MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

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Forget plans and parts, just watch for the Ronco TV commercial, you can buy one for just three easy payments of 19.95 but you have to act right now when you see the commercial because you know they can't offer them all day at that price.
Hi guys, i have problem whit my PH.

I have prepared my solution in this order:

10 litres of tap water at ph 8.0
2 ml of Bio Roots from GHE
correct ph at 6.0 with PH Down from GHE

1 day after he up to 7.5 and day after same.
Today stopped at 7.0

My this normal?
Hi guys, i have problem whit my PH.

I have prepared my solution in this order:

10 litres of tap water at ph 8.0
2 ml of Bio Roots from GHE
correct ph at 6.0 with PH Down from GHE

1 day after he up to 7.5 and day after same.
Today stopped at 7.0

My this normal?

General Organics Bio Root is an organic rooting supplement not a complete nutrient formulation.

Ingredients: Alfalfa meal, brewers yeast, potassium sulphate, rock phosphate, sea kelp and soybean meal. I would not recommend its use for anthing but cloning or soil grows.

Please tell you didn't really add these things to your chemical nutrient solution. If so quit using them and your pH problem will go away. You should have your pH in the range of 5.6 to 5.8 or posssibly 5.5 to 5.8. Not above that for hydro.
General Organics Bio Root is an organic rooting supplement not a complete nutrient formulation.

Ingredients: Alfalfa meal, brewers yeast, potassium sulphate, rock phosphate, sea kelp and soybean meal. I would not recommend its use for anthing but cloning or soil grows.

Please tell you didn't really add these things to your chemical nutrient solution. If so quit using them and your pH problem will go away. You should have your pH in the range of 5.6 to 5.8 or posssibly 5.5 to 5.8. Not above that for hydro.

I have saw this in the GHE program for hydro and aero, with the Bio Bloom.

If i correct ph little and often can cause problem?

You think i can go without it or corrupts the performance?

Thanks for the explanation
It seldom works well when you add organics to a chemical nutrient system as it introduces and and creates a need for bacterial and enzyme processes that a chemical nutrient system does not need that a hydro grower tries to prevent from developing. This wreaks havoic with the little buffering capacity of the chemical nutrienr formulation and causes unnecessary carbonate formations and other issue that cause pH problems and. A nutrient resrvoir with organics in it is worse than trying to manage a wsate water treatment plant. Waste water treatment palnts actually contain less nutrients to digest that must be digested proportionally by bacteria in a reservoir with organics. They like human waste excrement are organic nutrients that are only partially digested.

If you are using a balanced chemical fertilizer you most definitely need to add the supplement to it. Their advertisng is very deceptive as it contains no humus as a result of the products they llist as ingrediants. The only humus products GH or AN uses in any of the their products is humic" chelates. However it is a bit of a stretch calling something extracted from coal using potassium hydroxide as being any more natural than the typical chelates already in common use. It is all a marketing hype game to milk mj growers as long as they can before the U.S. relaxes mj laws. IE another scam product to make more prifits and to give an impression of being cutting edge.
Hello Fatman: I heeded your warning about AN Sensi having urea in it and not able to process in inert media. Here is what I did and am getting blockbuster results: I took Coco as the medium and applied Sensi Grow @ EC 1.6 + a supplemental dose of 2 tsp/gal Botanicare Original Pure Blend Grow formula (organic Compost Solution which has guano, fish ass, kelp) I also hydrated the coco in this solution.

Am I experiencing only the effect of the Sensi formula and the Botanicare sup is a waste? Or am I on track with this chemical/organic combination in my attempt to process and benefit from the urea? Do the enzyme formulations like hygrozyme provide some urease as an alternative to organics to process urea?
One last question if I may. What is the difference between the cal-mag sulfate type and the cal-mag carbonate type? Are they interchangeable? Can I use the carbonate type as part of this regimen? I got a free quart of cal-mag carbonate. Your time is much appreciated.

EDIT: Drain to waste
Hello Fatman: I heeded your warning about AN Sensi having urea in it and not able to process in inert media. Here is what I did and am getting blockbuster results: I took Coco as the medium and applied Sensi Grow @ EC 1.6 + a supplemental dose of 2 tsp/gal Botanicare Original Pure Blend Grow formula (organic Compost Solution which has guano, fish ass, kelp) I also hydrated the coco in this solution.

