thats 92mph :)

thanks for sharing. now that you mentioned it, i think i remembered seeing netafim products in my hort. supply house's catalog.

i would think the wear on an impingement nozzle would be on the tip rather than the orifice. the lady at bete was real nice, but with me running such a large chamber with so many misters...i don't think $27 a mister is very cost effective.

how long have you been using those netafims?
The most extension scientific testing of aeroponics has been done by Stoner for NASA. It is the results of his extensive testing in publicly released abstracts and short research reports that the water droplet size of droplet size of 50 microns was nrough to the attention of the agricultural community. Years of testing since has shown that the droplet size determinations still appear correct. Stoner also relaesed data as to the minimum amount of nutrient water and the maximum. Ideal would varied due to the differing crops and the many other variables as far as grwoing parameters.

I have grown med pressure aero with large percentages of hair roots but not as cost effectively and efficiently as is managed with HP or air atomized.

So far I have only put together and started up usage of 54 square feet of air atomized chambers. However 18 square feet is for just cloning and veg growth. I have a very large number of square feet in medium pressure misted 8" by 23.5" inch tubes with medium pressure misters. They are running at 35 to 40 psi. They do thrown out a larger range of droplets sizes but but the majority are like still around 50 to 60 microns.

The plants that have been vegged out and budded in the air atomized chambers as a small test all grew more rapidly with less light (48.61 watts per foot verus 76.38 watts per foot) a lot less air conditioning, as well as less CO2 and dehumidification than those same clones grown previously in the same grow room with large tube medium pressure aero. I grew a 144 plant SOG grow. Three weeks total for cloning and veg plus 5 weeks budding to light/medium amber. These are indica/afghani that were taking almost 8 weeks for the same yield harvested at the same resin color at about 16 grams of dried bud per plant. (700 grams per square meter in 5 weeks). I left the heating and air conditioning thermostats and the humidistat at the same settings as well as the CO2 ppm meter. My CO2 tank sets on a scale so I know how much is used (about 30% less). So at this point without really dialing in for top performance but just changing to a better nutrient delivery system that shortened the plants allowing for less lighting watts the grow has put out about the same yield, with one week less vegging, 3 weeks less budding, 1/3 less lighting watts, 30% less CO2. I do not have my airconditioning or dehumidifier on a watt miser so I do not know that usage but I know it is less. My nutrient and water usage is down 1/2 for the same yield. Over all it seems like the growing costs per gram will be an bout 45% less. I will with the next few grows bud for 6 weeks to a darker resin as I need too swap out about half the room for newplants every 3 weeks to keep the system running smoothly in a continous grow. This will allow 9.3 cycles per year instead of 7. That means about 32 percent more yield of a a darker more potent bud for about 35% less growing cost. That is about 1.3 grams per watt in 6 weeks. Total electrical cost about 470 per crop. Which means about 0.85 kwk per gram. IE about 21 cents per gram for total electrical usage.
i am surprised with as much technical attention to detail you guys have, that no one has deviated from a 12/12 light cycle.

For instance, i remember reading a while back that plants can only absorb so much light until they need to take a break. This break is typically night time, but more often than not ive read that plants are ready to shut down long before night arrives.

What im getting at is 8 hours on... or 6 hours on... and 12 hours off.

This does a couple things. Saves electricity, for the total ratio of lights being on vs being off changes.

It also makes the plant age quicker into maturity supposedly because it thinks more days have happened, and that somehow helps trigger budding.

Anyone toy with these methods yet?

In the seventies we use to put a lot of small wattage light bulbs in the grow room so we could run the halide annd HPS less hours per day. We would turn on the small bulbs and turn off the large lights so as to save power and because some thought the plant only grew well a few hours per day. The comical thing was back in the early seveties the typical lighting was 10 watts of halide persquare foot with 5 watts per square foot of HPS added during budding. And people wonder why the potency keeps increasing. Betterand more lighting, better nutrients, hydroponics and a ready source of quality seeds rather than what ever bag seed you could get sure makes a hugh difference.

Doctorate candidate student researchers have a tendency at times to leave important things out of research testing parameters when trying to prove or dissprove there educated opinions.

