Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk


Active Member
Bill, u go from 9 weeks of flowering to 12 MONTHS lol, its okay, we know what you mean. How the hell do I make a plant go hermie?


Active Member
shake it? R u fuckin with my head, natty? So if I switched the light cycles on it every day, that would be considered light stress, correct?


Well-Known Member
Idk about shaking it but say you expose it to a heavy light leak for 20 min. a day during flowering, it SHOULD cause it to hermie on it self. As long as you pollinate the hermie pollen, with a non- hermie I.E. a clone or another female. then the seeds will more than likely feminized


Well-Known Member
Here is the deal, wait till harvest time, allow the plant to continue to go past it's optimum harvest day, eventually it will start to sense it will not be pollinated, and it is gonna die, so it will produce male flowers in a last ditch effort to survive. Collect pollen from now hermie plant, and harvest your buds. Doing it that way reduces the risk of have a seedy plant because it went hermie and pollinated itself.


Well-Known Member
as long as you can make it grow male flowers towards the end of harvest, that way you can harvest soon after the male flowers are ready to be collected. But you don't want the hermie male flowers to pollinate the crop it is growing on.


Well-Known Member
true! so I guess since seed production halts THC production and letting it go past ripe also diminishes THC production. then I guess it wouldn't matter either way you do it


Well-Known Member
So you guys just want to do the seed bank? Not like a full on dispensary that sells bud and clones?


Well-Known Member
You could always do all of it to start and fund the business with that then when it got to the point of being stocked full of beans switch over. Just a thought.