Am I experiencing only the effect of the Sensi formula and the Botanicare sup is a waste? No the organics will be uptaken by the plants. The organic nitrogen will either be taken up as ammonium if the temps are low or the plants recived low intensity side lighting or a extremely bushy. Other wise the ammonium nitrogen will have to be converted to nitrite then nitrate by bacterial action within the reservoir before it can be used by the plants. The other organic fertilizers will be taken up just like chemical fertilizers as the organics puetryfy and releses the minerals.

Or am I on track with this chemical/organic combination in my attempt to process and benefit from the urea? The effects of the urea is simply the production of more ammonium nitrogen that most often is not taken up as well as the nitrate so it typically is just a feed stock for bacteria that eventually turn it into nitrate. Under most typical indoor growing conditions nitrate is favored by the plants as typically indoor growing parameters (high temps and intense top lighting and no side lighting) promotes nitrate up take over ammonium uptake. Once again ammonium is taken up instead of nitarte when lighting is low and or temps are low. Otherwise the plants take up nitrate if it is availaable. This means ammonium is more typically used to buffer pH rises more than as a nutrient with hydoponics. In all reality recirculating reservoir nutrients formulations and top offs are juggled more due to the effect of buffers forming than due to plant nutriet uptake. Recirculating resrvoirs are continually losing nutrient availability due to nutrients loss to buffering. Recirculating nutrient reservoirs are really a PITA and should be avoided in your growing method allows economical use of drain to waste instead.

Do the enzyme formulations like hygrozyme provide some urease as an alternative to organics to process urea? Yes. But hygrozyme is just an organic leachatte, mening it is the liquid that, in this case, that flows from the bottom piles of chicken manure. It introduces bacteria and enzymes not need in a chemical nutrient system. Especaiily when you consider about all the offer is "natural" chelators that are not needed. A chemical based hydro system is better left fre of organics and if you desire prevetative treatments for phythium or root rot simply use chlorox first that 2.5 to 4 ppm followed by daily additions of 0.5 ppm. This affectively controls or eliminates alactria or pathogens you will normally ever encounter with indoor hydro mj grows.
One last question if I may. What is the difference between the cal-mag sulfate type and the cal-mag carbonate type? Calcium carbonate is a precipitate mineral so it provides buffering butdoes not supply any calcium to the plants. It therefore is a buffer but not a nitrients. But a budding plant does not have increased calcium needs. Recirculating reservoirs do however as during budding calcium is constantly tied up as bicarbonates if the resrvoirs are not changed often. This causes a calcium deficiency and also can cause magnesium to be lost to buffering when there is a low dissolved calcium availabilty. The calcium carbonate added prevents this from happening but it also can lead to quicklty to clooging of sprayers and misters. The calcium (soluble) in the other coom cal-mag replaces calcium tied up as bicarbonates. Are they interchangeable? They work in different ways to accomplish the same thing. calcium carbonates should be used to supplement a new/fresh nutrient solution (as it prevents calcium being tied up as bicarbonates) and Cal-mag that is made with soluble calcium from calcium nitrate should be used as a supplement with nutrients solutions that are not fresh (so as to replace calcium already tied up in bicarbonates).

Can I use the carbonate type as part of this regimen? I got a free quart of cal-mag carbonate. Your time is much appreciated.

