Mystery seed, first grow, CFL


Well-Known Member
just go to craigslist san diego, ca and search for prop 215 for sale, tons of stuff from seeds, equipment to clones


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at some in National City and Spring Valley, we live in a 1br but we want a 2br and those are the main area's that have decent places for our price range (under $1100)
If you're interested in southbay, imperial beach has a ton of apartments for cheap, (just have to deal with the tweakers, lol) Also i know of some spots in golden hills/north park in that price range also.


Well-Known Member
yea no ac here, just a few fans and open windows, the more inland you get the warmer it gets, we're just a few minutes from the coast so we rarely need ac. We don't pay much for electricity but our rent sucks, that's the price you pay for year round nearly perfect weather I guess

Gears of War 3 is due early next year, 4 player online coop, can't fuckin wait. I'm playing Mario Galaxy 2 right now and I just finished God of War 3 (I'm a video game junky, I have to have all 3 consoles) Took a couple of weeks break from playing though, try to keep it down to about 10 hours a week

Whats your gamertag for 360?


Well-Known Member
If you're interested in southbay, imperial beach has a ton of apartments for cheap, (just have to deal with the tweakers, lol) Also i know of some spots in golden hills/north park in that price range also.
Thanks, that's too far South for my liking, North Park is ok, but only cause I'm married, if I were single, no way, lol

I hate campers, thats why i play BFBC2, lol wayyy better than COD
I had bought it and returned it without playing it, at the time I was still hooked on MW2, I regret it now

Whats your gamertag for 360?
bajafox for both PS3 and 360

Damn you west-coasters!!!. Damn you all to hell!!!
There was an article that said a lot of Californians showed up at the polls yesterday and were disappointed because they thought we were voting to legalize it instead of in November, hahahaha!! I think we got it in the bag :D

ha ha well you know them liberal californians....
Fuckin liberals fucked up the state, I'm an independent but I'm going to vote mostly to the right in November


Well-Known Member
There was an article that said a lot of Californians showed up at the polls yesterday and were disappointed because they thought we were voting to legalize it instead of in November, hahahaha!! I think we got it in the bag :D
Sounds like it, lol. Though i heard like 600 dispenseries just got shut down and only like 130 something of the original 180 that are still allowed to opperate are. Now they gotta write another reform to allow more dispenseries to opperate but not run a fucking muck like they were before. And I've been checking up on the Philly Norml website a bit hoping it's coming our way but PA i just WAAAYYY too conservative for anything like that. I doubt I'll ever see it here.

Fuckin liberals fucked up the state, I'm an independent but I'm going to vote mostly to the right in November

I was only kidding about that part, lol I'm pretty anti political personally. I vote dem though. Gotta look out for the little guys!!


Well-Known Member
Same here, but if you lived here you'd know that the Dems have run this state into the ground...that's why I'm registered Independent, I'll choose whoever I think we need, not who my party says

I heard about them closing a bunch of them down, they're mostly in LA though, I haven't heard of any getting closed in SD


Well-Known Member
Same here, but if you lived here you'd know that the Dems have run this state into the ground...that's why I'm registered Independent, I'll choose whoever I think we need, not who my party says

I heard about them closing a bunch of them down, they're mostly in LA though, I haven't heard of any getting closed in SD
No Kidding, they are popping up left and right down here