A while back research was done in a greenhouse supplemented with CO2. The research as an "incidental discovery" supporting his theory that plants growth slowed after mid afternoon daily and that supplementing the CO2 was of no use in the afternioons but only in the morm nings. He stated his rearch testing showed a decrease of CO2 uptake after the ppm was raised to offset the high afternnon temperature. He stated CO2 uptake was larger before the CO2 was raised in concentration. He stated this was due to their being too high of a concentration of CO2 for the plants reduced rate of growth in the afternoon as plant growth slowed always just after mid day as they could only grow at high rtaes for a few hours per day. Surprisingly he was able to defend his research study against peer review prior to the publishing as no one seemed to go to his report presentation except his own mentor who also was involved with the saeme reserach.

Reviw by his peers since then have literally tore his research and limited testing to shreds.

For example. He did not bother to report that the testing was done in a old poorly retriofitted green houae where there was no venting of hot moist air during CO2 injection from bottled CO2. Usually humidity in greenhouses is controlled through venting and very large fans and CO2 is supplied by a generator even while ruuning the fans and uusing vents. Humidity readings were not even collected during the research testing.

What should have been brought up in earlier peer review would have kept the report from ever being published. Of course as the reports seemed to be a new discovery contrary to past research reports it was widely published. The fact that was not brought up is that high temps and high levels of CO2 with high lighting means high transporation and therefore high humidity. With high humidity the transpiration stops as water does not evapoarte from the stomata. Therefore the stomata close and no more CO2 is taken up and plant f growth slows. In modern green houses the humidity is controlled. In grow rooms the humidity should be controlled.

Ie if the growing environment is controlled plant growth only slows if pramters are not balanced. Ie plants like some dark time as respiration is easier in the dark and because some processes within the plant operate easier in the dark. mj plants will grow under 24 hours of light per day and auto strains will still bud under24 hours of light per day.
thanks for sharing. now that you mentioned it, i think i remembered seeing netafim products in my hort. supply house's catalog.

i would think the wear on an impingement nozzle would be on the tip rather than the orifice. the lady at bete was real nice, but with me running such a large chamber with so many misters...i don't think $27 a mister is very cost effective.

how long have you been using those netafims?

The impingement nozzles would wear on both pin and orifice,that wouldn`t be good as the pin is the same diameter as the orifice. As the orifice gets bigger some of the water will probably miss the pin altogether.

$27 is a bargain, where i`m located Bete want $84.50 each! thats for stainless, the brass version isn`t much cheaper.

I have some netafims that are a couple of years old that are still ok, the purple ones haven`t had much mileage but i expect they should last a fair while. A sub 1 second pulse shouldn`t wear them as fast as running for 5 minutes solid.

A 0.5sec/3 mins cycle equates to about 4 minutes running time over 24hours.
In the seventies we use to put a lot of small wattage light bulbs in the grow room so we could run the halide annd HPS less hours per day. We would turn on the small bulbs and turn off the large lights so as to save power and because some thought the plant only grew well a few hours per day. The comical thing was back in the early seveties the typical lighting was 10 watts of halide persquare foot with 5 watts per square foot of HPS added during budding. And people wonder why the potency keeps increasing. Betterand more lighting, better nutrients, hydroponics and a ready source of quality seeds rather than what ever bag seed you could get sure makes a hugh difference.

Doctorate candidate student researchers have a tendency at times to leave important things out of research testing parameters when trying to prove or dissprove there educated opinions.

A while back research was done in a greenhouse supplemented with CO2. The research as an "incidental discovery" supporting his theory that plants growth slowed after mid afternoon daily and that supplementing the CO2 was of no use in the afternioons but only in the morm nings. He stated his rearch testing showed a decrease of CO2 uptake after the ppm was raised to offset the high afternnon temperature. He stated CO2 uptake was larger before the CO2 was raised in concentration. He stated this was due to their being too high of a concentration of CO2 for the plants reduced rate of growth in the afternoon as plant growth slowed always just after mid day as they could only grow at high rtaes for a few hours per day. Surprisingly he was able to defend his research study against peer review prior to the publishing as no one seemed to go to his report presentation except his own mentor who also was involved with the saeme reserach.

Reviw by his peers since then have literally tore his research and limited testing to shreds.

For example. He did not bother to report that the testing was done in a old poorly retriofitted green houae where there was no venting of hot moist air during CO2 injection from bottled CO2. Usually humidity in greenhouses is controlled through venting and very large fans and CO2 is supplied by a generator even while ruuning the fans and uusing vents. Humidity readings were not even collected during the research testing.

