N.C Outdoor Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
Well it was not such a bad thing i guess putting them out early like that

It allowed me to see the sex of my plants early enough to start a 2nd grow and still nice decent size plants

Besides the 3 that i yanked because of the weed killer

That N.l that is flowering i went ahead and dug out the ground and re potted it so i can bring it in for the 12hr dark cycle and let it finish out

I did take 2 cuttings from it though and put them under cfl`s on 18 / 6

when they take root i will adjust them back outdoors so i can have 2 more nice size female N.l`s

I mixed a little perliite in with a 10 - 8 - 6 nute ratio for it to finish in


Im pretty sure you all know what male pre flowers looks like

yup one of those was a male , i took a pic of the plant and also its pre flower

Now i got the 1 N.l i took out their yesterday , the 2 female N.l cuttings i took , the 3 royal hash and the blue mystic

their is still a blue mystic out their that looks like it might make it , but its a big might

yea i believe this is gonna be a good season ;-)

Here are a couple of pics of the female n.l i re potted and the male plant and its male pre flower

The first 3 pics is the N.l i re potted , and the last 2 pics are the male

The male was half dead anyway from that weed killer



Well-Known Member
Keep up the good work bro i know it can tough and brutal

I am going to be runniong over 100 plant's this year guerrilla style with over 60 fem's in the bunch
it's alot of work but well worth it.This is my first ordering seeds so im hoping for good results.
Last year a friend of mine ordered some big bud Fem's and let me take some cutting's and i was impressed with the vigor and potency.
So i figured it was time for new genetics in the county..lol

happy growing ...tristynhawk


Well-Known Member
Keep up the good work bro i know it can tough and brutal

I am going to be runniong over 100 plant's this year guerrilla style with over 60 fem's in the bunch
it's alot of work but well worth it.This is my first ordering seeds so im hoping for good results.
Last year a friend of mine ordered some big bud Fem's and let me take some cutting's and i was impressed with the vigor and potency.
So i figured it was time for new genetics in the county..lol

happy growing ...tristynhawk

Iv heard good things about big bud

ill try it out one day

if you want you can check out the grow i will be doing in this dresser after i finish building it

Dresser Grow Cab Build / New Grow


Well-Known Member
Well i took those 3 royal hash out their today

and it being only may 12th , id say yup , their gonna be some nice size plants in the end ;-)

i will take the blue mystic out their after it grows up some

i will also be taking 2 more n.l`s out after they take root ,

well here are the 3 royal hash

and that 4th plant in the back corner is the n.l that came out of my cab

i forgot to take a pic of it cuz i was rushing with everything cuz their was this big ass hornet flying around that i did not like hearing the buzz of :lol:



Well-Known Member
A storm came through yesterday evening so i went and checked on the new replacements

their doing good so far

i just took them out their the other day so i probably wont go back out their until i take the blue mystic out their

the blue mystic and the clones are in the cab

the first pic is the n.l that was in my old micro cab

the others are the royal has that i took out their

and the blue mystic and the n.l clones



Active Member
Wow...show some updates on that dresser. BTW, I had a cool room mate when I was in college in N.C. Dragon Ballz Joe. Props to you on the outdoor, I am still working on getting a good spot.


Well-Known Member
Wow...show some updates on that dresser. BTW, I had a cool room mate when I was in college in N.C. Dragon Ballz Joe. Props to you on the outdoor, I am still working on getting a good spot.
The dresser is done my man ,

not the best job in the world but with what money i had to work with its done

click on my sig and it will link you to it and you can see


ill update pics on my outdoor grow sometime this week ,

i just took a blue mystic out their 2 days ago in the rain lol

so i did not take a pic cuz i did not want my camera to get wet

but i will next time i go out their


Well-Known Member
I decided to run out their right quick and take a few pics

besides the bug damage their doing pretty good

i went ahead and lst`d the N.l through the chicken wire

the 1st pic is the blue mystic , still young and trying to walk

the 2nd , 3rd and 4th are the 3 royal hash

the 5th is the n.l and the 6th is the same n.l after i pulled some branches through the wire



Well-Known Member
looking at those baby girls makes it hard to believe they will be big girl's in just a few months. I can't wait. looking good goten


