Need advice on useing jobe's ORGANICS Granular fertilizer!? please

phenix white

Active Member
ok i plan on using this stuff for the flowering process of my Super Silver Haze(GH).
the NPK is 2-7-4). its the Vegetable & Tomato with exclusive BIOZOME Formula(Archaea Microorg). Bone Meal/Feather Meal/Sulfate Of Ptash/ Composted Poultry Manure/Fungi/Bacteria.
Also contains 12,0606 colony forming units(cfu's) ect.. tyons of mycorrhiae. ok noww my questions are- can i use this in brewing tea? or do i have to put it on soil then water or blend in top soil?? and how much should i use???
Granular form....put it on the ground first and then water.

Try putting it in a compost tea also. You may have to put it in a filter of some sort to keep it from sinking to and staying on the bottom.

If the fertilizer is new to your plants start with at least 1/4 of the recommended amounts listed on the bottle/container. Increase or decrease the amounts of fertilizer used after you see how your plants respond.
ok i plan on using this stuff for the flowering process of my Super Silver Haze(GH).
the NPK is 2-7-4). its the Vegetable & Tomato with exclusive BIOZOME Formula(Archaea Microorg). Bone Meal/Feather Meal/Sulfate Of Ptash/ Composted Poultry Manure/Fungi/Bacteria.
Also contains 12,0606 colony forming units(cfu's) ect.. tyons of mycorrhiae. ok noww my questions are- can i use this in brewing tea? or do i have to put it on soil then water or blend in top soil?? and how much should i use???

Its not organic bro... srry but whomever sold that to you is lying
any liquid/pellet NPK over 1-1-1 is chemically altered
look for the .01-.05-.01 looking things
and check your labels!!!
it must say "Derived from kelp" for example or guano ect..
Hope this helps

so your telling me earth Juice grow)3-1-1) and Earth Juice Bloom (0-3-2) is altered and isnt real organic??? plus your telling me age old organics with 4-8-10) is altered...just because the NPK is higher than 1-1-1.. what kinda weAK ASS GROW WOULD 1-1-1 PRODUCE ORGANICLY???
Its not organic bro... srry but whomever sold that to you is lying
any liquid/pellet NPK over 1-1-1 is chemically altered
look for the .01-.05-.01 looking things
and check your labels!!!
it must say "Derived from kelp" for example or guano ect..
Hope this helps

I have 0 experience with this stuff, but a good rule of thumb with dry organic amendments is to use 1tbl/gallon of mix and observe your plants.

It's easy to add more if needed, but a bitch to try and remove too much.

thas what i did Wet! We shall see!!! its the last 2 feeds of my BLUE HELL's Life! So ill feed her these 2 times then just water for 2 weeks after!
Its not organic bro... srry but whomever sold that to you is lying
any liquid/pellet NPK over 1-1-1 is chemically altered
look for the .01-.05-.01 looking things
and check your labels!!!
it must say "Derived from kelp" for example or guano ect..
Hope this helps


Horse puckey!
so there lying to me on the bag is what your saying? its says NPK 2-7-4

Just use it as a top dressing or in soil amendment mix. The ratio is pretty good for growing cannabis. I've used FF tomato/veg granule ferts before as a fast treatment and this stuff is quite similar. I do remember reading somewhere here Super Silver Haze has finicky roots in soil so less is best at first -Start with TBSP per gallon of soil mix, 2 tsp around the bare root crown by digging out the soil, apply and soil top the crown. Wait a week or after a few plain waterings if she's good and go ahead use 1/2 per plant rates according to box is what I'd do. It would be a waste to use granule ferts in tea mix, use compost, guano, worm castings instead for tea.
i tried it brewing into a tea it seemed to work good??? mayb i dont' really know thou. im compltely new to Granular ferts. I wont add it to my supersilver haze till i transplant into a 5 gal bucket . for now shes vegin with alska 2-2-2 ferts. so i read how to apply it as you stated.Why would it be a waste in brewing tea???
Just use it as a top dressing or in soil amendment mix. The ratio is pretty good for growing cannabis. I've used FF tomato/veg granule ferts before as a fast treatment and this stuff is quite similar. I do remember reading somewhere here Super Silver Haze has finicky roots in soil so less is best at first -Start with TBSP per gallon of soil mix, 2 tsp around the bare root crown by digging out the soil, apply and soil top the crown. Wait a week or after a few plain waterings if she's good and go ahead use 1/2 per plant rates according to box is what I'd do. It would be a waste to use granule ferts in tea mix, use compost, guano, worm castings instead for tea.
Its not organic bro... srry but whomever sold that to you is lying
any liquid/pellet NPK over 1-1-1 is chemically altered
look for the .01-.05-.01 looking things
and check your labels!!!
it must say "Derived from kelp" for example or guano ect..
Hope this helps


anyone reading this should not follow this advice. it is not correct and is bad information.
i tried it brewing into a tea it seemed to work good??? mayb i dont' really know thou. im compltely new to Granular ferts. I wont add it to my supersilver haze till i transplant into a 5 gal bucket . for now shes vegin with alska 2-2-2 ferts. so i read how to apply it as you stated.Why would it be a waste in brewing tea???

How do you know that it worked better than a real tea? It would work but that dry stuff gets unnecessarily expensive if you use tea a lot. The granule form is meant to be mixed in soil. Single concentrated ingredients like guano, EWC, compost, bone/blood meal etc is the way to go in the art of AACT.
i know that i use earth juice and age old orgaincs all the time strictly. this time i ran out cant get for a while so i imprvissed!
so does it work to make it into tea??? no one can really answer this its been driving me crazy!. it seems like its working sum