NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!


Well-Known Member
Jerry....did we make any progress?

Hey BABS! Whats up lately? Aint heard from you in a while....everything going allright?
Wassup---you didn't get my pm alluding to "the green?"
Don't ever ask me a question Bone and think I won't answer:mrgreen:--things are just "marvelous"....broke my tailbone ice skating, a teenager ran into my car and family tragedy all in one week! Hey, life goes on, right?bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
Yeah Jerry, wth are you? You are supposed to be giving us DETAILS---chalk that up as I am lazy with googling. :peace:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Sorry guys...I've been quite busy lately.

I can't find any news regarding the status of the bill or the results of any vote held a few days ago. I'm gonna do some digging and I'll get back to ya'll.

Hope your tailbone is ok really I hope you're ok!


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys...I've been quite busy lately.

I can't find any news regarding the status of the bill or the results of any vote held a few days ago. I'm gonna do some digging and I'll get back to ya'll.

Hope your tailbone is ok really I hope you're ok!
::smile:::you just have to have to laugh at all the BS, you know?
My damn fault for trying to be Nancy Kerrigan.


Active Member
They did not vote on the bill in the last reading..according to the wral local website..Maybe we will have better luck a little bit later in the year when the NC economy gets worse and they keep bringing up ideas for revenue...


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling less and less hopeful about this bill---particularly when there are so few who are willing to actually STAND UP for it.
N.C. House panel considers medical marijuana bill ::
First few lines read:

RALEIGH, N.C. — People who say they smoke marijuana to relieve chronic pain asked House members Thursday to legalize its possession and cultivation for medicinal use, but a bill discussed in committee isn't likely to be considered again this year.
"There's just not enough support," said Rep. Bob England, D-Rutherford, co-chairman of the House Health Committee that took testimony but didn't vote on the medical marijuana bill.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
While this is a rather discouraging report, it is by no means the end of the battle. Upon reading the article I think there we NEED to bombard Mr. Bob England with proof that people in this state want it to happen. That means taking the battle well outside the confines of RIU and to the STREETS!

I emailed Mr. England a couple weeks ago along with the other members of the Health committee, but I think now he needs some personal communications sent his way.

Also, Mr.(?) Winkie Wilkins of Person county needs to receive some information regarding addictive substances. There is plenty of literature out there citing the addictive qualities of their proposed alternative "prescription" many people have been addicted to vicodin...?

If you go to the comments page, there is clearly some support there. Like this one...

"So as a police officer I have to tell you I have never been to a call that involved a person that was high beating there wife. I have been on hundreds of calls with a drunk husband beating there wife. So really how bad can it be? Also would you rather have me spending time writing up arrest reports on a couple of kids smoking, or have me patrolling your neighborhood looking for real crime, like someone robbing someone."
GOLO member since May 28, 2009
June 18, 2009 5:16 p.m.

Maybe we should try to contact WRAL about getting some positive coverage of these delegations...they certainly have the resources to drum up support...


Well-Known Member
Hey Jerry.....I'll have to do some reading up as to who these people are and what their views on the "eversovery evil MJ" are.
I've been so very busy lately, but know one thing----I AM THERE WITH YA when the time comes to take it to the STREET. You just have no idea how bold I can a most professional manner of course. ;-)


Well-Known Member you have an e-mail address or two for Mr. England that you can post here? I don't know what his personal views are on legalizing medicinal mj.
Being he is co-chairman of health committee, it's not a bad idea to "begin" with sending some letters of support. I wonder....did you ever get a response from him?
Winkie Wilkins???:bigjoint:Exactly, who is he? LOL, what a name. I take it he is not a proponent of the bill?
I can certainly give Mr. Winkie an education on the realities of what the FDA has deemed safe and appropriate.
:::don't get me started:::
Recently, my doctor jumped on me for not taking my "prescribed" muscle relaxants and pain killers. What was I supposed to do? Tell her I opt for the j a day vs. the chemicals leaving me dopey and miserable?
This health committee NEEDS a dose from MOI. Take my word.......I can INDEED educate them.
I get phone calls every single week from Red Cross because they really want my blood. I'm a "baby donor".......I can only speculate as to why. "But"...despite the fact that I have given them a list of my "prescribed" meds---some of which are "level one".......they still INSIST my blood is GOOD. I still can't get over that. I just have to believe that my blood is somehow being used to save little babies somewhere.
But truthfully, if I were the mother of a baby receiving my blood and knew of what meds may be possibly flowing through that blood........I'd worry. I can take this to many different levels.
A point in time will simply just have to be met realistically in the NEAR future as to WHY "they" so adamantly put evil labels on mj's use. It's just past time they back up those foolish claims.
Come on are officially the RIU chairman (lol:o:clap::shock:), how to contact WRAL to drum up REALISTIC and positive support of this bill???

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Here's the contact info given on the nc gen assembly website for Mr. Bob England

303 Legislative Office Building Phone: 919-733-5749
Legislative Mailing Address:
NC House of Representatives
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 303
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Terms in House: 4 (0 in Senate)
District: 112 Counties Represented: Cleveland, RutherfordOccupation: Doctor
P. O. Box 908, Ellenboro, NC 28040 Phone: 828-453-8807
Military Experience:
US Air Force, 1951-55 Personal Website: N/A
No Gifts List*:

I was thinking a few handwritten letters might make an impact on this guy...he's older than dirt...

I'll work on the WRAL thing next...


Active Member
i was just lookin at this for South Carolina! if North got it, it wouldnt take long for South to get it haha! Id write or knock on his door if i lived in NC instead of SC...illl still write a e-mail tho....i live bout an 2 hours from NC 2007 a guy introduced it to senate but then died of a heart attack like 2 months before the hearing...what a shame


Well-Known Member
i was just lookin at this for South Carolina! if North got it, it wouldnt take long for South to get it haha! Id write or knock on his door if i lived in NC instead of SC...illl still write a e-mail tho....i live bout an 2 hours from NC 2007 a guy introduced it to senate but then died of a heart attack like 2 months before the hearing...what a shame
Now, that's what I call a good neighbor. I'll be sure to send my e-mail supporting SC when a bill is introduced.


Active Member
^^^palmetto pothead, haha i was wonderin if there was anyone from SC on here...but sent e-mails g'luck! an no prob.!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey Jer any thing we can do in SC let me know. I've emailed Rep. Bob England and a few others so are my friends. Just hope its passes , then maybe SC will follow .
Thanks greendude! Just keep spreading the good word for now. And we'll see where that takes us.


Active Member
im originally from Virginia in the blue ridge mountains, an you talk about outdoor growing :), i miss it, but now since in myrtle beach, im moving inside and tryin to get this shit down lol