Well-Known Member
so where are they? 

I'll be adding pix tonite. =)
Cant wait to see what your total yield is...
You MUST keep us informed of your first cutting results... Weight and high...
You have done quite well for yourself there... Congrats... =]
nice goin HotnSexy,,looks like you got it goin on,,in a few departments) nice to see ya in the chat room too,,take care and good luck too the end
Keep on Growin
Ive been watching this grow for a couple months now and I gotta ask... do you own clothes or are you just a skank?
DUDE...go away...Ive been watching this grow for a couple months now and I gotta ask... do you own clothes or are you just a skank?
Ive been watching this grow for a couple months now and I gotta ask... do you own clothes or are you just a skank?
Ya totally milf... blah blah blah... I'm totally gay, but really think that you are threat to me because I am a weak individual that needs to bash people I don't know over the internerd... but you dont come across as skanky at all...