My very first grow room

Garden weeds

Active Member
I would also reccomened a HPS and balast. And 40watts is no where near enough IMO. I work by 100watt per plant, a 100watt CFL for veg and a 600watt HPS for flower would do you a treat. GW


Active Member
You know it SteezyDee and I'll be getting at least one more 600 watt HPS as well as a T5 for the veg / clone side of things ... so that's pretty much taken care of. :)


Active Member
A few leaves yellowed a bit, doesn't seem major and I fixed the mylar again. Thinking it's about time to transplant now, it's day 16 and from the look of things, there can't be much wiggle room left in those 4 inch pots. Will probably transfer them to their final grow pots.


Active Member
Lucky you, I have been looking for pro-mix for a long while now... I think that they will like their new soil! what are you transplanting into?


Active Member
Transplanting into 10inch wide x 9 inch deep pots. I was just looking through the local Canadian Tire online catalogue for a soil that was organic and ph neutral when I came across it, sending my partner to go pick a bag or two up in a bit while I sit myself in front of my easel and do some painting. :)


Active Member
Hi SteezyDee, sorry, they're already transplanted but I can say this about the roots, LOTS. So much so that they were circling the bottom of the 4 inch pots. Here are the pics I took today of the plants in their new homes.

day17, transplant day.jpgday17, transplant day1.jpgday17, transplant day2.jpgday17, transplant day4.jpg
Indoor gardening involving hydroponics equipment. The senior most requirement, is a purpose built grow room. A hydroponics grow room requires certain materials to provide certain elements for protection, retention, reflection and safety.


Active Member
Hi Terrance, I'm sure what you say about hydroponics is quite correct though I fail to understand since I'm using soil. :)


Active Member
Hi BigRake :)
Not sure what the answer to your question would be overall but I'm am glad for the attention, it's been helping me so much to better my grow knowledge. Think I should put up a pole to find out ? It could go something like ' Do you visit this thread because I'm a woman ? '
' Do you visit this thread because you want to help ? '
' Do you visit my thread because you are fascinated by the work I'm doing growing weed ? '
' All of the above '
' None of the above '


Well-Known Member
We know the reason lol . They would say to watch and help lol your not even asking for help. Have everybody on riu on your thread to funny!! I see the grows coming along nicely!! Off to a great start I'll be watching and hoping all goes well. Happy growing....


Active Member
As long as it remains polite and courteous, I have no qualms about it, besides, some would probably be pretty heart broken seeing as I play for the other side. ;) I am so glad though that people like you are stepping up and giving intelligent and thoughtful guidance and suggestions. Even saying that you find that I'm doing good so far gives me all the more reason for keeping up with the grow. So thank you for being here, on my thread, and all. Btw, Been watching the 7 seasons of Weeds for the first time ever, so much fun. :)


Well-Known Member
No problem i give what i get so anything i know about growing will be passed on. Ill be checkinf out the grow. Good job again and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
Good job on the grow room Sassy, things are looking pretty good so far, however based on the transplant pics it seems like they have some kind of curl or claw going on, might be nothing but if its something I highly suggest you get a handle on it before it becomes a real problem, I had a plant that exhibited similar behavior before and I thought it was nothing so I did nothing, well it just kept getting worse & then brown rust like spots started appearing EVERYWHERE on the plant, then it spread to my other plants and my clones, it turned out to be a nasty disease of some kind that wiped out all 17 of my girls, I took an infected leaf to a local nursery and they couldn't say definitively what it was but they were sure it was a disease of some kind, anyway, like I said it could be something very minor or maybe nothing at all, just keep an eye on it and beware.
Btw, Been watching the 7 seasons of Weeds for the first time ever, so much fun. :)
I totally hear you, I loved weeds for the first 5 seasons or so but then the story line & plot just started going down and down to the point where I just got sick and tired of all of Nancy's/Andy's melodramatic bullshit, I would end up just fast forwarding through all the blah, blah, blah to get to the scenes that actually had something to do with weed, I mean the name of the show is Weeds but IMHO the last few seasons should be renamed Nancy & Andy's Fucked Up Sex Lives.


Well-Known Member
Weeds the first couple seasons were the shit. Then they start bull shitin but there starting to get back into it with this past season.. so we'll be in for a good season coming up!!!


Active Member
They look like they are doing better, I do think it was in part from too much misting and/or the fact that they had run out of space in the smaller pots and had little to feed on. Still, wahtever it may ahve been, I'm crossing fingers this has now passed. :)

And yes, too much Nancy and Andy, more weed. :)