N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

what up gent's just wondering if any u guys down here near the ville. Maybe i can get some advice from some one close to home (910)
whats up goten--fellow carolina farmer---how is that crop going?got a few weeks left on my few countin the days---dont help to be working little and not having anything to smoke.i took a little sample today just to try--my first that ive grown in 19 yrs.here is bud in questionView attachment 1814243
Don't know if the constant rains the past few weeks got any of the rest of you but they forced an early end to my season. Went out last weekend and bud rot was everywhere. Had to harvest about two weeks too early. Not much you can do to avoid it when its a hike to get to your spot. What I learned this year is that guerilla growing is full of perils. It is seriously one thing after another. Make it to the end and you are a lucky man. Enjoyed every minute of it though.
whats up my man ?

Hit me up with a pm and let me know whats going on ,

Im back bro lol
i got my bike the one i told u was getting
fucking fast too fast could get hurt on that thing lol

i will pm u a pic of her but same bike as my avatar different color
i live in wnc and its not too hard to grow out here, the blue ridge mtns are vast and they don't do fly overs as much as you think
Seriously if you are in N.C. you may want to rethink your outdoor grow because the last I heard its still illegal to grow there. Those spots are way to close together, prolly not a good ideal to cut the vegetation away and close to a creek is what the cops are looking for my friend..... Spread those babies out a bit and make it look more natural. When they do fly overs they are looking for exactly what you are about to do....

You obviously don'tknow anything about Asheville.
Even the great Patton Oswalt has included it in his stand-up comedy about what a truly progressive, hippy-oriented city Asheville is.

I visit there myself every summer because it's only 6 hours from me. My hook ups there don't sweat shit man. Cops lenient. If there was a city in North Carolina to LEGALIZE, it would be Asheville. Maybe Boone, too.