Need a little help.


Hey guys my friend bought a plant in flowering stage, now he transported it from his friends house, to his house, then to mine. Now he was busy yesterday to get a light and I want to grow this indoors, its a good looking healthy plant. I want to know how long the plant will live before she will start to go downhill because there is no light.

I would estimate that shes been in darkness since 3 pm yesterday and its now 9:23 am.

He wont be home to get the light until about 5:30 tonight, so its still a long time until tyrueuh gets her light. Will she be ok?

Currently shes still lookin good, I will post some pix later.

btw this is my first grow.


Active Member
You should try to get her as much light as you can. Even if its just sticking her on the window sill for 12hrs a day, Or under a couple CFL's till you can provide sufficient lighting.

Also pics? How old is she and how late into flowering? Height? Im assuming this is a soil grow?


She is bout 2 feet tall, not sure what kind of soil shes in but shes in a good size bucket so thats good, she smells real fruity as well. My friend said that shes in her first week of flowering, so shes not too dank yet, but i know its only a matter of time...I am trying to post some pix but i dont have a camera right now so hope i will be able to get some up later. What would the side effects be for not enough light? Would she start to slouch because theres no light to reach for?

Thanks for the response.

Also, I have a rare bone disorder that causes me a lot of pain, would purple urkle help my pain?