Mycotek seed company

I had nuts on TYJ and Chemodo Breath that I plucked and had no other issues. To this day, Chemodo Breath is one of the 3 most fire strains I have ever smoked or grown. Slush Puppy and Deer Breath are the only strains I ran that gave me a lot of males. I've only popped 3 Deer Breath seeds and it took me 7 or 8 tries to get a female Slush Puppy. Hell Monkey, Missing Link, Chemodo Breath and Slush Puppy are all straight up fire in my opinion based on my genuine experience.

I've been very pleased. (Rolls blunt of Slush Puppy). I will post more pics, have done a bad job of updating the thread but I am greatly looking forward to chopping down Thank You Jerry in a few weeks.
Nobody made me post anything. Tek doing a secret project with rez gear thats news to me and im not buying that one i highly doubt tek would ever do that. As for the real d and 91 tek will have them soon. There's no need for any of this. We are supposed to be a community helping one another grow,learn and progress.
ChemD will throw bananas I still have a tiny jar full of D bananas, held many of the chem cuts 4, sis, D even G's Diesel (if you even know what that is) a bit in time before tresdawg even hit, and I'm telling you imo mycotek gear is on par take it for whatever that's worth. I still have alien antifreeze around because it taste so damn good, it's subtle on the chem but very smooth lime og with a taint of white terps (held that bitch of Krome's too, along with the banana and the blockhead... man I've held so many damn cuts it's not funny and I'll still pickup a pack of tek or some other cats working with what I know is fire, as long as they produce I'll support em
This thread was started for people to post their pics and share their experiences here good or bad. You havnt grown out any of mycoteks gear so your argument doesnt hold much weight here. If you grew out a few packs and got all males and herms i could understand your anger but you havnt. Personally ive found some killer plants in gear and i know lots of others that have to. So lets drop the negative shit if you really want something to say pop a pack and see for yourself.
I hope dude isn't alluding to the chemD being passed to me as fake?

I had chems before dawg waltz etc, I don't think tres was released when I was running chemD

A lot of the "fake chem" cuts come from the fact the things were hoarded and a few who let them out of the circle weren't allowed to do so so they wanted to keep the hush hush and those who weren't technically in chem fam were told "your shit fake bro" to hold onto some exclusivity.... meh I didn't give a shit about that and you can find lots of my photos of the cuts we were running on IC and the canna banana (if you can even view that forum) was holding giesel before I had heard of tresdawg dropping

all the cats I traded cuts with, many of them are successful breeders today but I will try to refrain from dropping names as some of those cuts "weren't even supposed to be shared" gtfo with the "your cut fake"
I hope dude isn't alluding to the chemD being passed to me as fake?

I had chems before dawg waltz etc, I don't think tres was released when I was running chemD

A lot of the "fake chem" cuts come from the fact the things were hoarded and a few who let them out of the circle weren't allowed to do so so they wanted to keep the hush hush and those who weren't technically in chem fam were told "your shit fake bro" to hold onto some exclusivity.... meh I didn't give a shit about that and you can find lots of my photos of the cuts we were running on IC and the canna banana (if you can even view that forum) was holding giesel before I had heard of tresdawg dropping

all the cats I traded cuts with, many of them are successful breeders today but I will try to refrain from dropping names as some of those cuts "weren't even supposed to be shared" gtfo with the "your cut fake"
there's some true shit here " your shit fake bro" to hold onto some exclusivity ... I believe this 100%
I personally dont believe a word Heirloom says and I believe he is a thief. I wont go into how or why I have come to this belief, because I have too much couth to air out private discussions. There are a number of places where he contradicts himself in that diatribe above that in and of itself should make a reasonable person question the legitimacy of his position here.

Id love for us to get back to posting pics and shit. Here is Thank You Jerry

And just to add, gg4 and Gsc are big part of Myko seeds?? Like I said I had first packs grown to success That SHN used and still has my pics on teks section! And breeding poly hybrids opens up an instant f2 stage but more even, may never find the keeper pheno or might take long time, and its how cannabis is polluted by poly hybrids, re named phenos become seed company's like cookie Maine ! How many cookie cuts are out...Thousands.. and smoke something now probably and good chance not even knowing, got cooks in there, breeding fact nothing on you

Oh I totally agree with you, bro --- but I'd say gg4 and Gsc have been a big part of most breeders projects in the last few years, not just Myko. If you are looking for uniform results with no surprises, you shouldn't be shopping for polyhybrid breedings in the first place, no matter where you buy them. That doesn't mean they don't have value to the community. Most people in the world will not ever even see a true GG#4 cutting, or any other "real" cutting, and giving them access through a poly cross is as close as they can get. Yes, you might never find anything exactly like the parents but there's also a chance you could find something you like even better. To me, the dankness is all that matters, not the name.

Also totally agree with the all the "cookie" cuts out there. I got the forum cut, prolly the most common of them but at least I know its real. No telling how many s1 strains of gg#4 and gsc are floating around under the guise of the real deal. At least DNA mapping seems to be on the way.