N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

Naw ,

I didn't have the extra money to spare ,

between bills and buying school supplies and cloths for the kids i just didn't have the extra money

I feel ya pain man, i'm raising three kids of my own and love them to death but their expensive...lol
And you can't help but try too give them whatever they want.
I know right ,

every time a commercial comes on showing some new toy i have to here ( daddy can you get me that ) lol over and over

Hey , oh shit my man i see they made you a mod , congrats
ey man u done got some big ole deer eatin ur shit up i no its does, what u aught to do is go buy some buck jam and corn and place is near but not close to ur set up this way they get more attracted to that...
Cougar piss or coyote piss you can buy them at any sporting good store. Need some predator smells around the grow to scare them away take some dog shit out there as well.
All that stuff just washes away after a good rain and then i would have to keep going back out to re apply it all

Im just gonna stick with some barbwire and shit lol
All that stuff just washes away after a good rain and then i would have to keep going back out to re apply it all

Im just gonna stick with some barbwire and shit lol

i recommend a gun and then u can also put food on table
Thats why you stock pile fab so you can lend em out to the homies never know when the zombies are coming i thought it was a law one must own half a dozen asualt rifle in order to be an American. If not oh well i guess i'll be the only one ready ahahahahah;-) You live closer help the man out with those damn deer its heart breaking what they did to the man:-( Take your laptop and go bash some skulls ahahahah:-)
Thats why you stock pile fab so you can lend em out to the homies never know when the zombies are coming i thought it was a law one must own half a dozen asualt rifle in order to be an American. If not oh well i guess i'll be the only one ready ahahahahah;-) You live closer help the man out with those damn deer its heart breaking what they did to the man:-( Take your laptop and go bash some skulls ahahahah:-)

hell no i dont lend guns
then u lend them and friends get mad and shoot u
i rather be the rabbit with the gun
Nah i dont lend guns out either i do tho on hunting trips if they come along and i dont use guns on people, i really dont shoot animals anymore now im more of a long range shooter steel plates are my targets maybe some binary explosives every now and again more just of a collector addicted to buying selling and trading. Just finished welding up my ak-47 reciver made from scratch to me guns are just like any other hobby ive owned guns since i was 4.
Nah i dont lend guns out either i do tho on hunting trips if they come along and i dont use guns on people, i really dont shoot animals anymore now im more of a long range shooter steel plates are my targets maybe some binary explosives every now and again more just of a collector addicted to buying selling and trading. Just finished welding up my ak-47 reciver made from scratch to me guns are just like any other hobby ive owned guns since i was 4.

well u and goten take care i may not be able to be around anymore after tonight
slim sorry we had a misunderstanding
Yeah me too bro. I'll be here not going anywhere so figure out a way and get your ass back on if theres problems.