What should have been brought up in earlier peer review would have kept the report from ever being published. Of course as the reports seemed to be a new discovery contrary to past research reports it was widely published. The fact that was not brought up is that high temps and high levels of CO2 with high lighting means high transporation and therefore high humidity. With high humidity the transpiration stops as water does not evapoarte from the stomata. Therefore the stomata close and no more CO2 is taken up and plant f growth slows. In modern green houses the humidity is controlled. In grow rooms the humidity should be controlled.

Ie if the growing environment is controlled plant growth only slows if pramters are not balanced. Ie plants like some dark time as respiration is easier in the dark and because some processes within the plant operate easier in the dark. mj plants will grow under 24 hours of light per day and auto strains will still bud under24 hours of light per day.

Your last paragraph seems contradictory. My experience has been that 24hrs light works but not any better and in some cases worse than 18/6 depending on strain and how much growth is pushed during lights on.

Is this what you were trying to say, or am I wrong or missing something?

Also I never realized you were still running MP aero on your large scale grow. So even you aren't prepared to run the whole thing hp yet for some reason?

And lastly on using smaller lights during some lights on time, I was thinking of trying to use that idea now that I switched to a power company plan that gives me cheap power in off peak times from 10pm to 6m. I'd need 4 more hours of lights on and with HID's it would cost 3-4x the cheap rate at those peak times. How horribly would yield and stretch be affected or do you have any other ideas on that? I could run twice the lights less time then back down or all the lights 12/12 and just eat the power spike or ?
Your last paragraph seems contradictory. My experience has been that 24hrs light works but not any better and in some cases worse than 18/6 depending on strain and how much growth is pushed during lights on.

Is this what you were trying to say, or am I wrong or missing something?

Auto strains do not care what the light cycle is. They grow larger with longer light cycles, even 24 hours per day. Ruderakis grows in an area naturally much like the Alaska's interior or just above the arctic circle where there is as much as 23 to 24 hours of daily sunlight in June. Ruderalis usually buds just after the longest days of summer in Alaska or Russia when grown out side without use of a green house.

Myself I never grow anything with 24/7 lighting indoors as I think it makes the plants more prone to problems such as mutations, and predator insects and i disease. While many people tout the possibility that a plant can grow larger with 24 hours per day I think it is still debateable. I have never found any scientic data or reserch reports however tha show plants need a long t night period of say four to eight hours. Only reports that show some plant processes take place more easily without the presence of UV lighting and high levels of radiated heat. IE when no tbeing exposed to direct sun light or intense lighting.

Myself I never grow anything with 24/7 lighting indoors as I think it makes the plants more prone to problems such as mutations, and predator insects and i disease. I grow some huge outdoor bushes in the long houred summers here, though I do not bring them in and bud them. They grow much to lare and bushy to bud out under a standard amount of lighting. Were talking reall bushes about 8 to 10 foot tall. I do however take huge numbers of cutting from their back sides that no one can see from the street. I grow the plants in plain site as state law allows 24 plants per adult member of the house hold. They are not harvested for use ofther than the cuttings.

While many people tout the possibility that a plant can grow larger with 24 hours per day I think it is still debateable. I have never found any scientic data or reserch reports however tha show plants need a long t night period of say four to eight hours. Only reports that show some plant processes take place more easily without the presence of UV lighting and high levels of radiated heat. IE when no tbeing exposed to direct sun light or intense lighting.

Also I never realized you were still running MP aero on your large scale grow. So even you aren't prepared to run the whole thing hp yet for some reason?

Grows! Time and money mainly.

I have may large scale grows. Only the test bed experimental grow room in my home is small and not even all that small in comparison to most hobby grows. Fully set up it contains 108 square feet. It allows me to grow two to four grows at matching temps and humidity and CO2 levels while using different lighting, nutrient delivery methods and/or different nutrient formulations etc for comparative testing. They are also fully monitored with out put feeds of parameter data for data logs on a computer. They are equivalent to any reserachers grow test equipment used in universities. Basically a lot of Hach analyzer/controllers and monitors with analog sending units. Plus I have a laboratory in my home. No really expensive equipment. The top equipment cost is my two Hach spectrophotometers.
No automatic gas chromatography or nuclear resonance imaging euipment. However, I do have a lot of money tied up in ion specific electrodes though as they allow me to test my drain to waste nutrient water easily.

My home grow room at this time is half large chamber air atomized aeros with large capacity side nozzles and half large tube aeros where small capacity air atomized nozzles every linera group of for SOG plants I just just half the medium pressure nozzles previously in use and plugged the other half of the meium pressure aero mister holes in the tubes. I had hoped to find them as effective as chamber grows, and they are but it requires four times as many small but equally expensive nozzles and more air.

