Nancy Pelosi endorses Joe Kennedy over incumbent Ed Markey in Massachusetts Democratic primary


Was there a point other than asking stupidly personal questions?
Asking your age is a stupidly personal question?

I think your age is pertinent to the conversation. If you were 20, I think most of your viewpoints would be rationalized by being young and naive and not having ever really thought about it, but being 41, I do not think that same respect should be applied. I think at that age, you should know better. It took me a while, but I was never really against egalitarianism.
Asking your age is a stupidly personal question?

I think your age is pertinent to the conversation. If you were 20, I think most of your viewpoints would be rationalized by being young and naive and not having ever really thought about it, but being 41, I do not think that same respect should be applied. I think at that age, you should know better. It took me a while, but I was never really against egalitarianism.
Which is why I said it, I agree it is helpful. But it is also a data point that adds verification to a lot of personal things.

The rest of your post was you just showing more proof you are a troll.

Look forward to whatever propaganda you are selling for Dear Leader the progressives next time you feel like shit posting now that it is getting close to the election.

Your trolling is exposed. I know it must suck to have to grind to sell this shitty cult leader. Shame your side chose so poorly, the idiot exposed you good.
Like by understanding that a corporation will sell me what I buy form them kind of manipulation? Sure thing.
Like when a corporation donates to a politicians super PAC, then also donates to their opponent
If you mean that somehow it is corporations that have somehow programmed me into knowing the information about the Russian attack on our democracy you are incorrect.

I look forward to reading your links, because I call bullshit that any credible source would dismiss the facts in the Russian attack on our democracy by trolls pushing the 'don't vote' or 'Trump is just as bad as the 'establishment'' propaganda.
I am voting for Joe Biden, Trump is much worse than the Democratic establishment
68 million American voters were interacted with over a billion times on just the one platform Facebook.
Cool statistic, how do you measure how much interaction allocated to actual votes? How do you measure how much influence whatever propaganda was absorbed by people equaled votes?
Pointing out to the very real information about Russian militarized trolls helping Bernie and Trump is not 'being responsible' for anything other than not allowing the noise that trolls like yourself create.
You're responsible for helping push the false narrative that Sanders supporters were somehow exceptionally worse than everyone else's supporters. You helped kill any immediate chance of progressive reform.
Like when a corporation donates to a politicians super PAC, then also donates to their opponent
So you must be good with Biden winning on a show-string budget the Democratic nomination. And never cashing in on his very long political career.

I am voting for Joe Biden, Trump is much worse than the Democratic establishment
Im impressed man for real.

Cool statistic, how do you measure how much interaction allocated to actual votes? How do you measure how much influence whatever propaganda was absorbed by people equaled votes?
Same way I would guess with how a advertising company would show their impact on a businesses sales. I am sure that they also could simply check how those peoples minds changed over the period of time and how they voted/didnt vote from where they were prior.

It is imminently measurable if you had access to the data and knew what to look for, guessing we will need to wait for a new administration for that. Also Facebook buried a whole lot of the interactions with people from what I read. They just gave the raw data and the sales content.

You're responsible for helping push the false narrative that Sanders supporters were somehow exceptionally worse than everyone else's supporters. You helped kill any immediate chance of progressive reform.
You give me way too much credit. I would say Trump 'killed any immediate chance of progressive reform' that is not already on the Democratic agenda.

You can feel free to show me where I was 'pushing a false blah blah blah. If I was out of line I will have no issue apologizing, but I believe I was pretty consistent with the message that the Russians were attacking us in our online chat rooms, comment sections, popup websites disguised as actual news (local/natinal), all in a effort to drive us apart by teaching everyone how to troll each other over whatever issues they most care about.

And that the Russian military used all those tools to amplify their lies in a way to turn people away from voting for the Democratic party using Sanders as a placeholder for that hate. Because either way with Bernie they won, they could use him to scare the crap out of rural/suburban America to best increase Trump's chances at re-election (with senate/house).

Just like they are trying now with Biden and falling flat.
As if Pelosi is responsible for any of that. Democrats regained control of the House because of the way Republicans have governed since Trump became president, and because of the way they voted against impeachment. As of today, Biden has a chance to defeat Trump, but it's not at all strong enough to call it comfortable. It's hovering just above Clinton's lead around the same time in 2016. The only reason the Senate is in play this cycle is because Trump is so extraordinarily terrible, and the Senators at risk in traditionally safe Republican states still support him.

All of this is due to the fault of Republicans, not because the Democrats did something spectacular. They're the fall back to Republican failure. The only other option available.

Pelosi is detrimental to the Democratic party because she is corrupt. Corruption is bad for the party because voters see it, as vociferously as you deny it exists, leading to voter apathy - which you then go on to blame the voters for, not the politicians who are actually responsible, and because it fails to achieve constituents interests.

Three years ago it was non-stop "Democrats have lost 10,000 seats in government, therefore the establishment must step aside to let left side save the day." Now, it's "All of this is due to the fault of Republicans". You keep ignoring the fact that the voters decide who represents them in Congress.

Moderate Democrats are winning in difficult districts against Republicans by running on classic Democratic core values like protecting and expanding access to affordable healthcare, protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, support for unions, protecting the environment, standing up for civil rights and a return to a healthy economy. They ran on the same platform all along. They stuck to it because those are core values of most people in the US. Pelosi is a winner because she knows this. That's why she's calling the shots. She did it by sticking to Democratic core values.

The left side movement will have its day when it starts taking on and beating Republicans in contested districts. The can't do that right now and haven't done it ever. Which is why they are back-benchers in DC and most state governments too. Complaining gets a few plum seats. Be satisfied with that. If you aren't satisfied with that, then start winning against Republicans.
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So you must be good with Biden winning on a show-string budget the Democratic nomination. And never cashing in on his very long political career.

