Name one old school

The oldest school in the United States.


Established in 1635, Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States. The current site of the school is the fifth in its history and was established in 1922. Famous alumni include five signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Let's go further back in time to bright gold/yellow, spicy smelling Columbian from the 70's that was damn near psychedelic.
Yellow/gold more than green with a spicy flavour was the description I used to try and describe a strain I smoked in the early/mid 80s.

The buds I had were smaller/airer than a modern hybrid, does that sound right?
Yellow/gold more than green with a spicy flavour was the description I used to try and describe a strain I smoked in the early/mid 80s. The buds I had were smaller/airer than a modern hybrid, does that sound right?
Color/taste right but not airy as I remember, more solid nugs, seeded, joint got real messy with resin after just a couple of hits. I actually got lost on a country road I had driven literally hundreds of times, driving my nine with ice wit da big 455, lol. About the same era we got Hawaiian bud shipped to my house in a duct taped, silicone sealed ratty cooler. (The gold was better than the Hawaiian). Can you imagine trying that shit now?

Edit: also how about the Thai that came in those plastic tubes? That was real tasty.
Schuyler Skunk, it's sort of a local strain but it's roadkill skunk taken to it's finest level in my opinion. I'm just down the road aways from those guys so if anybody has some seeds I'd be happy to try and bring it back :bigjoint:
I partied with those guys.One bought a 5.0 mustang from his profits one year.I used to own a property above the Quarry.
I partied with those guys.One bought a 5.0 mustang from his profits one year.I used to own a property above the Quarry.
My wife had family close to there but they were all Mormon. They were not quite the hook-up I was looking for when I went searching for the elusive Schuyler Skunk many years ago. Great mountain folk, just not big into the herb. It's been so tightly held for so long I'm guessing it's gone or you gotta be family to get it today. Growing up my Dad had a place in Louisa county and we'd get some there on very rare occasions for high dollar. It was worth every penny from what I recall.
I wish they would bring back Nevils Hashplant from the 80s.

Crickets and Cicada actually did, but it sold out in minutes. Only 150 packs were made, and it was a 5 year project. It was a Backcross 2. Hes going to come out with a BC3.
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I’ve been eyeing a lot of neat stuff lately. I’ve just been hesitant to pull the trigger - so to speak - because I live in a pretty “unfriendly” state. Thanks for the info Jimi. I’ll add it to the bucket list.

edit: have you checked out any of the hash plant crosses from bodhi available at : ? I’ve read that they are pretty solid.
Color/taste right but not airy as I remember, more solid nugs, seeded, joint got real messy with resin after just a couple of hits. I actually got lost on a country road I had driven literally hundreds of times, driving my nine with ice wit da big 455, lol. About the same era we got Hawaiian bud shipped to my house in a duct taped, silicone sealed ratty cooler. (The gold was better than the Hawaiian). Can you imagine trying that shit now?

Edit: also how about the Thai that came in those plastic tubes? That was real tasty.
I remember that Columbian Gold....and the Thai sticks and bud, and Redbud, and big long Hawaiian bud, that wasn't all, that great but looked impressive. Regular Columbian was $40 an ounce, and the gold or redbud was $60 an ounce, or you could buy Mexican for $15-20 in NY.

Thai was my favorite....I once blacked out in a chicken joint right after smoking some and my buddy had to drag me out into the fresh air, and convince them not to call a medic.