My very first grow room


Well-Known Member
Weeds the first couple seasons were the shit. Then they start bull shitin but there starting to get back into it with this past season.. so we'll be in for a good season coming up!!!
Unfortunately they wrapped up the series with the season 8 Finale, no more Weeds, boo hoo :cry:, however based on how the last few seasons went its not a big loss IMHO, I agree they started to get back into good weed related stuff (Sylas's indoor grow & the Cannabis Lab was fucking awesome, they blow weed smoke in racoons faces & see which one eats more cheese puffs to test who's weed is stronger) however we were lucky to get 15min of weed related scenes per episode, like I said the show is called WEEDS so WTF???? Anyway, I'm not going to be loosing sleep over no more Weeds, however the fact that AMC is wrapping up Breaking Bad with the second half of season 5 really peeves me, I mean its one of the best if not the best show on tv & with some of the best ratings, so what do they do, cancel it, WTF????? With all the shitty shows on tv they cancel Breaking Bad, what gives??? I think the show did a lot better than expected and the actors started making more money so now they would rather go spend there cash rather than spend months shooting another season, just a theory but the actors were no where near as famous before Breaking Bad so it could very well be true. OH Shit, I just hijacked another thread, sorry about that Sassy, for my inconsideration I'll link you to my personal (& Best EVER!) Chinese Foil Wrap Chicken recipe that I shared because I hijacked another thread, its an amazing recipe and if you serve it at a party everyone will be praising your culinary talents: (-->CLICK HERE<--)


Active Member
Pics from a few minutes ago. I had noticed some curling and even a few brown spots on some leaves before transplanting to larger pots. My plants seem to be bouncing back, getting their color back and becoming healthier. Anyone know why this might have happened ? The yellowish color is due to the lighting in the grow space.

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Well-Known Member
When you take pics try to turn the light of it makes it hard to tell the color. Have you feed them ? Sorry if you've mentioned it I haven't read through the hole thread..


Active Member
Here are pics I just took, without the HPS light turned on. You can see that they are getting the color back because just before transplanting them, they were all turning towards yellow and had most of their leaves curling and patchy. Now they are already looking much better though there is still one plant that is lagging behind the others a bit as far as getting it's green back on. I gave them just a little nutrient when I watered them after transplanting into the larger containers.



Well-Known Member
Looking good there sassy was either root bound was it all spidery white on bottom when transplanting them, or I would say n deficiency remember I'm a "rookie" so I would research for awhile before coming to a conclusion. Also I would see how the new growth goes if stays steady and greens back up you will be fine.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm thinking root bound and a nutrient deficiency to boot, hehehe, I was a mean momma. They are looking much better now and now counting time till they are ready.


Well-Known Member
I'd say feed at 1.4 mS. Do you have an EC metre? If you were using a hobby fertilizer, it would be easy to give a strength (GH has it listed on the bottle, so you don't need a metre). What exactly are you feeding them?

You say pH may be an issue...what is the pH of your feed/water?

btw, using promix and fertilizer IS hydroponics. It's called soilless - meaning the soil provides all the just add water. I don't believe your plants were rootbound...just hungry.


Active Member
Since transplanting, I'm watering period but will begin feeding nutrients soon enough. The pH was an issue, maybe and that was when they were still in the small pots though I now think it had much more to do with them being hungry and starting to be root bound ( all spidery white roots running up the inside and around the bottom when I took them out for transplanting ). Was just in watering them this morning and they are stretching beautifully, with more and more 5 fingered leaves appearing. Leaves are now green again and not drooping.

Yes, Pro-Mix is hydroponics in that there is no soil. The plant food I have for the veg state is a 20-20-20 plant food with a near neutral pH ( 6.5 - 7.5 ). I will look into buying general hydroponic nutes as soon as I can get to the Hydroponics store in Toronto. I was going to go the organic route and had even begun that way with the seedlings ( in soil ) but this Pro-Mix is just what I want so soil-less feels good to me right now. :)


Active Member
Just want to thank Crysmatic for pointing me in the right direction in regards to a local Hydroponics gardening supply shop close to where I live. This is totally going to make things much easier for me. :)


Active Member
no nutes in a bottle guys. Yucks. If you love weeed as much as anonbonghit you gotta do it with no nutes. Just supersoil add water and wabamm you got dank. I started out using the nutes in a bottle. Fox farm lineup and Advanced Nutes lineups. The Yields are heavier but not as tasty and trich covered. With the Nutes in a bottle your force feeding them unless your using a good Organic based tea. With the supersoil you get results like these. Not too mention it is better for you. Easier for a noob also. The only real tuff part is mixing up the soil. I actually find it fun and self rewarding making the stuff cause i know that my plants will turn out with true conneseur quality. The winners at the Amsterdam cannabis cup had nothing on my bud. You noobies too can achieve this with a little Tender loving care and some supersoil also with a dialed in grow room. Also the ease of only having to give your plants water through the whole flower cycle with just a few waterings with the mollases and your set.



