NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

You guys should STARE at one "star" at a time for at least a few minutes, to see if it moves. If it moves around, you are seeing a UFO.

I only see UFOs in My night sky, I don't see any stars, because they all move around.

@george... Why is it that our goverments keep debunking the existence of ufo's and extra-tertestials. Are they so afraid of losing control?

Yes, maybe...

If I am not mistaken, My whole night sky is filled with UFOs, and if everyone knew this, some people would freak out.

I have no idea what the alien agenda is, but it could be radically different from our governments. Its possible that the aliens want to liberate us from our tyranical governments. But I can only speculate.

I am sure if the aliens were hostile, they could have destroyed us a long time ago.

But, I believe you are correct: if the people had alien technology, the governnents would lose control, because we could just fly into space in a space craft, and we could land in any country.

To be veridical, I would rather be ruled by advanced, benevolent extraterrestrials, than warring governments with rogue leaders.

Let the aliens come!

Human Settlement on Mars

Mars One will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. Crews of four will depart every two years, starting in 2024. Our first unmanned mission will be launched in 2018. Join the Global Mars One Community and participate in our mission to Mars.

Mars One designed a mission using only existing technology. In the coming years, a demonstration mission, communication satellites, two rovers and several cargo missions will be sent to Mars. A reliable living environment will be waiting for the astronauts when they leave Earth.

Astronaut Selection and Preparation

The global search has begun for the first humans to set foot on Mars and make it their home. In an extensive training period, candidates will learn the skills they will need on Mars and on their journey there. The combined skill set of each astronaut team member will cover a very wide range of disciplines.

In 1000 years, everyone on Earth will still remember who the first humans on Mars were. More than 200,000 men and women from around the world responded to the first call for astronauts.

You Make It Happen

The whole world will watch and experience this journey. We are all explorers. Everyone, including you, can participate in space exploration. This can be your mission to Mars!

Join our global effort by sharing our vision with your friends, supporting us and perhaps becoming a Mars astronaut yourself.

hi my name is undercoverfbi and I want you to come take a ride with me in this tinted unmarked white van.


im baked

I applaud inspiration but I feel like ain't shit happening this century.
There are there possible reasons why we would never meet other civilizations. The first is one is the hypothesis of a unique Earth. It says that unique conditions are necessary for the emergence of intelligent beings: in fact, a complete copy of our planet. The second one says we cannot contact aliens for the reason that galactic civilizations either disappear too quickly for us to notice them or the third one is because they actively hide the fact of their existence from humanity.