Napa23's 2nd go at auto Blue Mystic


Well-Known Member
Bro those are looking great!!! everytime you upload new pics you can see such a difference.
That's why i keep uploading them :p. I'm so ready for her to finish, but at the same time not really. I still see some more growth in her but I still want to smoke her haha.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Hmm well i'm definitely not letting it get 80%, i like an uppy high. I guess a little extra time wouldn't be too bad, especially with this HPS comin. This is day 59 or 60 from seed, so figure maybe a week or two left. More time=bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
Another update. Both plants are doing well. The BM is still growing and putting out new hairs so I think i've got some time before this one is ready. I'll be able to use the HPS on it and maybe give it a boost. Yes, I know, the leaves aren't doing too well. I'm taking care of that next watering. The 60DW is on its 7th day of life and doing well. The new leaves are growing kind of wierdly though, kind of got an eagle's beak look to them. But they're healthy and green and growing so i won't mess with it. The soil pH is a little high ~6.8 so that may be it. I'll drop it next watering.
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This looks rely good. Can you guys describe the smell, I have loads of (legal) plants in my house and they do give my house quite a smell so I wonder if adding a BM will be unnoticeable? what are your views on that?


Well-Known Member
Depends on how many you're growing and how strong you legal plants are. The BM doesn't put off that strong of a smell, it's not real mary-jane-ey. But it is noticeable when it gets to flower. I live in an apartment and none of my neighbors notice, but when I ask my friend if he notices when he comes in he thinks about it and says yeah. That's probably only because he knows I'm growing and I prompt him to think about it. I can't really describe the's...sweet, not skunky. I bought some ONA gel for the 60DW and tested it with the BM. It completely covers the smell of the BM so if you're worried, just buy some ONA and you'll be set. But honestly it's not that serious for this strain. Where are you thinking about growing? Closet, room, what? Thanks for checking out the grow :).


Well-Known Member
loving the girls Napa, they are growing so well:) Your pH in the soil is just perfect, should be between 6.8-7.0. You only need to flush your soil if the pH is over 7!


Thanks, it would be inside a small grow room inside my living room so smell would be my worst enemy. But I think I could get away with some smell especially if it ain't like normal mj


Well-Known Member
In your living room? Not a good idea. People will definitely notice unless you get ona. in which case they will smell the ona. I have mine in my bedroom closet. No one else goes in there except my girlfriend so its not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
hey napa those buds look awesome mate and your only using cfl's!! looks like they were under a hps lol
your gonna do so well with your new hps, if this is what your getting with cfl's, +rep

also i seen your 60DW pic and it's looking healthy and perfectly normal, my 60DW started off exactly like your one, both of them, leaves looked a little weird but it's normal and soon you will see some good growth, once it hit's 2 weeks or 3 weeks get up close and have a whiff, it should be smelling very nice :p


Well-Known Member
Thanks MH :). I wish I had gotten the HPS sooner. My fears about heat were holding me back. This 60DW is going to get a proper raising :P. Oh thank goodness. Those leaves are ugly. The newer ones seem ok though so we'll see. Haha I can't wait for the smell. THe ona gel will tone it down if it gets too strong though. Sometimes i just sit by the closet examining and smelling the BM. Growing is so exciting haha. I hope you all are blazin, I am!


Well-Known Member
yeah same man, heat was my concern with hps lights,
that's why i delayed getting one, my first grow was with cfl's, results were shocking nothing like yours, your cfl grow would have shitted all over mine lol
thats the reason why i went with a 400w mh/hps and surprisingly heat is not an issue for me :D
your 60DW is going to turn out wonderful under the hps, ofcourse and the rest of your plants :weed:

im subscribed bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, CFLs are all about distributing light. Gotta get them covering as many leaves as possible. I figured it was time to upgrade


Well-Known Member
Yeah true, you could still use a few cfl's along with your hps for extra density on the lower buds
im going to add 3 42w cfls along with my 400w hps, i hate getting small popcorn buds at the very lower half of the plant lol
cfl's will make good use there :D


Well-Known Member
Yep, exactly what i'm doing. i have 1 32W and 1 26W at the bottom. I'll post a pic of my setup later. Thanks for the support MH :)