Name one old school

Name one, impossible. Locally, in northern California before medical came into effect there were two old school strains that were popular. The No. 8 which came onto the seen first in the 80's was bright green with huge colla buds, like the size of coffee cans, later that gave way to the no. 10, and I'm not sure how. But I assume the two were related. The no. 10 being a nearly pure indica that would turn purple and smelled of pine trees.

When I traveled to the Mendocino I the mid 90's my dad's friend was growing an indoor strain called Builder. It must have been a high bred, bright green amd would stack pistols as it grew. I assume that's how it got its name. It was good, stinky, similar to head band.

My favs after that were train wreck and ship wreck. I really liked the ship wreck, under rated in my opinion.
Sour D from Albany was the first epic level strain I saw in terms of frostiness, with the exception of one random cut a buddy of mine found in the late 80s. There were plenty of great strains around in the 90s, but the original Sour D had the taste, power, and frostiness that set a new standard for a lot of people. Its continued popularity today is a testament to its greatness! I also feel that Sensi Star and Black Domina are seriously underrated strains from the 90s that stand up well against anything that's popular today. There was incredible weed around in the 80s in Cali, but it was harder to find unless you knew an old hippy or biker who had connects in Humboldt. The great thing about the 80s was the Mexican brick weed was still mostly landrace sativa, so if you found a good source for it, you had amazing cheap weed!