This means I will be replacing all my large tubes in the large system with chambers. The labor involved is also much lower with the chambers as my lids are in sections so the cloned/veg plants are moved in the lid sections to the budding chambers. This means I can use cheap 2" net cups and not have to worry about damaging roots pulling them through and pushing them through small holes. Plus I can move lids sections that are 18" inches square with each move. That is very quick and easy. The cloning and vegging is done in the same net pot and in the same tray and the whole tray at one time replaces the old tray in the budding chamber. A lot lot less labor and easier on the roots.

The grow rooms out side of the one in my home are large and remote. I am employeed full time at a Universt ity and also work duru ing the summer and the work and expenses involved means full conversions will take place over a period of about a year. That and the fact that with air atomized aero I have no more real data to work with than others do with HP aero. Look up the price of silent oil less compressors or even the nozzles and adapters for air atomized growing and you will likely be quite shocked. Air atomixzed is much more expensive than HP aero for just the basic beginning components. Your looking at $50 to $150 per nozzle and adapter. Plus the most efficient feed method is gravity feed nutrients so your talking at laest on solenoid per each nozzle. I have two nozzle per chamber plus two installed back up per chamber. Plus extra back up nozzles to install when acid cleaning nozzles to remove carbonates. Plus I use very large air tanks so as yto have at least 48 to 72 hours of air on line. Plus a small back up airpump for each system.

I have in use many EC and pH pumps, pH controllers and pumps as well as auto top off devives using eristaltic pumps.

No wife or kids at home anymore, and the kids andgrand kids all live thousands of miles away. That has its advantages. You don't want to know though how many college educations I either pay for fully or in part.

If you ever develop and interest in EC controllers or Ph controllers etc let me know. I have dozens of extras I can sell cheap. Also mant laboratory grade pH meters, EC meters and DO meters. Lots and lots of Masterflex peristaltic pumps heads and pump motors.

And lastly on using smaller lights during some lights on time, I was thinking of trying to use that idea now that I switched to a power company plan that gives me cheap power in off peak times from 10pm to 6m. I'd need 4 more hours of lights on and with HID's it would cost 3-4x the cheap rate at those peak times. How horribly would yield and stretch be affected or do you have any other ideas on that? I could run twice the lights less time then back down or all the lights 12/12 and just eat the power spike or ?

Wow. Well first MJ is called Californias #. cash crop for a reason. Even with high power cost mj is cheap to grow and the return on your investment is large as long as your not spendinfg it on lawyers and replacing confisacted equipment etc. Yes your yield will drop and your growing cyckle time will increase some with less ntense lighting used for part of the daily light cycle. With a full environmentally controlled romm, Lighting, temp, humidity, nutrient deliver and CO2 the growth witl be constant at virtually the same rate over the full period of lighting withintensse lighting. It obviously will drop to nearly no growth with minimal lighting as were talking a bunch of 5 watt light bulbs is all. To prevent stretched out growth during that time of minimal lighting you would need to drop the CO2 and temp. with the lower temp you would also need to drop the humidity.

Yes you could increase lighting during full light periods as long as you can keep the humidity low and the CO2 high at say 1500 to 2000 ppm, andprovide adequate nutrient delivery. I have grown mj with lighting at 120 watts per square foot with water cooled tubes and reflectors using medium pressure aero and air conditioning, dehumification and CO2 at temps of 95 to 105. However there are no discounts for non peak hours here so it was really not advantageous. It did shorten the grow period a great deal. Massive amounts of water was transpired. A dehumifier would neede a drain if used in a large grow. The simple little catch drawers would fill quickly as they usually are way too small to hold the maximum the dehumidifer can pull from the room in ome day.

Auto strains do not care what the light cycle is. They grow larger with longer light cycles, even 24 hours per day. Ruderakis grows in an area naturally much like the Alaska's interior or just above the arctic circle where there is as much as 23 to 24 hours of daily sunlight in June. Ruderalis usually buds just after the longest days of summer in Alaska or Russia when grown out side without use of a green house.

Myself I never grow anything with 24/7 lighting indoors as I think it makes the plants more prone to problems such as mutations, and predator insects and i disease. While many people tout the possibility that a plant can grow larger with 24 hours per day I think it is still debateable. I have never found any scientic data or reserch reports however tha show plants need a long t night period of say four to eight hours. Only reports that show some plant processes take place more easily without the presence of UV lighting and high levels of radiated heat. IE when no tbeing exposed to direct sun light or intense lighting.
Your last paragraph seems contradictory. My experience has been that 24hrs light works but not any better and in some cases worse than 18/6 depending on strain and how much growth is pushed during lights on.