EDIT: Drain to waste

If you are growing drain to waste then most of this does not apply as your chemical nutrients solution will always be the same. Only the additin of organics will screw this up. I would not use any organics or hydrozyme to convert the urea that is in the Sensi formula if using drain to waste. The urea will then essentially just all end up draining to waste without be converted to ammonium, nitrite/nitrate. Buffering is not an issue with drain to waste as their is no need to try to maintain any specific pH in a resrvoir if all the excess nutrient is just draining to waste rather than flowing into a reservoir where it causes pH and therefore buffering issues. Without oragnics being added your reservoir feeding the drain to waste systen will not have pH flcuations but will remain stable. It will not remain stable o if it also contains organics. It takes weeks for urea to be converted to nitrate even with all the enzymes and bacteria being present but other nutrients, bacteria and enzymes in orgainic fertilizersm supplments and hygrozyme cospost type supplements will star effecting (changing) your ph almost instantly and will cause pH changes for 4 to 5 weeks usually. With out the enzymes and bacteria being present the urea simply remains urea which the roots do not take up.
It seldom works well when you add organics to a chemical nutrient system as it introduces and and creates a need for bacterial and enzyme processes that a chemical nutrient system does not need that a hydro grower tries to prevent from developing. This wreaks havoic with the little buffering capacity of the chemical nutrienr formulation and causes unnecessary carbonate formations and other issue that cause pH problems and. A nutrient resrvoir with organics in it is worse than trying to manage a wsate water treatment plant. Waste water treatment palnts actually contain less nutrients to digest that must be digested proportionally by bacteria in a reservoir with organics. They like human waste excrement are organic nutrients that are only partially digested.

If you are using a balanced chemical fertilizer you most definitely need to add the supplement to it. Their advertisng is very deceptive as it contains no humus as a result of the products they llist as ingrediants. The only humus products GH or AN uses in any of the their products is humic" chelates. However it is a bit of a stretch calling something extracted from coal using potassium hydroxide as being any more natural than the typical chelates already in common use. It is all a marketing hype game to milk mj growers as long as they can before the U.S. relaxes mj laws. IE another scam product to make more prifits and to give an impression of being cutting edge.

Thanks fatman, very interesting lesson.

Ok i can go without bio roots and bio bloom, but i have another one, Diamond nectar.

I can use this with Floranova? this contains Humus, i can try to make a solution with fert and diamond and check ph, i hope it remains stable.

EDIT: my system is drain to waste.
I am a bit confused. Why do you think you need to add or will benefit by adding Diamond Nectar. Diamond Nectar is just mainly raw cane sugar, molasses (raw sugar), malt syrup (raw sugar from corn and sprouted barley) (IE normally used to make grain alcohol) and then GH then throws in the same humic and fulvic acids as the FloraNova contain. Basically this supercharges bacterial multiplication and does little else. It is a myth that raw sugar feeds mj as a carbohydrate. NO research has ever shown feeding raw sugar to a growing plant is effective at increasing yield or increasing the nutrient uptake of the plants. mj just does't experience a problem with a deficiency or carbohydartes so increasing them is not beneficial.

The FloraNova nutrient formulation already contains chelated iron. That supplies enough chelate for all the salts requiring or benefitting from a chelate. The humic and fulvic acid is not only not needed but is a problem causer in a chemical nutrient reservoir as it is an organic. Adding more by adding Damond Nectar is simply increasing unneeded "contamination" of the chemical nutrient solution. Using humic and fulvic acids with a soil grow where there might be no chelates naturally present couldbe beneficial if chelated iron is not also used. Humic and fulvic acids are not needed or beneficial enough in chemical nutrint solutions to off set the pH and clogging problems they cause. Below is a link showing that the FloraNova products already contain iron chelate. If GH was not just being unethical in adding humic and fulvic acids to a standard chemical fertilizer so as to sell a "new improved" formulation they would not both tout the humic acids as a natural chelate and still provide the man made chelate that it is suppose to replace. AN has done the same thing.

The humic acid and fulvic acids do not have the same qualities of humus. They are merely using pottasium hydroxide to extract humic acid and fulvic acid from soft coal. It is just another sellers scam. Researchers and the commercial agricultural community has already repeatedly proven that while humus is beneficial in soil growing, humic acids and fulvic acids used at manfacturers recommended application rates and at twice that amount provided no crop yield increases or product quality improvements.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMTZtMXRkBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0RGUjVfODQ-/SIG=136eo6de9/EXP=1271250347/**http%3a//
this is a long ass thread. interesting but did anyone ever build something similar besides the original guy. be nice if someone could confirm his work with some info and pics.
Paglia, what kind of HP aero system are you using? Is it home made or store bought?

I would still use the FloraNova products you have already purchased and just keep a good eye on the pH. I would not recommend you buy anymore for use on indoor hydro though. Stick to the simple chemical two and three part formulas like GH Flora series until you are prepared to start mixing your own nutrients or adjusting cheap commercial fertilizers to fit your specific needs. I would not add the nectar but save it to use at a low concentration as a cloning and seedling solution.