Active Member
Wish I had the time and desire to do it ' au naturel ' with the organic preps but I really don't but I will do all I can to find organic nutrients that I can add to the Pro-mix. Maybe as I learn more I'll move towards my own super soil mixes but for this time around, I'm going with the bottled stuff. :) Love the pics Montana. :)


Well-Known Member
great job! you have a few different genotypes...which means you could essentially have different growth patterns, and different highs. that's bag seed for ya. Genotype "hunting" is growing them out, then selecting the best one to clone and grow out again. How was the bag weed?

There's the argument that this is just your first test run, and the outcome is irrelevant - it's to learn. However, it's a waste of resources, and months of time, if the outcome will be mediocre at best. Do you still have the lead on clones?

@montana which one of your buds was "cannabis cup beating"?


Active Member
Hi Crysmatic, my sister gave me the bag seeds, and I know from having tasted her weed that it is pretty damn good stuff, I'd say from comparing it with what I grew outdoors last summer that it's a Kush but I couldn't venture any further guess and even that is just me thinking it might be Kush. The other 3 plants I'm growing are of known strain ( Headband ) and I'M really looking forward to enjoy that very much. I don't much subscribe what I should expect or not, I'm growing period and experience is already building.

Now, today I'm off to buy this package that includes all the organic nutrients necessary for growing in a medium like Pro-Mix. It's called DNF ( Dutch Nutrient Formula ).

Dutch Nutrient Formula, is plant nutrition developed in Holland. It has been in existence for over 23 years and has everything required for plants to obtain optimum growth. It's all organic so I can meet the standards of growing healthy and hopefully great tasting weed.

DNF is an easy to use, convenient 2-part formula for both Grow and Bloom stages which maximizes nutrient uptake. Our method combined with superior ingredients eliminates binding, solidification and waste of mineral elements, which occurs in ordinary 1-part plant food. All elements in DNF are utilized making it the most economical nutrition for your plants.
DNF will show proven results with testimonials from trusted professionals in the industry. It contains no additives or dyes and is heavily concentrated for unsurpassed value.


Active Member
They are looking great!!! I am at day 26 myself... will be updating the journal tomorrow... updating every 4 days with pics. I think my girls are as tall and healthy looking as yours! Hope we both yield some good stuff! I know that you will love the 'bag' seed difference if there were a lot of seeds in the plant you got it from.. if it was only like 1 or 2, then I think potency will be very similar (though you having sensi plants all the way through will only improve potency!) I am also using nutes but once they are used up, I will probably try and create the super soil and only worry about watering from start to finish!... I still think it is a good learning measure so you can kind of see how each nutrients act should you miss or over feed a particular N, P or K etc... Then if your super soil is off for some reason you will have an idea of what is lacking in the soil! Learning is always the fun of this I say... again love the plants!


Active Member
Day 27 for me today, just gave them a good feed with the nutrients and will look forward to see how things go onward from here. I think I'll be taking a few clones from my Headband plants and will probably also germinate the Sensi and Skunk I have ... should be fun to see them all grow. But first, still have a week or two of veg before changing over to flower. :) I'll go check out your pics. :)


Well-Known Member
it's a good thing they're pretty damn good stuff...if they were pretty darned good, I'd say toss them and start over ;P One thing to watch for though...sinsemilla isn't supposed to have seeds. They're most likely from a hermaphrodite plant and/or a lazy grower. The seeds you planted will likely be female, with male tendencies. Rip their balls off as they show up, or you will have a room full of knocked up girls.

I expect to have a room full of headband by the end of the month :D I've heard it's impressive in every single way. Lucky dog!

DNF 2 part, in clear bottles, is mineral based. The organic nutes are 1 part, and in white bottles.


Active Member
Hi Crysmatic, you are of course correct in regards to the DNF 2 part nutrients system, it is mineral based, but right now, I'm liking it big time, hehehe, I'll see how everything goes. Yeah, got my eyes on the bag seeds, looking for any signs that they have any male characteristics. Wouldn't want them to pollinate the female Headbands I also have growing and already doing nicely. I hear the same about Headband and so looking forward to tasting.

Just received my MH bulb replacement ( for the one that burnt out after only 10 days ) and now back with that for the rest of the veg cycle ( instead of the HPS bulb ). Today, I'm working in studio, painting, painting, painting. :)

*** darn, just noticed that the replacement bulb is an HPS also so looks like I'll need to head out to the local Hydroponics store and buy an MH bulb.