Is this what you were trying to say, or am I wrong or missing something?

Auto strains do not care what the light cycle is. They grow larger with longer light cycles, even 24 hours per day. Ruderakis grows in an area naturally much like the Alaska's interior or just above the arctic circle where there is as much as 23 to 24 hours of daily sunlight in June. Ruderalis usually buds just after the longest days of summer in Alaska or Russia when grown out side without use of a green house.

Myself I never grow anything with 24/7 lighting indoors as I think it makes the plants more prone to problems such as mutations, and predator insects and i disease. While many people tout the possibility that a plant can grow larger with 24 hours per day I think it is still debateable. I have never found any scientic data or reserch reports however tha show plants need a long t night period of say four to eight hours. Only reports that show some plant processes take place more easily without the presence of UV lighting and high levels of radiated heat. IE when no tbeing exposed to direct sun light or intense lighting.

Myself I never grow anything with 24/7 lighting indoors as I think it makes the plants more prone to problems such as mutations, and predator insects and i disease. I grow some huge outdoor bushes in the long houred summers here, though I do not bring them in and bud them. They grow much to lare and bushy to bud out under a standard amount of lighting. Were talking reall bushes about 8 to 10 foot tall. I do however take huge numbers of cutting from their back sides that no one can see from the street. I grow the plants in plain site as state law allows 24 plants per adult member of the house hold. They are not harvested for use ofther than the cuttings.

While many people tout the possibility that a plant can grow larger with 24 hours per day I think it is still debateable. I have never found any scientic data or reserch reports however tha show plants need a long t night period of say four to eight hours. Only reports that show some plant processes take place more easily without the presence of UV lighting and high levels of radiated heat. IE when no tbeing exposed to direct sun light or intense lighting.

Also I never realized you were still running MP aero on your large scale grow. So even you aren't prepared to run the whole thing hp yet for some reason?

Grows! Time and money mainly.

I have may large scale grows. Only the test bed experimental grow room in my home is small and not even all that small in comparison to most hobby grows. Fully set up it contains 108 square feet. It allows me to grow two to four grows at matching temps and humidity and CO2 levels while using different lighting, nutrient delivery methods and/or different nutrient formulations etc for comparative testing. They are also fully monitored with out put feeds of parameter data for data logs on a computer. They are equivalent to any reserachers grow test equipment used in universities. Basically a lot of Hach analyzer/controllers and monitors with analog sending units. Plus I have a laboratory in my home. No really expensive equipment. The top equipment cost is my two Hach spectrophotometers.
No automatic gas chromatography or nuclear resonance imaging euipment. However, I do have a lot of money tied up in ion specific electrodes though as they allow me to test my drain to waste nutrient water easily.

My home grow room at this time is half large chamber air atomized aeros with large capacity side nozzles and half large tube aeros where small capacity air atomized nozzles every linera group of for SOG plants I just just half the medium pressure nozzles previously in use and plugged the other half of the meium pressure aero mister holes in the tubes. I had hoped to find them as effective as chamber grows, and they are but it requires four times as many small but equally expensive nozzles and more air.

This means I will be replacing all my large tubes in the large system with chambers. The labor involved is also much lower with the chambers as my lids are in sections so the cloned/veg plants are moved in the lid sections to the budding chambers. This means I can use cheap 2" net cups and not have to worry about damaging roots pulling them through and pushing them through small holes. Plus I can move lids sections that are 18" inches square with each move. That is very quick and easy. The cloning and vegging is done in the same net pot and in the same tray and the whole tray at one time replaces the old tray in the budding chamber. A lot lot less labor and easier on the roots.

The grow rooms out side of the one in my home are large and remote. I am employeed full time at a Universt ity and also work duru ing the summer and the work and expenses involved means full conversions will take place over a period of about a year. That and the fact that with air atomized aero I have no more real data to work with than others do with HP aero. Look up the price of silent oil less compressors or even the nozzles and adapters for air atomized growing and you will likely be quite shocked. Air atomixzed is much more expensive than HP aero for just the basic beginning components. Your looking at $50 to $150 per nozzle and adapter. Plus the most efficient feed method is gravity feed nutrients so your talking at laest on solenoid per each nozzle. I have two nozzle per chamber plus two installed back up per chamber. Plus extra back up nozzles to install when acid cleaning nozzles to remove carbonates. Plus I use very large air tanks so as yto have at least 48 to 72 hours of air on line. Plus a small back up airpump for each system.

