Narnia grow, Round 2!


Well-Known Member
Waiting for Snickerdoodle to wake up, then I'll get right to work. The sooner the better. I moved some things around last night, and now my veg box is a little warmer then I'd like.

Maybe I'll have to mail you some when I figure it out ;)
Yah! I know someone who gets those prescription THC pills, but candy sounds like so much more fun!

Veg box, Veg box, Veg box! :D


Active Member
Sounds like you have been very busy! Little pictures dancing in my head of what your room looks like now :-)


Active Member
On another note..... better try and save a few bucks for Attitude's promo coming up, looks like a decent one this time around!



Well-Known Member
On another note..... better try and save a few bucks for Attitude's promo coming up, looks like a decent one this time around!

Is RIU like affiliated with Attitude in any way? Because I placed an expensive order with them and my seeds never came. I haven't ordered from overseas seed banks much, just three times with three different banks. Attitude was the only one that stiffed me.

I'm not trying to be negative or anything. I guess two out of three ain't bad. But Attitude wasn't one of the two. Just sayin'.


Active Member
Is RIU like affiliated with Attitude in any way? Because I placed an expensive order with them and my seeds never came. I haven't ordered from overseas seed banks much, just three times with three different banks. Attitude was the only one that stiffed me.

I'm not trying to be negative or anything. I guess two out of three ain't bad. But Attitude wasn't one of the two. Just sayin'.
I am sorry to hear your order didn't show up!! I have been using Attitude for several years without issue, late once....but never went missing.

RIU is an affiliate of Attitude, that means if you use a link provided by riu they get a kick-back, plus I think Attitude gives them a little some some for being a sponsor.. The link I added is not associated with riu, it's my own link. I am just excited to see a trip to Amsterdam up for grabs and some decent throw-in's this month.

Have you ever tried Sannies? They resent my order that didn't show up two times until it did show up, and I didn't pay for insurance...they have some nice strains.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear your order didn't show up!! I have been using Attitude for several years without issue, late once....but never went missing.

RIU is an affiliate of Attitude, that means if you use a link provided by riu they get a kick-back, plus I think Attitude gives them a little some some for being a sponsor.. The link I added is not associated with riu, it's my own link. I am just excited to see a trip to Amsterdam up for grabs and some decent throw-in's this month.

Have you ever tried Sannies? They resent my order that didn't show up two times until it did show up, and I didn't pay for insurance...they have some nice strains.
Yeah, I understand that it happens. But I took a big hit, and it's kinda hard to forget especially with all these Attitude ads all over the place.

I don't order seeds online anymore, but thanks anyway! :D


Active Member

I'd like to shout out to Momapug's son for his help :) It was much appreciated :)
Way cool Chairman!!

I like that you are letting them adjust to the much stronger light...looks far away, but they will appreciate it after only knowing CFL's all their life :-)


Active Member
I thought about lowering it a bit more, but figured I'd give them a few days. When the lights went out they were reaching for the light. Probably the best they've ever looked :D


Active Member
So, me and snickerdoodle were talking, and she thinks we should give the girls another dose of veg nutes.

Because of the situation a few weeks ago, we had decided to only give them one week of veg nutes instead of 2 weeks full, then 1 week full bloom with trace veg.

So, this next feeding, do you think that we can get away with another dose of veg in order to take advantage of some of that fantastic clearance? I mean, we've got another 2 feet we can go up.


Active Member
So, me and snickerdoodle were talking, and she thinks we should give the girls another dose of veg nutes.

Because of the situation a few weeks ago, we had decided to only give them one week of veg nutes instead of 2 weeks full, then 1 week full bloom with trace veg.

So, this next feeding, do you think that we can get away with another dose of veg in order to take advantage of some of that fantastic clearance? I mean, we've got another 2 feet we can go up.
The rule of thumb I use is that they will at least double height in bloom, but I don't restrict their height. One week veg nutes instead of 2 weeks full...I don't get what you are saying. I feed every-other alternating with water or molasses mixed water farther in. If you are saying can you feed back to back, not alternating with depends on your new nutes, you could with technaflora....or at least I have without issue. Are we on the same page?

