National Slavery Bill


New Member
The parallels between pre-Nazi Germany and present-day America are many ... but this sounds like the Hitler Youth Program.



New Member
Nazi-Germany was actually a nice place to live if you were a law-abiding Aryan. It's kind of like how the U.S.A is a nice place to live, unless you are a hard-working family man. Yeah, I can see the similarities. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Their will be problems...

This is gonna piss people off, If it is manditory, Its indoctrinating the thought police.

All of Bushes martial Law stuffs gonna come in real handy for Obama now. When The "Right Wing Wackos" Blow something up (think OK city) then Obama will be able to call down the military on the American people. And The Right Wing Wackos Know it to. They will be the scape goat. This will end badly for Freedom.

See why I don't trust either party One puts the Shit in place the other uses it.


Well-Known Member
How much you wanna bet it will be mandatory?


Youth Brigades, for the better future of America! Stop crime, be a hero, join tattle squads today!

Don't let your neighbor smoke cigarettes in his backyard, it's harming everyones air. Call the police to stop terrorism!

Someones on their cell phone, quick, listen to what they're saying. They might be terrorists plotting an attack. Did someone say Fuck Obama? ARREST THEM!

Excuse me sir? Is that a bible in your car? Are you armed? Are you psychologically stable?


Well-Known Member
I Got a few "Correct Words" for them. How about "Don't tread on me" or how about "Come and take them". If it is Manditory How they gonna make us do it? Probably will not let you pass highschool unless you do your time.

I love this we are gonna get a huge dose of government and people already are getting sick of it. I swear BUSH and OBAMA may be the best thing that has happened in the Liberty Movement in this country in a long time. Blowback time!


Well-Known Member
I Got a few "Correct Words" for them. How about "Don't tread on me" or how about "Come and take them". If it is Manditory How they gonna make us do it? Probably will not let you pass highschool unless you do your time.

I love this we are gonna get a huge dose of government and people already are getting sick of it. I swear BUSH and OBAMA may be the best thing that has happened in the Liberty Movement in this country in a long time. Blowback time!
Yeah they're kinda just throwing it all out right now. Youth brigades, smart grid, criminalizing growing food, emergency camps... (not to mention giving ALL of OUR hard earned money away to people who don't give two shits about us)

LOL :bigjoint:

Are they trying to get us to revolt? I mean really... they lie and lie and lie about fixing things as it all gets worse and worse. We can see that, and we're getting fucking pissed. Or maybe they think we're all just really stupid. Which I can't argue against... most aren't very smart these days...


Well-Known Member
I always knew the government wanted to enslave and rule over us like other socialist and communist countries. now it seems that they are admitting it:mad: next thing they will probably hold parties to burn books and even the constitution. scary times we are living in. I hope Obama fucks up so bad that they impeach him.or people start rioting in the streets to protest this asinine government.:finger: :finger:


Well-Known Member
I tell you things are getting out people are getting pissed. Things will be coming to a head. I bet they will pull off some "event" and blame it on Right Wing Wackos or Rascist group or nationalist group or anti-tax group something. Then Yes they will burn the Constitution. 2-3 years Obama will be calling for a Constitutional Convention then we are fucking boned.

We have Troops patroling the streets now. Combat brigades being moved into country to deal with demestic threats. Oh they know whats happening. We've had posse Comatatus sence the 1870's I think and now, now we break it, why now? Only thing that will stop this is if a general sounds off about it. Or when it happens Field grade Officers refuse to follow orders and Arrest their commanders. Because we stand no chance agienst our Army.

However their are lots of Former military and even active military who know whats going on and even Police. Hear about the MIAC thing guess who released that? A cop did, He even broke the Law to do it. There is still some hope IMO its gonna be a pitched battle. But its a battle for hearts and minds. Freedom or slavery your choice.


New Member
The beatings will continue until morale imrpoves !!!

Sorry, I don't allow members of my family to report for brainwashing duty. We'll take a pass on this bullshit.


Well-Known Member
just be happy with what you got and you wont get enslaved to the rat race. spend wisley,spend as though your life depends on it. if you think about it,money has no meaning,it has no value upon your happiness. being "poor" can open peoples eyes. it scares most because they cannot see past the financial struggle. just use your head and make wise decisions. spend cheap,eat cheap,pocket more dough. everything will be ok,just have faith...


Active Member
People are getting sick of this. Do a search on the up coming tea parties. They are being planned all over the country.


Well-Known Member
liberals are basicly lazy.they do not like to work.
and they sure as hell hate the idea of a draft of any kind.
our military would not fire on the american people.
some of the officers are politicians and stupid.but most are patriots that love their country and would give their lifes for the good of the country.their oath is to uphold and deffend the constitution against all enemys foreign or domestic.
there are only 1.5 million men and women in our military.over two thirds of them are support positions for combat troops . ( where the real fighting is done)less than 400K troops are combat troops.
the american population consists of 300 million people with over 300 million firearms.
so now not only do we have less than a half million troops fighting a HUGE FUCKING INSURGENCY of three hundred million people spanning the land mass of the USA? iraq is only the size of a small state.
look at the time it took to take control of iraq.
many many citizens have served in our military.almost all the military is right wing gun toting fanatics as soon as they get out they join the NRA ,in orther words they are not going to put up with this bull shit our government is doing.
the military would be easly defeated along with the government.even if they wanted to take control of the country..they simpley do not have the man power to do it even if they had the will.they couldnt even count on most of their army.


Well-Known Member
liberals are basicly lazy.they do not like to work.
and they sure as hell hate the idea of a draft of any kind.
our military would not fire on the american people.
some of the officers are politicians and stupid.but most are patriots that love their country and would give their lifes for the good of the country.their oath is to uphold and deffend the constitution against all enemys foreign or domestic.
there are only 1.5 million men and women in our military.over two thirds of them are support positions for combat troops . ( where the real fighting is done)less than 400K troops are combat troops.
the american population consists of 300 million people with over 300 million firearms.
so now not only do we have less than a half million troops fighting a HUGE FUCKING INSURGENCY of three hundred million people spanning the land mass of the USA? iraq is only the size of a small state.
look at the time it took to take control of iraq.
many many citizens have served in our military.almost all the military is right wing gun toting fanatics as soon as they get out they join the NRA ,in orther words they are not going to put up with this bull shit our government is doing.
the military would be easly defeated along with the government.even if they wanted to take control of the country..they simpley do not have the man power to do it even if they had the will.they couldnt even count on most of their army.
All enemies foreign and domestic?

Where the hell's the military coup against D.C. then?


Well-Known Member
The Mass Awakening... I LOVE IT.
We're the good side, the rebel force... preparing our army.

We're preparing for the great war. WE WILL PREVAIL! We have God on our side. We have the multitudes of humanity.

Hell hath opened it's foul gates.

Yes indeed... it is coming.
Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not fear.