I have in use many EC and pH pumps, pH controllers and pumps as well as auto top off devives using eristaltic pumps.

No wife or kids at home anymore, and the kids andgrand kids all live thousands of miles away. That has its advantages. You don't want to know though how many college educations I either pay for fully or in part.

If you ever develop and interest in EC controllers or Ph controllers etc let me know. I have dozens of extras I can sell cheap. Also mant laboratory grade pH meters, EC meters and DO meters. Lots and lots of Masterflex peristaltic pumps heads and pump motors.

And lastly on using smaller lights during some lights on time, I was thinking of trying to use that idea now that I switched to a power company plan that gives me cheap power in off peak times from 10pm to 6m. I'd need 4 more hours of lights on and with HID's it would cost 3-4x the cheap rate at those peak times. How horribly would yield and stretch be affected or do you have any other ideas on that? I could run twice the lights less time then back down or all the lights 12/12 and just eat the power spike or ?

Wow. Well first MJ is called Californias #. cash crop for a reason. Even with high power cost mj is cheap to grow and the return on your investment is large as long as your not spendinfg it on lawyers and replacing confisacted equipment etc. Yes your yield will drop and your growing cyckle time will increase some with less ntense lighting used for part of the daily light cycle. With a full environmentally controlled romm, Lighting, temp, humidity, nutrient deliver and CO2 the growth witl be constant at virtually the same rate over the full period of lighting withintensse lighting. It obviously will drop to nearly no growth with minimal lighting as were talking a bunch of 5 watt light bulbs is all. To prevent stretched out growth during that time of minimal lighting you would need to drop the CO2 and temp. with the lower temp you would also need to drop the humidity.

Yes you could increase lighting during full light periods as long as you can keep the humidity low and the CO2 high at say 1500 to 2000 ppm, andprovide adequate nutrient delivery. I have grown mj with lighting at 120 watts per square foot with water cooled tubes and reflectors using medium pressure aero and air conditioning, dehumification and CO2 at temps of 95 to 105. However there are no discounts for non peak hours here so it was really not advantageous. It did shorten the grow period a great deal. Massive amounts of water was transpired. A dehumifier would neede a drain if used in a large grow. The simple little catch drawers would fill quickly as they usually are way too small to hold the maximum the dehumidifer can pull from the room in ome day.

Auto strains do not care what the light cycle is. They grow larger with longer light cycles, even 24 hours per day. Ruderakis grows in an area naturally much like the Alaska's interior or just above the arctic circle where there is as much as 23 to 24 hours of daily sunlight in June. Ruderalis usually buds just after the longest days of summer in Alaska or Russia when grown out side without use of a green house.

Myself I never grow anything with 24/7 lighting indoors as I think it makes the plants more prone to problems such as mutations, and predator insects and i disease. While many people tout the possibility that a plant can grow larger with 24 hours per day I think it is still debateable. I have never found any scientic data or reserch reports however tha show plants need a long t night period of say four to eight hours. Only reports that show some plant processes take place more easily without the presence of UV lighting and high levels of radiated heat. IE when no tbeing exposed to direct sun light or intense lighting.

Thanks, yes it pays for itself lighting wise but it's not paying for itself yet.

I have to do the best I can with the least investment on my last dime.
You do realise that large well set up and managed in door grows usually provide a 500% to 1000% return on investments with sg hort terms equipment depreciation. Large scale irrigated outside grows in a warm climate are usually provide half again more return on investments.
Sure, realize I'm disabled and broke and still fighting with social security to get enough benefits to even survive, and I'm working with scraps and junk to a large degree.

I had to collect a pallet of warehouse lights, wire it all myself, buy used, scrap, make due on nothing etc etc. I'm at the point where I almost have enough to do something with, but not the money to really run it. Treading water going nowhere while I save up enough just to run a real room. When I have the funds and all the ducks in a row it has to rock and I already made mistakes which cost me time and money I didn't have.
I have over 35 years experience designing hydroponic systems. Yiur planned grwowing methodology is not an energy or cost efficient system nor is it a cheap low investment system. Its only real avantage is that it will withstand the stresses related to pump circuit failures better than an aero system and that it will not have the root rot problens associatted with small tube aeros systems, NTF systems, poorly constructed Ebb and Flow systems or standard DWC with poor circulation systems.