Im impressed man for real.

Same way I would guess with how a advertising company would show their impact on a businesses sales. I am sure that they also could simply check how those peoples minds changed over the period of time and how they voted/didnt vote from where they were prior.

It is imminently measurable if you had access to the data and knew what to look for, guessing we will need to wait for a new administration for that. Also Facebook buried a whole lot of the interactions with people from what I read. They just gave the raw data and the sales content.

You give me way too much credit. I would say Trump 'killed any immediate chance of progressive reform' that is not already on the Democratic agenda.

You can feel free to show me where I was 'pushing a false blah blah blah. If I was out of line I will have no issue apologizing, but I believe I was pretty consistent with the message that the Russians were attacking us in our online chat rooms, comment sections, popup websites disguised as actual news (local/natinal), all in a effort to drive us apart by teaching everyone how to troll each other over whatever issues they most care about.

And that the Russian military used all those tools to amplify their lies in a way to turn people away from voting for the Democratic party using Sanders as a placeholder for that hate. Because either way with Bernie they won, they could use him to scare the crap out of rural/suburban America to best increase Trump's chances at re-election (with senate/house).

Just like they are trying now with Biden and falling flat.
It was late spring and early summer of 2016 that his mind was poisoned by right wing and Russian propaganda. Ever since then his cognitive decline has been shocking to watch.

Bummer, thought we had a breakthrough about you being a real person and not just another left-troll.

i've been paid $126 and $258, the last 30 days..all of it beyond my control..running of claim money, waiting weeks (we're still doing that?)

two- $0 weeks and all i want to do is give it to my landlord because we know what happens when you don't.

i'm shilling for my landlord now.
Asking your age is a stupidly personal question?

I think your age is pertinent to the conversation. If you were 20, I think most of your viewpoints would be rationalized by being young and naive and not having ever really thought about it, but being 41, I do not think that same respect should be applied. I think at that age, you should know better. It took me a while, but I was never really against egalitarianism.

Was there a point other than asking stupidly personal questions?

actually i often wonder about ages and generations..pada is a millennial and hanimmal gen y- the distance by about 10 years it's relevant to the conversation..amazing to see the difference between being born late 70s v. late 80s..age is only a number but education changed and then we received the ultimate of smart tech v. syncing of palm pilot (where did my little pen go dammit :cuss: )
actually i often wonder about ages and generations..pada is a millennial and hanimmal gen y- the distance by about 10 years it's relevant to the conversation..amazing to see the difference between being born late 70s v. late 80s..age is only a number but education changed and then we received the ultimate of smart tech v. syncing of palm pilot (where did my little pen go dammit :cuss: )
School has changed a hell of a lot. It is interesting you saying that made me think about it, I have actually been in the American education system at all levels in 4 different decades. Did k-12 in both city and rural schools, and small college, a medium university, and then in a a PhD program at a large university.

My first degrees in college were achieved in 2013, so I got to use a lot of the programming and make models that goes into the data to find damn near anything. I didn't have internet access really until about 2006.

I 'learned' economics first online reading books about the green party stuff, then started looking into the Von Misses Austrian stuff. Then when I started back in college I really learned where all the bullshit lies (not by professors, but by comparing the bullshit internet theories to reality based economics.

And it is Gen-X, I think Gen Y is the one younger than millennials.
Is this another "I'm all butt hurt " cause Bernie didn't get enough national support?
Or the blame Hillary again thread?
Nah Pelosi hit job. Trump is drumming up fear of her becoming POTUS to scare his base. And a lighting rod for the people on the left that fall into the Russian trap again and don't vote/Vote 3rd party.

I give Pad some credit for saying he is voting Biden. It does give me hope.
Is this another "I'm all butt hurt " cause Bernie didn't get enough national support?
Or the blame Hillary again thread?
nah, Pad is complaining because one of their own is being primaried like they have done to other Democrats countless times. Pelosi decided to back his opponent. Markey has the highest score for supporting progressive causes on Counterpunch and has been around a long time, like 39 years. So, yeah, he's butthurt for good reason.
School has changed a hell of a lot. It is interesting you saying that made me think about it, I have actually been in the American education system at all levels in 4 different decades. Did k-12 in both city and rural schools, and small college, a medium university, and then in a a PhD program at a large university.

My first degrees in college were achieved in 2013, so I got to use a lot of the programming and make models that goes into the data to find damn near anything. I didn't have internet access really until about 2006.

I 'learned' economics first online reading books about the green party stuff, then started looking into the Von Misses Austrian stuff. Then when I started back in college I really learned where all the bullshit lies (not by professors, but by comparing the bullshit internet theories to reality based economics.

And it is Gen-X, I think Gen Y is the one younger than millennials.

i'm are Y..Pada is a Millennial..we're all kind of on the parents were boomers; my grandparents were boomers..great grand parents are silents. i use gens kind of loosely because it's how you grew up too..i did not have a boomer childhood of the 40s and brothers after me were gen you're gonna say a new family of the 60s is part boomer and part gen x with only one year and four years between us respectively? we all grew up same time period.
i'm are Y..Pada is a Millennial..we're all kind of on the parents were boomers; my grandparents were boomers..great grand parents are silents. i use gens kind of loosely because it's how you grew up too..i did not have a boomer childhood of the 40s and brothers after me were gen you're gonna say a new family of the 60s is part boomer and part gen x with only one year and four years between us respectively? we all grew up same time period.
Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 2.48.37 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-22 at 2.49.13 PM.png

Im in Gen X still. I didn't know Gen Y was millennial, I was thinking they were the Gen Z.