Name one old school

Full disclosure I just listened to the sketch for the first time in my life. It was edge in my memory from my dad quoting it every time he caught me getting high as a teenager
We had some Oaxacan back in 1972 that would flat clean your clock. It is the only weed that ever gave me auditory hallucinations. Ive been smoking since 1967, and the Oaxacan is some of the best shit there ever was. This stuff would have you up looking out the windows to make sure no cops were outside.
It was extremely long lasting, and had a drunk type of come down. Eyes would be as red as cheries. No way a cop couldnt tell you were fucked up. Most all oftodays weed, does not get my eyes red like the old landraces. It was great weed to listen to music by, or go out and enjoy nature. But in the end it made you really hungry, tired, and want to raid the fridge, and go to sleep. And then when you wake up, youd still be fried, and still hungry.
$40 a 1/lb. $20oz-$140lb. And of course it was loaded with seeds. And every one of them was fully mature, an about anyone here would kill to get them. It was on par with the best of the best Columbians.
Say 1/2 of it was seeds. So 8oz of seeds out of an lb. I wonder how many seeds to the 1/2lb? A bunch, thats for sure.

But that Oaxacan is memorable. It was s deep red color. I cant remember what it smelled or tasted like. I know it would choke you to death. Extreme lung buster. We call weed like that expando weed, and ALL of the best weed back then, would blast your lungs. I still look for that type of weed.
Many of those old Mexican Landraces were all but gone buy the mid 70s. Thanks to Nixon using Paraquat on the fields.

I remember the beginning of the end in my neck of the woods for really good Mexican. It was the early summer of 1974. All of a sudden, there was no weed at all around. And usually, we had weed everywhere. It went until early fall, and a guy that sold a lot of weed had some Columbian Gold, but the thing was, he wants $40 an oz. As previously, weed was $20 an oz. So everyone bought it anyway, and it was really really good weed.
And then after that, all the cheap, no good, brown weed, ws all junk. And you can bet some ofit was brown, from the Paraquat. A friend of mines little brother was in 9th grade, and smoked some, and had a stroke. He lived.
Another time there was 2 types of weed around, and one they called cat food, and the other Diesel Weed, and not Diesel in a good way. I wouldnt smoke any of it. But a bunch of us were out riding around at night, and they lit one up, and about 20% down the joint, it burst into flames!! The cat food would also burst into flames. Paraquat I believe is a petrochemical, and probably flammable.
Im sure there were pockets of weed that made it, but its for sure, all kinds of those LBO got wiped off of the map by paraquat. Which should be a crime. Those strains had been there since the Conquistadores. Id say most all of the narrow leaf strains in South, and Central America originally came from India/Nepal.
We used to get quite a bit of Oaxacan in Houston back in the 70's. It always came in these long bundles. Piney tasting. Finest kind.
Back in like 2000 - 2005 we had some shit, no idea the name (im only 35) but this shit smelled almost like honey/og and it had some incredible red hairs omg i can remember the smell so distinctly. Never seen anything like it since. I was in high school and we were never into the names of the weed because we just assumed someone made it up like bubbadobokush..... but we just called it chronic. now i am sad, i'll probably never see that shit again.