When it comes to supplements realise that commercial hydroponic green house growers are much more informed of the availability of supplements than most growers. They can also purchase in bulk at very low prices in comparison to what mj retailers of nutrients charge. Like a few pennies on the dollar. If they say it is not a worth while product then it just is not a worth while product even for the mj grower whos product is worth more. Remember they pay pennies for what we pay dollars. If they could get 10% or 20% better yields like the mj marketers claim is possible they would be using the products. For an example: Bulk raw sugars are very cheap. If the were beneficial the commercial hydroponic green house growers would buy and use it by the truck loads. They do not use it at all. The fact that they are not simply shows mj nutrient retailers and manufacturers are not just deceptive but often flat out liars.
this is a long ass thread. interesting but did anyone ever build something similar besides the original guy. be nice if someone could confirm his work with some info and pics.

Obviously you did not read much of it or you would not be asking the question about other whether other growers have also also such systems or asking for confirmations about the thread starters system and whether it works.

I have pics of my grand children I could post, but I do not post incriminating pictures of mj or pictures of cutting edge equipment that the government does not even wish to post on line. That would be like asking to be watched and harassed.

All the information you need is posted and there are photos here and else where online of everything but photos of the systems growing mj. You have to look at the silly tag photos at IC for photos such as that. Less mature growers tend to foolishly post more photos. More mature growers prefer freedom over feeding the ego through posting incriminating photos.

If you need photos to believe what you read, then simply read from else where.
Hi Atomizer,

I using a flexible pipe for gas, can take 20 bar of gas pressure, the line is 3 meter long whit 4 nozzles.

The flow rate is 0,06 LPM for nozzles

The pump is a low flow vibration pump, she produce 15 bar (217,5 psi) is designed for expresso machine coffee

My friend give me tomorrow a 3 way solenoid to put after the pump, when the pump stop the solenoid discharge in the res.

I think this is the rigth way for my possibility now, but i have in mind to mount an accumulator tank one day...

Yes now I remember. I have no experience using misters this small, aside from the issue of mixing organics and chemicals, won't using organics of almost any kind increase the rate of clogging or is the pressure great enough to blow it out?

Yes now I remember. I have no experience using misters this small, aside from the issue of mixing organics and chemicals, won't using organics of almost any kind increase the rate of clogging or is the pressure great enough to blow it out?

Organic preparations typically contain lots matter that is partially digested and partially putrefied. The rock powders and many other things they contain ae notwater soluble but must be slowlybroken down by acids and enzymes. Lots of chunks and such are quite common. Many manafctures do not strain to any degree smaller that 350 to 400 micron. Even the mostethical ones only filterdown to 200 microns. Medium pressure, high pressure and air atomizer solutions should be filtered with at least a 20 micron filter is there is any chances of non dissolved matter in the solution. 5 micron is even better.
Forget plans and parts, just watch for the Ronco TV commercial, you can buy one for just three easy payments of 19.95 but you have to act right now when you see the commercial because you know they can't offer them all day at that price.

was this a joke? or is there really something out there thats a steal?
Obviously you did not read much of it or you would not be asking the question about other whether other growers have also also such systems or asking for confirmations about the thread starters system and whether it works.

I have pics of my grand children I could post, but I do not post incriminating pictures of mj or pictures of cutting edge equipment that the government does not even wish to post on line. That would be like asking to be watched and harassed.

All the information you need is posted and there are photos here and else where online of everything but photos of the systems growing mj. You have to look at the silly tag photos at IC for photos such as that. Less mature growers tend to foolishly post more photos. More mature growers prefer freedom over feeding the ego through posting incriminating photos.

If you need photos to believe what you read, then simply read from else where.

if you think asking for a pic of a system without anything in it is immature or that the government might come after you if you did because its cutting edge science then your either need to put down the pipe or seek some professional help. i guess the government must be watching the companies that sell these systems like Atomix and biocontrols. yea ive read the thread but your argument doesnt hold water. im new to this site but i see whereever you are there is controversity so no sense in trying to make a point with you. continue your consiracy theories to avoid the truth.
I suppose the government is watching the 2 people who did post pics of thier systems. have a nice life living in your dream world.
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