need Advice with clones


Active Member

I have several clones in coco that rooted 5-7 days ago. I have been feeding them with at 280 ppm solution

150 ppm GH calmag
130 ppm sensi A and B
A few drops of GH rapid start
PHed to 5.9-60

New leaves are forming and roots are popping out of the bottom of the styrofoam cups. Is this a a good ppm to be feeding these young clones? I don't want to give them to little but i don't want to give them too much either. Do they look OK? When do you think I will start seeing rapid growth?
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Well-Known Member
They look great, let them tell you when they need more nutes. Don't just start feeding them more and more right away. Maybe increase nutes when you transplant to a bigger container or when they show a little lighter green. They don't need a lot yet, but that will change as they get bigger.

Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
They look great, let them tell you when they need more nutes. Don't just start feeding them more and more right away. Maybe increase nutes when you transplant to a bigger container or when they show a little lighter green. They don't need a lot yet, but that will change as they get bigger.

Happy Growing
Perfect answer, I would just elaborate a bit and say that you should probably be planning a transplant soon if the roots are already popping out of the solo cup. I usually go cut to rapid rooter, however long to show roots, then a week-10 days in a solo cup and by then they are ready for 3 gallon



Active Member
i am waiting for larger pots to come in the mail. Do you they will be ok like this for 5 more days? These were cloned in coco in these same cups and the roots appeared at the bottom of the stem so I think don't think they have overtaken the entire medium yet. I have them under a 750 watt metal halide that is four feet above them. Is this too much light? Sorry for all the questions. It is my first time cloning.


Active Member
Bump for lighting answers, I can't talk from experience but i've read that after 2 days add a small cfl and after 7-10 they should be ready for the big lights.

I have a question about his original plan of adding nutes. If people suggest that when I clone I should lower nitrogen for the plant I am taking clones from for a week or two then why would i want to add any nutrients in the early stages of the cloning process (first 15 days)?


Active Member
Yeah they will be fine, it will just slow them down a bit. you will be good though, MJ is a very resilient plant
Hello. You were right. They got rootbound. I transplanted them two days ago into 2 gallon pots. I have been hearing conflicting information on how often I should be watering them. They are under a 1000 w metal halide.
I am feeding them with:
200ppm cal mag
330 sensi a and b
silica blast
total ppm 590.
How do you think they are doing? Are they growing at decent rate? Comments and suggestions please. Thank you



Well-Known Member
Are you keeping them in those pots thru flower? I would wait 3-5 days in case of any transplant shock and then flip.

Slowly start bumping up the nutes and go to full strength-750-1000ppm depending on your girl. Then go till whatever and start a flush- should be nice.


Active Member
i actually have another 4x4 with 1000watt. I am going to split them up (do 8 in each tent). I will be using the screen of green method. I am waiting for my flood tables to come so I can set up my drain to waste system. I intend to keep them in the same pots through flower and do multiple feedings (3-5) per day. I have read that large smaller pots work better with coco. Do you think these pots will be ok? Thanks for your feedback.


Well-Known Member
Sure, you are going to veg for longer though if you intend to do a SCROG? With a SCROG the whole thing is needing less plants for a big space. Are these all Female?


Active Member
here is an update. they seem to be growing really well. the only thing concerning me is the purpling of the petioles as well as some purple striping on the main stalks. apart from that they seem to be growing ok. i read that purpling is ok as long it is not accompanied with other symptoms. i have increased the feeding. comments and suggestions appreciated

i am now giving them
200 ppm cal mag
500 ppm dyna gro foliage pro

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Active Member
Hello. Here is an update. I recently installed my newly arrived flood table in this tent. As you can see it is getting packed in this tent. I plan on splitting the plants up between this tent and another one. I will install the scrog nets in a couple of days. How do you think the plants look?
I am currently feeding:

320 ppm cal mag
30 ppm protekt
70 ppm mag pro
420 dyna gro veg

total 840 ppm.
IMG_0525.JPG IMG_0526.JPG IMG_0527.JPG IMG_0528.JPG

I heard this strain (Moby Dick dinafem) is a heavy feeder. I noticed a lot of new growth after bumping up the cal mag levels. Now I worried that it is too high. Dialing in these plants is not as easy as I had thought. I have also notices some of the edges on the leaves are a little bit bit wrinkled. Could this be caused by low RH? What do you think? Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
You got it bro. Dont doubt yourself. Your thumb is green. They look happier to me. Show us the wrinkling you speak of. From what I see, you got the nute level about right.


Active Member
Here is an update. The plants have been split up between the two tents. I will put the scrog nets down tomorrow or the day after. I plan on vegging for another 12-16 days depending on how full the canopy is. Comments and suggestions appreciated. Thank you.
Tent 1
Tent 2
IMG_0532.JPG The small plant in the front will be removed when my new 600 watt MH comes in the mail. It will become the mother plant for the next run. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Excellent work, I am only worried about the balancing act. Gotta get a table in there bro. What if one gets heavier/lighter than the ones on the opposite side. No good. I hope I dont sound harsh or anything, I just want you to be successful, ya dig? If you want come check my journal out, you might make some new friends. ;)


Active Member
No worries Shiska. I appreciate your advice. Even though it does not seem like it in the pics.. the tables are actually very stable. They are sitting on top of two upside down totes made of thick plastic. I will check out your journal and will update after the scrog is installed. cheers:weed:


Well-Known Member
No worries Shiska. I appreciate your advice. Even though it does not seem like it in the pics.. the tables are actually very stable. They are sitting on top of two upside down totes made of thick plastic. I will check out your journal and will update after the scrog is installed. cheers:weed:
Cool, from my angle I was a little worried they may fall.