For large yields and low investment the easiest and cheapest system to set up is a large tube medium pressure aero using an Iwaki md-40RZT or MD-70RZT 15 to 40 psi pump, standard sprayers with pump running 24/7 with solenoids used as a divertor system. That way the spray is intermittant. The large tubes cost $20 to $35 each for a 6" by 20" tube 8 foot long. Depending on which plastic you choose. To assure water delivery you just install a flow valve on your pumps discharge. If at any time it loses flow it triggers a switch supplying power to another circuit supplying poeer to another pump. Of course this will not help for a full power outage but there are always chances such as that with any systems.

I mainly chose to upgrade to air atomized aero as I can long term yiels and also potency without remote building expansions or adding more grow sites. I chose atomized over HP because it is more adjustable and because large air tanks are more economical that many small high pressure accumlator tanks or a large accumulator tank. Plus the air compressors have longer life spans than the HP pumps as well as the fact that the air atomized systems are just energy wise more efficient as water just isn't as compresive as air. Plus ther are more readily adjstbale by using the many many different size nozzles, or adjusting nutrient feed heights ar adjsting air pressure or a combination of those three, plus cycle adjstments. I think over a long period of time the costs with a large system are likely pretty comaparable energy wise. Labor and maintenace costs in the long term would likely be higher with the air atomized system.


Neither the HP or air atomized system is a low cost system that is likely cost effective for small grows without also tieing in the other system boosters to allow for high temp (faster) grows such as airconditioning, dehumidification and CO2. It is really not cost effective to have the best nutrient delivery system possible when you can not really utilize it well. Plants don't want just a great nutrient and air root DO delivery suystem. The want a great everything system. For the best results and for the best return on your investments you provibe all conditions opto imixed in a balanced system. Not just a better D and nutrient delivery ssytem. That is like supplying a too high EC, or too much light, or eccessive unneeded CO2 or too much dehumification for the transpiration rate taking place, or excessive temperatures in relation to other pramaters.

High pressure aero is not a fix all. It is merely a best delivery system for DO, water and nutrients that allow you to max out your other parameters and get the bestresulyts in the shortest amount of time. But if the only thing you do is supply HP aero or air atomixed aero all your really doing is growing Bozai mj plants at a higher investment cost. Your cycle time will a ltle shorten as the plants will be smaller but your yield will not be as good without all parameters also being in balance with the high DO, water and nutrient deliver rate. Plus to get the most groth in the shortest cycle you need tebest balance you can provide. It is unlikely that will ever happen without high temps low humidity die to dehumicification and high par through loh ght optomxed for bomzai plants. That means may low wattage halides or HPS the are cooled by water placed just an inch or two above the plant canopy. The smaller light wattages also mean higher initial investments but they allow for low wattage use with closely placed lamps as the high intensity of larger bulbs is not needed with 10" to 18" plants budded in 5 or 6 weeks. That means horizontal lights with parabolic refectors at sizes like 3' by 2' for 2 or 3 foot chambers side by side. Ie SOGS. Luckily I have bought neraly nothing but low wattage halide and HPs for years now. Large wattage lights are not a good choice for SOG plants as the light distribution is far from even at close placement of lights (as is most efficient) and raising the light to get better distribution lowers the PAR too much. IE the only advantage to high watt lights is increased depth of intense lighting (therefore for tall plants, and the fact that 4 250watts light ballasts and bulbs plus four refelectors etc cost motre than one 1000 watt light. But with large grows, ec specially large commercial grows efficiency and better utilization capabilitoes of multiple small lights very quickly offsets the lower initial investment costs of poor utilizable large wattage plants.

IMHO I think big tress will be a much larger challenge for a long time yet to come unless there are more people willing to spend the time and efforts with the much larger testing needed for taller plant grows especially if the grows do not utilize full parameter controls.

IMHO While a tall plant grown indoors looks impressive it just is not as economically and efficiently or quickly grown as a huge number of very quickly grown small plants. Over aperiod of time when total costs are calculated in the indoor SOs grows are juts a higher retum on invetment grwing method than taller more physically impresive looking plants.
I have over 35 years experience designing hydroponic systems. Yiur planned grwowing methodology is not an energy or cost efficient system nor is it a cheap low investment system. Its only real avantage is that it will withstand the stresses related to pump circuit failures better than an aero system and that it will not have the root rot problens associatted with small tube aeros systems, NTF systems, poorly constructed Ebb and Flow systems or standard DWC with poor circulation systems.