Well-Known Member
Shes starting to fill out a lot better now

here are a couple of pics i took of her today ,

i took her outside for better lighting , but im finishing her in my dresser

I went out this mourning to give the others some water from the creek , they needed it

i also topped the 3 royal hash ,

i forgot to bring my camera , i was tired , it was about 6 50 this mourning after the kids got on the bus

i just went out and watered them and came back and climbed back in bed for a bit lol

i will take pics of them next time i go back out

but here are the pics i took of the n.l that was out their that started flowering early that is now in my dresser

i ordered a cheap microscope from amazon so i could see the trics

the hairs are turning color slightly and its making me think that she might be further along then what im thinking

as of now im thinking my harvest date should be around the 27th of next month

but the changing of the color is making me think differently

the microscope just shipped today so hopefully it will be here by the weekend so i can get a look at the trics

i hope it lets me , its a cheap ass microscope

here see for yourself




Well-Known Member
Took few pics today

First is Blue mystic which seems to be having a slow start

2nd 3rd and 4th are the royal hash , i let one get to big accidentally , i topped to late , i was going to lst it through the chicken wire

5th is the N.l , its been lst through the chicken wire ,

i went to lower one of the branches a little more and it snapped on me ( Whoops lol )

Im going to either tape it back up with electrical tape with rooting hormone

or im just gonna cut it off where it snapped at and try to clone it

Iv never taken a clone that big before , idk if it would even work



Well-Known Member
Well i went out their today and took a few pics ,

the 3 Royal Hash are really doing well , one is alot bigger then the other 2 so i went ahead to took 2 small cuttings to sex it

the blue mystic is not doing good at all , at first i thought it was because it just was not getting enough sunlight like the others

but i dug it up to re pot it and come to find out it did not have a root system , it had a small root ball like a 2 week old plant would have

i went ahead and re potted it in some soil mixed with perlight and lst`d it

im gonna treat it for any bugs it might have then put it in my cab ,

The N.l is doing good also , i removed the chicken from it and all the branches are the same height now

also you can tell on the right side that she does not look as full , that is because i took a bunch of cuttings from her cuz i know shes a female

I also made a quick little vid of them for yall , i hope it works , it was done with my camera lol

Well here are a few pics

the first pic is the N.l that i had lst`d through chicken wire and took cuttings from

the 2nd is the royal hash that i took 2 cuttings from to sex

the 3rd and 4th are the other 2 royal hash

the 5th is the blue mystic that i dug up and re potted

the 6th is just a little open shot

7 and 8 you can see how the blue mystic does not have a good root system

9 is after i re potted her and lst`d her

10 is the 2 cuttings i took from that royal hash to sex

but first lets see if this vid will work




Well-Known Member
Well i went out their today and took a few pics ,

the 3 Royal Hash are really doing well , one is alot bigger then the other 2 so i went ahead to took 2 small cuttings to sex it

the blue mystic is not doing good at all , at first i thought it was because it just was not getting enough sunlight like the others

but i dug it up to re pot it and come to find out it did not have a root system , it had a small root ball like a 2 week old plant would have

i went ahead and re potted it in some soil mixed with perlight and lst`d it

im gonna treat it for any bugs it might have then put it in my cab ,

The N.l is doing good also , i removed the chicken from it and all the branches are the same height now

also you can tell on the right side that she does not look as full , that is because i took a bunch of cuttings from her cuz i know shes a female

I also made a quick little vid of them for yall , i hope it works , it was done with my camera lol

Well here are a few pics

the first pic is the N.l that i had lst`d through chicken wire and took cuttings from

the 2nd is the royal hash that i took 2 cuttings from to sex

the 3rd and 4th are the other 2 royal hash

the 5th is the blue mystic that i dug up and re potted

the 6th is just a little open shot

7 and 8 you can see how the blue mystic does not have a good root system

9 is after i re potted her and lst`d her

10 is the 2 cuttings i took from that royal hash to sex

but first lets see if this vid will work

Ahahahaha love the video made me laugh hearing your voice ahhaahha i thought it turned out nice you should take more vids buddy! you should get some green military camo netting and put it on the ground around your plants with long tall dry grass chunks stuffed into the netting in spots to camo the grow spot cuz its awful green around that bare dirt spot:-) Then climp a tree and look at your grow from up high and see if you can tell i would climb and look before and after installing the camo got to make it look natural:-)