Well a few weeks ago I was bored out of my mind (I got laid off last year) and figured I'd start growing my own, so after a few days online reading just about every topic I can think of, I've decided to go ahead and start.
This will be as low budget as I can possibly keep it.
One of our budtenders had been gathering seeds for about 2 months now, he had 6 total, one of which literally came out of the Jack Herer jar (I hope she's a girl!!) This isn't crap weed either, his stuff is top notch.
Anyway, Day 1, germination and grow box setup:
Don't laugh at me, I'm using my kitchens dishwasher as my grow box, it's about 2 feet by 2 feet, I took the front apart yesterday and found that it has a decent sized intake with something blocking it, which was easily removed with 2 screws. Today I went to Fry's and bought a pc fan, I'm going to try and set it up so that the fan is inside the dishwasher sucking air in, through charcoal and then back out again.
Attached are a few pics. I'm only starting with one single seed for now as a practice run, hopefully if I can get the dishwasher idea to work

If it does and the plant seems to be ok after a couple of weeks, I'll start up another 2 seeds and keep that first one vegging until I can flower her (hopefully a her) and throw in the new one's (which I plan to keep vegging in another area by then)
ANY comments, criticism, stabs, etc are welcomed. I have about a month to try this out before I might have to bail on the project anyway, we might move...