For large yields and low investment the easiest and cheapest system to set up is a large tube medium pressure aero using an Iwaki md-40RZT or MD-70RZT 15 to 40 psi pump, standard sprayers with pump running 24/7 with solenoids used as a divertor system. That way the spray is intermittant. The large tubes cost $20 to $35 each for a 6" by 20" tube 8 foot long. Depending on which plastic you choose. To assure water delivery you just install a flow valve on your pumps discharge. If at any time it loses flow it triggers a switch supplying power to another circuit supplying poeer to another pump. Of course this will not help for a full power outage but there are always chances such as that with any systems.

I mainly chose to upgrade to air atomized aero as I can long term yiels and also potency without remote building expansions or adding more grow sites. I chose atomized over HP because it is more adjustable and because large air tanks are more economical that many small high pressure accumlator tanks or a large accumulator tank. Plus the air compressors have longer life spans than the HP pumps as well as the fact that the air atomized systems are just energy wise more efficient as water just isn't as compresive as air. Plus ther are more readily adjstbale by using the many many different size nozzles, or adjusting nutrient feed heights ar adjsting air pressure or a combination of those three, plus cycle adjstments. I think over a long period of time the costs with a large system are likely pretty comaparable energy wise. Labor and maintenace costs in the long term would likely be higher with the air atomized system.


Neither the HP or air atomized system is a low cost system that is likely cost effective for small grows without also tieing in the other system boosters to allow for high temp (faster) grows such as airconditioning, dehumidification and CO2. It is really not cost effective to have the best nutrient delivery system possible when you can not really utilize it well. Plants don't want just a great nutrient and air root DO delivery suystem. The want a great everything system. For the best results and for the best return on your investments you provibe all conditions opto imixed in a balanced system. Not just a better D and nutrient delivery ssytem. That is like supplying a too high EC, or too much light, or eccessive unneeded CO2 or too much dehumification for the transpiration rate taking place, or excessive temperatures in relation to other pramaters.

High pressure aero is not a fix all. It is merely a best delivery system for DO, water and nutrients that allow you to max out your other parameters and get the bestresulyts in the shortest amount of time. But if the only thing you do is supply HP aero or air atomixed aero all your really doing is growing Bozai mj plants at a higher investment cost. Your cycle time will a ltle shorten as the plants will be smaller but your yield will not be as good without all parameters also being in balance with the high DO, water and nutrient deliver rate. Plus to get the most groth in the shortest cycle you need tebest balance you can provide. It is unlikely that will ever happen without high temps low humidity die to dehumicification and high par through loh ght optomxed for bomzai plants. That means may low wattage halides or HPS the are cooled by water placed just an inch or two above the plant canopy. The smaller light wattages also mean higher initial investments but they allow for low wattage use with closely placed lamps as the high intensity of larger bulbs is not needed with 10" to 18" plants budded in 5 or 6 weeks. That means horizontal lights with parabolic refectors at sizes like 3' by 2' for 2 or 3 foot chambers side by side. Ie SOGS. Luckily I have bought neraly nothing but low wattage halide and HPs for years now. Large wattage lights are not a good choice for SOG plants as the light distribution is far from even at close placement of lights (as is most efficient) and raising the light to get better distribution lowers the PAR too much. IE the only advantage to high watt lights is increased depth of intense lighting (therefore for tall plants, and the fact that 4 250watts light ballasts and bulbs plus four refelectors etc cost motre than one 1000 watt light. But with large grows, ec specially large commercial grows efficiency and better utilization capabilitoes of multiple small lights very quickly offsets the lower initial investment costs of poor utilizable large wattage plants.

IMHO I think big tress will be a much larger challenge for a long time yet to come unless there are more people willing to spend the time and efforts with the much larger testing needed for taller plant grows especially if the grows do not utilize full parameter controls.

IMHO While a tall plant grown indoors looks impressive it just is not as economically and efficiently or quickly grown as a huge number of very quickly grown small plants. Over aperiod of time when total costs are calculated in the indoor SOs grows are juts a higher retum on invetment grwing method than taller more physically impresive looking plants.

man alive fatman, you've been busy.

i've been wanting to go to lower wattages for a while now but its been hard to justify the extra cost in my mind...but you're getting me there. so if you're running 250's are you stacking them one right next to each other? that's asstons of capital invested in lights.
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