I think the most important advice I cam impart here is that they are going to at least double in bloom....but that may not apply to your grow :-)


Active Member
The rule of thumb I use is that they will at least double height in bloom, but I don't restrict their height. One week veg nutes instead of 2 weeks full...I don't get what you are saying. I feed every-other alternating with water or molasses mixed water farther in. If you are saying can you feed back to back, not alternating with depends on your new nutes, you could with technaflora....or at least I have without issue. Are we on the same page?

I think the most important advice I cam impart here is that they are going to at least double in bloom....but that may not apply to your grow :-)

No, we're not on the same page, lol. Ok. So, when we went into flower, we fed veg nutes, no bloom, week 2 feeding came up, and space was getting tight, so we skipped week 2 in our feeding schedule and went ahead to the third week instructions for that week, hoping to slow down the stretch by denying them N.

The question is, since we skipped a full step, could we backpedal and give them another full dose of veg nutes? Or should we just continue with bloom nutes, maybe another week of the week 3 recipe?

The solution we're using says full grow nutes for the first 2 weeks, full bloom with 1/3 grow for the third week, then on to full bloom for the rest of the cycle.

Does that make more sense?


Active Member
No, we're not on the same page, lol. Ok. So, when we went into flower, we fed veg nutes, no bloom, week 2 feeding came up, and space was getting tight, so we skipped week 2 in our feeding schedule and went ahead to the third week instructions for that week, hoping to slow down the stretch by denying them N.

The question is, since we skipped a full step, could we backpedal and give them another full dose of veg nutes? Or should we just continue with bloom nutes, maybe another week of the week 3 recipe?

The solution we're using says full grow nutes for the first 2 weeks, full bloom with 1/3 grow for the third week, then on to full bloom for the rest of the cycle.

Does that make more sense?
Okay, I think I got it now. I provide veg until I swap the lights, then I switch to bloom. About two weeks into bloom I do a veg feeding so they will have enough N to make it to the end without turning all yellow and losing their leaves. That is as late into bloom as I would use veg as I don't want too much N in my final product...or I will taste the chlorophyll taste more.

I think you have to decide based on your nutes feeding schedule, but I don't know how much more veg height you will gain during I said, it's going to about double in height anyway, but under 12/12 it's not really veg height it's bloom height as the plant stops concentrating on growing as much and concentrates on flowering more.

I guess I don't have the experience with your type of system to really give advice aside from...I prefer not to use any veg after the plant has been in flower for two weeks. If I was using your type of nutes/schedule I would go nuts at this point as I am doing a perpetual, it would be hard to keep track of all the different schedules. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you :sad:


Active Member
I figured I'd ask you since you have years of growing experience ;)

I think, unless I hear of a suggestion from someone else, that I'll just do another week 3 feed (as I'm technically in week 3 anyway) and then just give them bloom for the rest of their lifespan.

But, tbh, I think we might not get much more stretch, I might have stunted them by doing the first 2.5 weeks under CFL's. We'll see.

We lollipopped the girls this morning, got rid of all the dead and dying stuff from the undercanopy. Should clear it out a bit more, and it's already shown an improvement for light penetration, there's less shade on the linoleoum now. Now we can get them to focus on the good stuff ;)


Active Member

you really have some grate looking plants. good pis too.

93 93/93
Thanks :D All we have is a shitty Kodak, but at least the pics come out decently. Nothing as nice as Lordjin's, but not everyone is willing to afford the cost of a good DSLR (or, at least, not yet!)


I'm so glad you're using hid now. That's a nice grow chamber you have there.
Thanks bud, Snickerdoodle predicted this response, we were upstairs a few hours ago taking care of the girls and she knew that you'd say something like that, lol